Masters Running


Super Monday 2/7 Daily Thread (Read 525 times)

    Hope the football fans enjoyed the game.


    After hockey & Super Bowl overindulgence, I suspected I’d be a slug for this morning’s run. Instead, to my surprise, it was a sproinky 10.7 miles @ 8:18, with half on the trail on a frosty but beautiful morning.


    Hope everyone has a good week!

    Be safe. Be kind.


      Forced myself out of bed and over to the gym for a workout and a couple miles on the treadmill.  Now to see if I can force myself to put in a good day's work.  I made it through the super bowl junk food minefield pretty good yesterday.  A few too many chocolate chip cookies was about as bad as it got.  I was lucky that there wasn't enough pizza on hand for me to need to eat a bunch.




        Good morning. Lots of great running this weekend, including long runs by Erika, Holly, and Karin. Erika, your Juneau runs sound beautifuland pretty speedy too!


        As expected my weekend running was pretty limited. 5 mile quick recvoery run on Satruday then off to work a ski race. Long day but blessedly not cold. Hated to miss such a good ski day though. Yesterday i skied the morning then went to watch DS at his ski race. Poor  kid fell both runs; he was going for it and hit a rut or something. No injuries thankfully but lots of tears.  But hey, the world cup racers crash regularly. Just part of the deal. 


        I got out this  morning for 8 miles. Legs felt good after the easy weekend, but there wasa  bit of black ice here and there so not many speedy parts. if I ever get to run on warm dry pavement i will not know what to do. It is milder today; this afternoon would be very nice but that is not convenient for me.


        Happy Monday!

        Marathon Maniac #957

          Good Morning!


          Tramps – nice to be sproinky on a Monday.


          Dave59 – great job navigating the party food minefield – tough to do!


          {{{Lamerunner's DS}}}  Thankfully no injuries, but tough nevertheless.


          Mariposai - I'm hoping you show that Beerbelly a thing or two!  Smile


          Yesterday afternoon DD and I did 55 minutes of P90X yoga together, the first 30 minutes of moving postures and then 25 minutes of stretches and balancing.  We had a lot of laughs at our attempts at some of the moves.  OrangeMat – I don’t think I’ll ever master the Crane.


          I was supposed to do P90X Legs and Back today, but my legs are just too tired today, so I did Chest, Shoulders and Triceps instead.


          Some bitter temps heading in today for a few days, but the extended forecast shows temps in the upper 30's for next week.  I hope they're right!


          Happy Monday!

          Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


            Where is everyone?  I guess they had a little too much fun at Super Bowl Parties last night.


            Nice 10+ miler Tramps


            5 ez miles for me this am.


            Since I didn't post yesterday, I thought I mention that DW and I got a nice close up view of a Great Blue Heron yesterday during our run.  Right at the base of the creek about 1/2 mile from home.  We able to get w/in about 10 ft of it before it flew away.  Last week DW had to chase one out of our yard.  It was on top of the waterfall of our Koi pond.  Luckily all Koi are still accounted for. 

            A few weeks ago, at the same creek, I had the best spot- Not 1, but 2 bald eagles soaring around.  I spotted the first one  while stopped to stretch on the bridge.  It flew around for a few minutes,, then landed in a tree, then flew away.  As it was flying away from me, I saw the other pass it coming back towards me, then land in the same tree.  After watching for several minutes, I finally started running again, and one flying above the field I was running past. 


            Enjoy your day everyone.

     a Famous Runner

              (Mark Twain)

              once said-


              I woke

               up this morning

              with all the sense

              of a Duck Struck on the Head With a Mallet......




     day...............for my own safety if nothing else...



              ..............good running guys

              ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....


                Holly, fantastic activity with your DD. Wow, you ran 19 miles and still had energy to yoga...simply amazing.

                SteveP postings always makes me smile. 

                JTV, great sighting of the Great Blue Heron yesterday. 

                Tramps, great 10 miler today.

                tomwhite, what a way to bring Mark Twain to us this morning.

                How did you guys enjoy the game yesterday? I cooked taco soup for the guys and at their request I made the famous irish soda-a-la-twocat, which was eaten up in a few minutes.


                 Francesca!!!!!!!! 29 hours and a nigth of hell....I can't wait to read all about it. Please write a longgggggg RR for us all.



                No running for me yet. The soleus feels pretty good today, but even then I still want to be careful, so on the elliptical I will go tonight where this   is more appealing than being on the darn thing for one hour...


                May your day is as gorgeous as the sunrise I saw this morning!



                "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard


                MM #6177

                  Hi everyone. Like Holly, DD and I also had a shared exercise experience yesterday: we joined the local no-frills gym together. Turns out lots of teens go there, which hopefully will be more incentive for her to go regularly. Well, let me rephrase that: lots of teens BELONG there, though it's uncertain how often they go. Me, I just want to use the elliptical and get out. I'm really not into the whole weight-lifting, ab-crunching testosterzone scene. But DD was pretty adamant about wanting to join, so after we went yesterday and used our free guest passes, we signed up. Who knows, maybe I'll even venture into the cardio cinema and watch a movie with PBJ?


                  Been going to a lot of yoga classes lately, some are hits, and some, like today's, are misses. With this bizarro injury I have, I really need to work intensively and selectively on only one side, which makes attending a regularly-paced and structured class somewhat challenging, both for me and the teacher. The standard corrections and adjustments just don't work for me. So for a teacher who doesn't know me, they'll try to help and it'll just end up worse rather than better. Ah well, I suppose that's part of the practice too, knowing that not every class I go to will be a "success". But like running, every outing IS worthwhile, so I'll continue to go with an open mind and heart.


                  And speaking of running, I'm still not. While my body is benefiting from the rest, my mind is being challenged by it. How's that saying go? It's 90% mental and the other half is physical. For sure!


                  Holly, by Crane pose, you mean crow, right? The names get confused sometimes, as well as some details of the alignment (butt higher, butt lower, shins outside of arms, knees in armpits, etc.). It's really a much easier pose than most people realize, which is the case with many arm balances. If you're trying to muscle your way into it, you'll never balance. I mean, yeah, sure, your arms have to be strong and your core has to be engaged, but it's not a brute force sort of thing. What kind of instructions do you get from your video about how to do it?


                  Let's see, what else.... oh yeah, football. A non-event in my life. Sure, we went to a party last night, but I fell asleep on the couch during the third quarter.  The halftime show was painful to watch, and thankfully I missed the national anthem. So all in all, a good night!


                  Hoping to get to the gym this afternoon for some ellipticaling. I did an hour's worth yesterday and covered a bit over 7 miles, most of the time not holding on with my hands. I don't ever use the moving arm thingies; those machines are built for people with a much bigger wingspan than me (I'm only 5'2" and am short-limbed to begin with). So as best I can, I make it a core workout too. Whoopie!


                  Enjoy your Monday, all.

                    Mari - What race did Francesca participate in?


                    I was able to skim through the dailies for the last couple of days - lots of good running over the weekend.


                    Had my longest B2Bs at 24/10.  Saturday's 24 were exhausting as we really pushed the hill work.  There are also a couple of sections that are really rocky.  Going up isn't a problem, but coming down and trying to figure out foot placement so you don't twist an ankle just takes it outta you.  Plus, the timber company had come through and done some brush cutting, so we had to contend with more rocks that had been thrown into the road and lots of branches bushes.  I ended up with a fairly sore left foot, but nothing that some ibu and a night of rest couldn't help.  Yesterday's 10 went much better than I anticipated . . . although I did choose the flatter of the two routes I take. Blush


                    Now I get to taper.  Voondebah! Approve

                    Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                    Trail Runner Nation

                    Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                    Bare Performance


                    Marathon Maniac #957


                      Holly, by Crane pose, you mean crow, right?  What kind of instructions do you get from your video about how to do it?




                      Yes, that's the culpret.  I don't remember what the instructions were, other than to put a pillow on the floor in front of you in case you land on your head.   Roll eyes


                      Leslie - nice weekend of running!

                      Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


                      MM #6177

                        Yes, that's the culpret.  I don't remember what the instructions were, other than to put a pillow on the floor in front of you in case you land on your head.   Roll eyes

                        Ugh, no wonder! Let me know if you want the step-by-step, I'll PM it to you.


                        Oh joy, just found out that all the legs for the Ragnar Relay NY have been changed! So now my three Moderate legs are now Very Hard, Hard and Moderate. The team is having a meeting tonight, so hopefully we'll reassign the legs appropriately. Though at this point, I don't even think I could do the 1.5 mile Easy one! Dead

                        Marathon Maniac #957

                          Yes, I'd love the step-by-step.


                          When is your relay?

                          Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


                          MM #6177

                            Relay is May 13-14. I'm printing out all the new legs right now. Hopefully doing that chore for everyone will earn me the good graces for leniency on the assignment of my new legs. Wink

                              Tramps, nice 4 mile race.  tomw, great run.  lame, that sounds like a tough skiing day for your son.  jtv, neat Blue Heron and eagle sightings.  mari, healing vibes for your skiing injury.


                              Nice long runs for nono, maine, hallar, perch, Twocat, evan, CNY, blazin, holly, Walt, dive, mariposai, ean, Tramps, and fatozzig.


                              This morning, it was in the mid to high 20s and there was a little wind.  I had hoped to leave my Yaks home but we had a light snow and the TV weatherman was warning people that it was a slippery snow.  I got in 8 miles in enough over 1:29 for an 11:10 pace.


                              A good day and good runs for all.



                              Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

                                Oh my .... I think I could do the "crow" when I was in high school.   A pillow would be a great idea when trying it.


                                Larry - we may be training for the same race, but I concede right now  - you will beat me.    I won't talk smack to ya like the Tim and Slo show.  Wink


                                Rest day for me.  I ran 4 yesterday before participating in a very dissapointing craft show.    Home in time to watch Christina ruin the National Anthem - how dissapointing that was.    At least the Packer's won - I think JLynne must still be recouperating!!


                                "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
                                It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."


