Masters Running


Tunesday, 5.24.16 (Read 31 times)


    Mornin' everyone.


    What songs will be roaming though your heads on Tunesday Tuesday?


    I almost didn't go out this morning 'cause neither DW nor I slept well on Sunday night and so were dragging most of the day yesterday and the temptation was there to sleep in this morning. But I got up to feed the cat and just decided to keep moving rather than re-recline. So I got out for 7.3 fartlek RW miles in a northeasterly breeze and under a gauzy moon that evolved to an overcast and darkening sky. It was raining by the time I had stretched and showered, so my timing had been good. My speed was 'meh' today, but I still appreciated being out there, so it's still good stuff.


    We have a conservation commission meeting tonight that I know is going to be contentious and will go late. Tomorrow, DW and I have to be out of the house by 5am to pick up another staffer and catch a flight to San Antonio for a trade conference. It looks to be a rainy week there, and we'll be quite busy with the conference, so I'm still on the fence about taking my workout gear.


    Have a greta Tunesday!



    Without ice cream there would be darkness and chaos.



      What songs will be roaming though your heads on Tunesday Tuesday?



      How about "Ruby Tuesday" or "Tuesday Afternoon?", both good classic rock songs. Sounds like you've got a busy week Jay. Nice job getting back home before the rainfall this morning. Twocat would be proud!


      Glad you made it back home safely Holly. And I'm sorry I didn't get to meet your step-sister. She sounds like a lot of fun.


      How long will you be in Minnesota Erika? Starr - are you home yet?


      Congrats on winning the Nordstrom's gift card Enke, and nice race!


      4.5 painful, slow miles this morning. I can't believe how sore my quad muscles still are. My RA friends have gone back home, I have to go back to work today, and there's rain in the forecast for the rest of the week....


         How long will you be in Minnesota Erika? Starr - are you home yet?

        ....My RA friends have gone back home, I have to go back to work today, and there's rain in the forecast for the rest of the week....

        Hey Jlynne, we leave here Thursday morning for the drive to Michigan. Looking forward to seeing Perchcreek for Bayshore! Not sure if SteveP is coming up or not? And yeah, sorry about the re-entry to real life. It sucks.


        Jay, I managed to find a route to run in San Antonio, but I didn't run the Riverwalk. I'm not sure how people do that with all the walkers, stairs and turns, but some do and say they like it. Hope you have good weather, we had a lot of thunderstorms last month.


        So I did not run yesterday. I almost did a few times, but never made it. Just as well. I had a stiff hip yesterday that feels much better today, and my blisters probably appreciated not going into those shoes again. But today I think I'm going to venture out. MikeE gave me some good info on where to go, so I'll give that a try (will report later). We're going to try to get together somehow today, just not sure what we're going to do yet.




          Jay, I managed to find a route to run in San Antonio, but I didn't run the Riverwalk. I'm not sure how people do that with all the walkers, stairs and turns, but some do and say they like it. Hope you have good weather, we had a lot of thunderstorms last month.




          Jay, we ran the Riverwalk when we were in San Antone and really liked it. But it was in March and it was much cooler.


          I'm continuing to nurse my sore knee and sore back and doing minimal exercise and gaining weight. Leaving tomorrow for a week in DC and Maryland- may not help my weight problem but may be more active physically and help my head.

          Marathon Maniac #957





             Tet's wife won a 50 dollar gift certificate to a running shoe store.  


            Jay - I am tired just hearing about your week.


            Jlynne - thank you so much for providing spectacular weather for our weekend!


            Erika - enjoy the conference and take care of those blisters.


            I am super busy with work and home stuff (the weeds are out of control and I have my in-laws coming from Wyoming on Thursday - eek!  My house is a mess!)  Anyway, 3.8 slow and gentle miles for me today in 56 degrees.

            Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

            Sayhey! MM#130

              'mornin' all!


              Jay, just yesterday DH said he had the Mancini tune "Baby Elephant Walk " stuck in his ear.  I think it's being used for a commercial, and I think he maybe indulged in more than usual TV and movies (it was a "sci-fi" weekend) while I was away......I KNOW there was pizza!


              Congrats enke, and way to haul in the loot!


              I always love the rain barrels.


              What Tammy said about MikeE's shoes....


              If you mean it, Jlynne, let's do it!  I had a grand time and would do it again.  OK, Slo, Dave, Steve....who else can we lean on??  #cgbm17   The dates are up on the website....


              Warning: long anecdote suitable only for people who like cats.  So DH claims Coco, the first cat, "glared" at him all weekend beginning Friday night when she realized I wasn't coming home.  (I went over with him some simple things to do to keep her happy, e.g., talk to her; call her "Missy Cocoa Beach" and "Coco puff" and other nicknames, preferably in that higher pitched kitzel voice we use with critters; when she expects her treats; how to feed her on the weekend {a scoop before you go out, then when you come back, feed her another scoop IMMEDIATELY}; .....and other little no-brainers.)

              As a safety net, I got out the plastic tablecloth for him to put over the bed.

              He reports that he admittedly failed to follow 'some' of the tips, including returning from a long bike ride without giving her the expected immediate second scoop. 

              His version of what followed is that she waited until he was in the room, then hopped on the bed, 'assumed the position' and peed on the bed right in front of him.   The good news is, he had the good sense to have installed the tablecloth, so it was an easy clean up and the bed remained unmarked.  And he paid a little more attention to her for the rest of the weekend so there were no more incidents.  And she slept in her regular spot curled up by my feet on the bed last night.  The End.


              Starr, sent you a message.  So great to see you and meet Lon.  I owe you a coffee so we have to get together again soon, ok?


              Say  hi to perch and Steve if appears, Erika.  And of course, the Tagster.  Have fun!


              Wendy and Holly are funny AND fun.


              Henrrun, I am so so so so sorry to hear that you are still not able to run.  I think you are spot on- the change of scenery will be a very good thing.  And you are the expert on that!  Really, thinking of you more than you might imagine and hoping this gets figured out for you soon.


              Have great days, everyone,



              modified to add.....ha! just read Holly's post and realized, this is a running forum and o yeah, I ran 6 slow ones this am.

      (for a piece or two of my mind)


                no run yesterday but will likely run a bit when i get home tonight. Unseasonably cool weather here for late May and I'm enjoying it before we ramp it up!


                busy day for me, so better get at it.


                  Aamos -   Loved the cat tale!


                  I have no idea what's going on in here, but I know Mike did an INCREDIBLE job with his 5 marathons (unbelievable!!) and a number of you were in Green Bay for some running fun, as well.  You all continue to inspire and amaze me and I am so happy to call you friends.


                  Holly - Good luck with the in-laws.  Mine never come to visit (which rankles me, but that's a whole 'nother story . . .)


                  I went to Santa Rosa (about 4 hrs south of us) last Thurs thru Sun for a conference.  Found a great place to run on Friday - Annadel State Park.  Loved it and will definitely go back at some point.  Lots of mountain bikers, so with the exception of one 2-mile stretch, I never felt alone.  Lots - and I mean LOTS - of poison oak out there.  Egads!!


                  Stepping On to Soap Box

                  One thing that kinda bugged me is the number of people using the park, but parking outside the fee area.  I'm of the mind that if you're going to use something on a regular basis, pay for a year long pass and help support the resource you are using - especially considering how much our state parks are suffering financially.  Give back for something that obviously gives you so much pleasure.

                  Stepping Off of Soap Box


                  The conference was fun - what of it I attended, which really wasn't much.  I was going to see friends and get out of town for a couple of days.  A bit of an expensive 3 days, but worth it.


                  Enjoy the rest of your week, friends ~

                  Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                  Trail Runner Nation

                  Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                  Bare Performance


                    An incredible 8+ minutes.  Inky Johnson

                    Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                    Trail Runner Nation

                    Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                    Bare Performance


                    MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

                      What songs will be roaming though your heads on Tunesday Tuesday?

                      JAYTUNES - what was yours today or all the time to go with your RW?

                      now that GS is done with April Fool’s Month, May became every time he heard the word “strange” to break into his favorite song someone taught him that includes, “it was a crazy ditty with a swingin’ tune, wop bop a lula, a wop bam boom”
                      RUNNING/CYCLING - still cloudy so completely missed
                      this month’s full moon but my heart was full
                      for five cyclemuting miles on the Red Baron.
                      MIKE”S SHOES - if MikeE doesn’t mind an extra leg, maybe he can arrange a Seattle stop on his trip out to the PNW for the Portland Marathon in October as I know where he can get at $50 gift certificate for a pair of running shoes from someone who’s not that much of a runner, . . . . and it’s not me this time!
                      ps - it’s always fun asking the mega-marathoners how many shoes they go through.
                      SAN ANTONIO - I missed running the Riverwalk when we were there back in ‘83 when I thought the only thing running was good for was seeing if winter skiing was still good enough to run at least a marathon a year without that much, if any, running training. I hope Jay doesn’t have to waste San Antonio too/
                      ZIGGY’S PARK RANT - no problem to help out but it’s just hard to have to pay to go to the Forest Service Visitor’s Center and PhotoPoint when it’s been free for me now going into eight decades, to say nothing of the Visitor’s Center at the local hatchery up in GS-land coincidentally requiring a $5.00 fee or $45/year pass from this year too. .   

                      It's too bad our numbers have shrunk here on RA masters.  There used to be so many more people on this forum.

                      RA FAMILY - losing more and more RA’ers completely to FB, etc. makes me distaste FB even more than shoes, tights, gremlinks, etc. and appreciate how much other RA’ers, even if but now-and-then, provide the incentive to keep on running on-and-on even in all sorts of conditions and weather when we don’t want to and otherwise wouldn’t.


                      Me too Posie

                      This picture changes my whole impression of Wisconsin

                      This picture makes me smile.



                      "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)


                        Hi Tet,


                        JAYTUNES - what was yours today or all the time to go with your RW?


                        Since you asked, this is what you get:



                        Without ice cream there would be darkness and chaos.

                          Perfect, Jay!  Racewalkers amaze me ~~


                          Also, I just went back and looked at MilkTruck's recap of Mike's amazing feat - Holy guacamole!!!!  Congrats to you, my friend ~~

                          Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                          Trail Runner Nation

                          Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                          Bare Performance


                            coastwalker take your gear! The river walk in San Antonio is an amazing place in the early morning! Also, be sure to get to the Smoke Shack for barbecue. While there order the brisket grilled cheese sandwich. Also remember to bring a defibrillator. Just in case.  While my DW and I were there, a guy from the Travel Channel was filming. The food is very, very good! Especially that grilled cheese sandwich!!

                            Live like you are dying not like you are afraid to die.

                            Drunken Irish Soda Bread and Irish Brown Bread this way -->

                              Hi ya! Yes, I am home and have been swamped at work.  My co-worker did absolutely none of my work like she was supposed to, nada, zilch!  I still have a lot to do before we can start the utility billing tomorrow. One of the other gals was home with pink eye yesterday so they were short staffed, but really?


                              I had a great time in Green Bay and ended up with a 4 second P.R. of 2:34:56


                              We drove to Hudson WI after the race and had a lovely meal and a good time with two of MrStarr’s brothers and wives. We stayed there overnight there. I was up super early at 5am so went out for a walk around their subdivision, came back and finished my book, made coffee and read some more. Finally they got up and we all went out to breakfast.


                              I booked a mani/pedi for 4:00 at home and we made it in plenty of time. I listened to my orchestra symphony on my phone while relaxing to the leg massage and massage chair. DD1 made a Whole30 supper, spaghetti squash and sauce, and green beans. Next was a 3 hour orchestra rehearsal. The concert is tonight so I’d better get home and find that perfect black outfit.  I will write a little race report tomorrow when I have more time.  It was great to see/meet everyone there.  I really thought MikeE would show up!

                              “Courage is not defined by those who fought and did not fall, but by those who fought, fell, and rose again.” — Adrienne Rich

                                I've been out of the loop for several days.  This past weekend, we had the memorial service for my mother.  Happily, more people showed up than we expected.  There were a few tears, but it was mostly reminiscing, visiting, and laughing.  Everyone felt that my mother would have approved of the happy, family, time we had together.


                                I only read a few posts.  In reference to running, or walking, the Riverwalk in San Antonio, my daughter and I did it early morning, perhaps 7 am or so.  The only people we encountered were a few that were cleaning up from the evening before.


                                While in Ludington, I got in a 3 mile run.  This morning, it was in the low 50s and almost calm.  I did 5 miles at an 11:30 pace.


                                A good day and good runs for all.

