Masters Running


Monday January 30, Daily Thread (Read 538 times)

    Good morning.  It’s been awhile since I started one of these. 


    Erika—minus 50F is just mind-boggling.  Didn’t that woman in her underwear get instant frostbite?  Crazy.  I hope it warms up for you.

    Carolyn—we’ve got some serious counter-top envy here.  That natural edge DF is gorgeous.


    Upper 20s and sunny; IRC.  That’s still warm enough for shorts, thankfully.  I think I’ve only had to pull out the running pants three or four times this season.  It’s been a mild winter.  9.1 miles at a sproinky 8:10.


    Have a great week.

    Be safe. Be kind.

      7.7 not-so-sproinky miles this morning, 34F out. We've really dodged the winter bullet here.

      (Knocks on wood)

      Marathon Maniac #3309

        Good morning...


        Nice run Mr're sure not losing any of your speed, that's for sure !


        Walt, I bet your less than "sproinky" is still speedy. Winter - yeah, what winter Smile


        I found out some good news the past couple of days. Apparently I have the best neurosurgeon in the area, without even knowing it. When ever I mention this particular neurosurgeon to friends or whoever, they all have said.....WOW, you're seeing him, he is the very best. I have 3 or 4 things wrong with my back, with the cyst being the worst thing I would assume. From my understanding, the cyst is between L4 / L5 and is big enough that it is pushing down on the sciatica nerve, which is causing the stabbing and excruciating pain in my back, and my whole right leg. It's getting worse everyday, and affecting so many things in my body (and life).....even going to the rest room, and having very sore and achy legs. I wondered why my legs are so achy and sore all the time, and my Doctor told me that was from the nerves in my spine, that feeds down to the lower extremities - I don't understand all that stuff. And narrowing of the spine canal....don't know bout that either but sounds bad.


        I am really really scared at how long I won't be able to run if I have surgery, but also was told surgery would be a last option, as there are other ways to deal with the cyst. One is injecting it with steroids to calm the inflammation, and imagine I will have another Facet Joint Rhizotomy where the nerves are cut in the facet joint and takes the pain away that way. That's a fun procedure because you're fully awake, and the surgeon sticks the long needles in the lower back and then that the sore spot. Really, thats true as I remember saying....yep, that's the spot (they do that to 6 nerves if I remember right)


        All this stuff wrong with my back, and all I can think when can I run again Smile  I've already set some lofty goals for myself - some new long endurance races to help me stay positive. Full Iron man - absolutely yes, when I can bike without my back killing me. Obviously not this spring, but a 50 mile trail race this fall. Even a long swim race, since I imagine I will be doing PLENTY of that recovering.


        Nice to have goals and plans for the future


        Hope everyone has a great day......and please please please, cherish the wonderful gift of running. Sometimes runners struggle with running for many reasons - I never have. But when it's taken away from you - well, it sucks



        Running has given me the courage to start, the determination to keep trying, and the childlike spirit to have fun along the way - Run often and run long, but never outrun your Joy of running!


          I really like how you keep focusing on getting back to running and the things you want to accomplish, TimBo. And I'm sure that positive attitude and energy will help you get beyond this nastiness more quickly. I can't imagine the long needle procedure (Does it hurt when I stab you here?), but if it gets you where you need to be, then go for it. I have to sheepishly admit that the distress my sciatica problems are nothing compared to what you are going through, and I truly wish you a quick and complete recovery.


          Add me to the list of those who can't comprehend what it is like to step out into -50 temperatures. Also PLEASE add me to the list of those who aren't in a hurry to find out!


          Carolyn, that kitchen counter is just gorgeous, as is the entire house. I hope that you and DH are proud of what you created because you have every right to be.


          Nice runs today, Tramps and Walt. I also keep waiting for winter to show up, but it's just not happening here. I'm sorry to have missed a workout today, but I did. PT starts tomorrow.


          Enjoy the day!  -  Jay

          Without ice cream there would be darkness and chaos.

            ...I have a Rule-


            Never wear Skivies in -50 degrees

            ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....


              I received my computer back this morning.  All fixed up.  I am pretty much finished with catching up on 2 lost days of problems and snuck outside for 4.5 miles around 1:00pm or so. 


              Not worth posting, but with only 5 entries in the daily thread I thought I go ahead and try and beef up the numbers a little.




              MM #6177

                11 miles today. NOT in my skivvies and NOT in -50F. Though it would do my hot flashes a bit of good, I suppose....


                MTA: Hang in there Tim. It's for times like these that you do all that endurance work, for when life throws you those curveballs. You'd think it was for training for the running itself, but no, it's bigger than that. And it'll all work out as it should. {{{Tim}}}

                Marathon Maniac #3309

                  Thanks Jay.....oh, and also - I shoulda said cherish race walking too Wink  Hope your back gets better too - can be awfully painful, and affect your lifestyle I realize.


                  When I get down about not being able to run, having big goals and aspirations helps me try and focus on the future, not the now. I love long endurance events and  races, and the wonderful challenges of not only racing, but the hard training too. I often hear of runners lacking motivation / losing there mojo.... luckily I never have, so I can't relate to that. Wish I could bottle up my running motivation and enthusiasm ....I could make lots of money - no, I would gladly give it away for free 


                  This type A personality of mine Blush


         there another registration fee. You know - the taper club Smile 



                  Running has given me the courage to start, the determination to keep trying, and the childlike spirit to have fun along the way - Run often and run long, but never outrun your Joy of running!



                    Upper 20s and sunny; IRC.  That’s still warm enough for shorts, thankfully.


                    Tramps, you have a pretty good tolerance for cold.  Ever considered moving to Fairbanks? Wink


                    5 mile RAL in skirt and tee shirt, with a big prairie dog cheering section on the trail.  They were really out in force today!


                    A word to the wise:  step AWAY from the Girl Scout cookies!  (someone left some in our lunch room...)

                    I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.

                    MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

                      ...I have a Rule-   Never wear Skivies in -50 degrees

                       Tom!  Tom!  That would be taking the 50-below club too far, . . . . 

                      although I've heard that that’s the way some of the purists do it.


                      Tim - you know I’m appreciating very much your recent focus on just still being able to do some of the super-type dove/francesca ultras and the Ironman I really want you to experience without having to do them as competitively as possible.  You’re too much of a real, committed runner for me to relate to what it’s like not to be able to run everyday but I do know that you’re in such good shape that you could do any of the ultras you want to run this year even without the extensive, if any, training needed to run fast. 
                      Then, you could focus on getting rid of that damned cyst and gradually return to competitive running even if it can't fully happen until your next age-group in three years.  I want you running as much as you want and lovin’ every pain-free minute of it in 2029 when you’re like me, . . . and in 2042 when you’re like my 82-yo mentor aiming for his 500th marathon in March.  In fact, I dare you to stop training and limit your running to official events at least until the cyst is gone.  Good luck.
                      Ps - no membership fee until we get more than one member in the current Taper Club so we can have a meeting to discuss it.

                      "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)

                        Rest day, DD has a stomach bug again, and home from school.  She is too skinny already for this stuff.

                        Is it so quiet in here because most people take Monday as a rest day?

                        Where is my butterfly hug?

                        "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."

                        MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

                          Rest day. Is it so quiet in here because most people take Monday as a rest day?

                          Where is my butterfly hug?


                          nobody here but us taperers (6) and an occasional runner (4).

                          How about a barefoot hug, pirate hug, walker hug, geek one or casanove, etc.?

                          "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)

                            Hey Friends!


                            I posted late yesterday about some foot pain I've been having and want to say thanks to Holly and Sarge - think you have diagnosed me correctly Sad

                            45 minutes arc trainor = 1.8 miles = 485 calories burned Smile

                            1.1 mile treadmill - easy run just to see how my foot felt after the arc trainor -- eh, not great but not awful



                            Walt - nice run even if it didnt feel sproinky

                            OM - great 11 miles - you wouldnt catch me running in my skivvies or -50 either!!


                            Happy Monday!!



                            MM #6177

                              For Opie and the other folks here who also practice yoga... I found this article very interesting as to how the different yoga styles were compared to different running workouts. So of course it came as no surprise that my style of yoga (Anusara) was paired with tempo workouts (my favorite). Smile

                                LOVE Tet's post to Tim.


                                And yes, it's quiet in here.  Only one page of posting.  Rest day for me.  Was suppose to do 15 min of core this morning, but that didn't happen.  Now I'm wolfing down a fried egg sandwich so I can get to working a big transcription job I received from the Public Defender's Office last Friday.


                                Enke, would you settle for a Fatozzig hug???  I here I'm pretty good in that department. Smile  Here: {{{B I G  H U G}}}

                                Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                                Trail Runner Nation

                                Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                                Bare Performance

