Masters Running


Out like a lamb, last day of March runs and such ..... (Read 557 times)

    Out like a lamb?!  Where?    Here there are record floods!  All I can say is we spent a lot of construction units on water proofing our basement a few years ago; boy was that a good idea!  You would not believe all the pumps at work around here and all of the northeast.  At least it looks like April will come in like a lamb!  So that is something!  

    Live like you are dying not like you are afraid to die.

    Drunken Irish Soda Bread and Irish Brown Bread this way -->


      Sure hope it dries out in time for Boston! But I like the idea of the weather getting all the stormy stuff out of her system before "the" big weekend. I realize it doesn't work that way, but it's nice to think that. Anyone got any long range guesses on the weather for Patriots' Day?


      Mariposai, I skimmed yesterday's thread, and I'm sure I'll forget to mention most of the cool stuff everyone has been up to, but I wanted to give a big cheer for you and your wellness efforts! The effects your work has had on people like Craig are just huge. Not only in the reduction of health risks for the individual and whatever health plan he may be on, but the improvement in his quality of life is just immeasurable. This is a lot of what I do at work, overseeing our wellness program (which we outsource to a company in Anchorage). The feedback we get from participants who have had results similar to your person is wonderful to hear. We know we've helped improve their quality of life, and had a positive impact on the costs of our health plan. But our plan is expensive, and we're constantly battling the cry of "cut that program! It's too expensive! Prove that it's helping!" and that gets frustrating. Proving ROI on these things is hard to do, but seeing the results in someone like Craig is proof for me!


      Holly and Karin, what a wonderful time you two had! And topping if off with a run this morning is just icing on the cake.


      DG, I think you're doing fine. You'll come back when you're ready, and be awesome.


      Yeah, Tramps... "easy" and "7:31" just shouldn't be in the same sentence. Nice run. And nice bookend runs for Byll and Perch!


      Byll, you've got so much good quality training behind you, I agree that at this point you could run everything easy and even skip a few and be just fine. I thought you were in full taper mode now anyway, didn't realize you had one more long run. You, Perch and me it seems.


      Yay that B'Nellie is feeling better! I hate it when our critters are sick or hurt. Oftentimes we can only guess at the problem, and then they recovery without intervention anyway (usually). What do you mean by stressing the puppies? Would love to see pictures of the little cows!


      Ok, I'm making up for lost time, it seems. I got out for a late run last night, left around 6 to drive down the road and run along the bike path, rolling hills but nothing huge. I just didn't have it in me to tackle the hill back to home, and a lot of mud on our road. 6.5 miles @ 8:15 avg pace... The actual mile splits were all over the place based on terrain, but that's the average. Legs felt tired and heavy. Running home from work tonight, if I can find someone to come get my car.


        One last thought for Jlynne... I thought I might have PF last fall after RVM, but tried all the treatments for that with no improvement (and like you it was arch more than heel, and better in the morning). I'd take time off, get better, run some and get worse again. Pain was in the arch, on the medial (inside) side, sometimes extending up to the lower inner ankle area. I'd ice it, take ibu, take time off, but then run again and it would flare up. Turns out it was post tibial tendinitis, most likely from running on crowned roads (slope down from center for drainage). I didn't think the roads were that crowned in Victoria, but apparently they are. Last time I had that was after running Napa, and the crowned roads were a real issue for me there. So... two weeks off running completely in January, which is what put me so far behind the curve on Boston training. But it helped tremendously. I did elliptical/rowing/pool running in the interim. Just a thought...

           Now Tramps, dude, what are we going to do with you? ... 7.1 easy miles @ 7:31??

           Oops, typo as I was rushing out for a meeting this morning.  They really were easy: 8:31. 

          Be safe. Be kind.


          Trails are hard!

            Good early afternoon, all.  My cross training consisted of an extra 5 hours of sleep this morning.  My ear was so stuffed, I got elbowed while being asked--"Can't you hear your alarm?"  So I decided turning it off and going back to sleep was a really good idea.  So now I feel rested, still stuffed somewhat, but rested.  It's not a bad thing.


            We survived the flood/monsoon of '10 with only minor dampness in the basement.  If it had happened 2 months ago when the ground was frozen, we would have been in deep something.

            Need a fast half for late fall.  Then I need to actually train for it.


              George - hope we bring this florida sunshine back to MA with us - would love to get together for a run sometime!


               Absolutely. Once things dry out, I'm looking forward to Saturday morning runs on the Battle Road Trail in Minuteman National Park. My favorite run. And belated Happy B-Day.


              Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

                Sorry TwoCat!   I know that not everyone is having our great unseasonably warm end of March.  


                That is an awesom picture Holly and great run this morning to both you and Karin!  


                For those that want to learn what stressing is, and also see some videos, I put some new stuff on my website this morning:


                For those that just want a quick snapshot:


                A very plump and content Wilson:


                Six little cows on the kitchen floor:


                "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
                It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."




                  Adorable! Look at that belly!

                    NYC.....Holly.....Great photo! 


                    Hopeful......the 6 little cows are awesome!

                    Quit being so damn serious! When we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change. "Ya just gotta let it go." OM

                      Holly, so jealous I am that you and Karin got to see that game, and go for a run the next day.

                      Love the little cows!

                      I'm still not convinced Tramps made a typo.


                      I suppose today is a "double" as my cell phone rang 2 miles into my run and I had to go get DS at school who has been having on and off flu symptoms all week.  Since I need 2.1 more miles to hit 100.0 for March, I'll go out again tonight to do that, or maybe even a mile or two more.

                      "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."

                        Mary - Very interesting about the stressing.  Do they cry the whole time?  I'm also very surprised at how much the color of their coats are going to change.


                        Byll, Perch, and Tramps - Examples of how fast I want to be when I grow up.


                        Stumpy - Hope the cold/ear thing goes away soon.


                        Holly - How's the remodeling coming along?


                        'Posai - I finally broke down and talked to the doc about my asthma (which I've had since I was a kid).  First prescribed Advair, but that was $170 for a 1-month supply. ()  Now she's looking as Azmacort or something else.  Anything less expensive than Advair is fine by me.  The Albuterol just isn't getting the job done anymore.  It's not uncommon for me to have to use it 3 or 4 times during a 10-mile run, depending on how cold it is.  Trail runs - it's gotten ridiculous how often I have to use it.  {sigh}  Why couldn't I have been born with better lungs instead of beautiful?


                        5.6 "just run" miles this a.m. in practically IRC.  Had to wear my winter tights for maybe, oh, only the 3rd or 4th time this season, light long sleeve shirt, gloves, and my ear warmers.  Never got overheated.  Looks like we're finally getting "winter" around here.

                        Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                        Trail Runner Nation

                        Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                        Bare Performance


                        Marathon Maniac #957

                          Holly - How's the remodeling coming along?



                          They're doing the grout on the kitchen tile today, which means we can walk on it tonight at least, so I can move the coffee maker out of the bathroom......     The tile is wayyyy darker than I thought it would be, so it's taking me a little time to get used to.  Each time I look at it, I like it better, but it was such a shock to go so dark from a white tile floor.  I'm pretty sure I'm going to love it, but I need a little adjustment time to get used to it.


                          Mary - adorable wandering cows!  Thanks for the explanation - I was wondering what "stressing" was.

                          Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


                            One last thought for Jlynne... I thought I might have PF last fall after RVM, but tried all the treatments for that with no improvement (and like you it was arch more than heel, and better in the morning). I'd take time off, get better, run some and get worse again. Pain was in the arch, on the medial (inside) side, sometimes extending up to the lower inner ankle area 


                            That's it! That's where the pain is - almost feels like a bad bruise though there's no discoloration. Our roads are really flat around here, though. With a half marathon on May 16th, how can I stop running right now? I talked with the trainer at school and he told me he'd show me some ways to tape it that might help alleviate the pain, but I know that's just masking the problem. Icing and Alleve are helping, but by the end of the day, I'm a hurtin' dog.


                            Sorry to hear about all of you dealing with floods and bad weather. It's 70° here with a little breeze out of the south.  I hope no one experiences any heavy damages to their homes because of the rain. You poor East Coast people - this has been a really bad start to 2010 for all of you.


                            Mary - the puppies are adorable! They look like little chess pieces on your floor. If you can get some close-ups, that would be awesome.


                            Holly - pictures of the new kitchen too please! You'll get used to that floor, and won't it be nice with the doggies and kids that you won't have to be cleaning it every 5 minutes?


                            I talked to my DS#1 earlier this afternoon. They had to admit baby Will to the hospital. The bad cold he's had the last week or so has gotten worse and they're worried about pneumonia. The doctors want to keep him overnight for observation. Those poor kids can't get ahead of all their bills. Please keep them all in your thoughts.


                              Jlynne, that's the problem; icing, taping, Alleve, ibuprofen, etc are all just for treating the symptoms. Although icing is probably the best of all of those. Can you get to a pool for pool running? I did that before NYC (different problem) and it helped keep me in running shape (combined with elliptical). You really do have time to take a week off and see how it does. I made myself take two full weeks off (Jan. 1 thru 14th) because I was just tired of dealing with it. If you could start with a week, and see how it goes, I bet you'll be ok.


                              So sorry to hear about poor Will and his parents. My DS2 was in the hospital for 3 days with RSV and pneumonia when he was about 10 months old. Started out as what we thought was a cold. Very stressful time for everyone.


                              Holly, you'll like that floor, especially if you've got lighter walls/ceiling so you don't have the "cave" effect. It is nice to have it not show every. little. speck. of crap. on your floor. We have a light maple laminate in our kitchen. I hate it. (beautiful when clean, but that lasts for 30 seconds after I clean it unless the kids and DH are in bed or out of the house)


                              Quickie workout at the athletic club today; 12 minutes on the elliptical then 15 minutes of weights. That was my last workout there as we've dropped our membership. Will be starting up at the student rec center so a whole new place to get used to. I'll have to find my own pool running belt because they don't provide anything extra. Not even towels.

                              It's a gorgeous day out there though, and looking forward to my run home from work (something that reminds me of summer, too!).


                                Mary thanks for the pictures!   So sweet.   Give B'Nellie a kiss.   all the bellies too.   Hey don't wash/put away your winter gear!    We'll have a relapse for sure.    maybe June, ok?


                                yay kinda fast Lou.


                                Holly I'm so glad you 2 had fun.   That is a great picture.  .... thanks for all that you said.  Everybody here does the same thing!  ... tummywise I sure needed to hear that!  You should see it now.  We can make that 6 cows, I'm so poofy.   I'll just pose right by Wilson.  ;-).

                                oh, floor... I think you'll love it too.   did you ever find one of those 3D kitchen softwares to try?   Or was Lowe's (is that where you went) good enough for you to see clearly what you were getting?   If not I think there were a few that offered a free trial, if there's anything else you're not sure about you could try it just in case.  Sure does make a difference to have a lot of something instead of just a sample.


                                Thanks Tramp.   That's some easy!


                                and thanks Bill.    so glad to hear Deb is doing better.  say hi from me!  ohoh.   healing hammie vibes.   tapping foot.   so sorry.  I know you'll be careful.   I wonder if there's a good massage guy around there?   Daave gave me some good ideas around here... they really helped a lot.  If it's the right person.   ... calming vibes too.  you're right, I don't think you're wired for much slow & easy.


                                Perch, phew!


                                Thanks Sue... and I'm so glad you're hand is ok!  That is amazing that you were lifting weights.   can't even see the M.   that still sounds awful.   foot hugs.   glad your basement is dry.


                                Denise I"m glad your birthday is going so well!   I hope you get a whole week.  And hope it works out to meet Bill at his church, I was wondering if that would work out too.


                                Nancy I did see it, it was beeautiful.    sorry your asthma is acting up. 


                                Doug, how's the new bike?    ... .. um, be careful while you're overdoing.  .    Ha!   You're right.   I've made plenty of contact with the ground! 


                                ok end of page one.  my browser tends to eat my posts, and I want to get outside with Sadie a little more while it still absolutely perfect out there. (sorry Twocat...)



