Masters Running


It's Not Monday Anymore--Tuesday June 21 (Read 593 times)

Mike E

MM #5615

    Good morning!  It was pretty loud, last night, at my house--but I love sleeping with the windows open and it raining outside.


    My 10 miler was a whole lot harder last  night than it should have been.  I had to contend with the wind on the way out and the humidity on the way back.  10.2 in 1:14:27.


    Oh, so that's Byhll, huh?  Yeah--I'd say those are all good reasons to suffer through the you make it out of there with both ears? 

      Thanks for starting us off, Mike.

      Fun reading the thread over the last few days and learning about (among other things)…

      • Henry's Bruins parade!
      • Hermosaboy’s flying marathon
      • Erika’s great double-race day.
      • Tammy’s near-PR at Grandma’s
      • Trent’s PR.
      • CNY’s fun relay (and new avatar).
      • Derrick—very cool about Tim Thomas!
      • Byll’s running fantasy come true.

      Congrats to all of you!


      Easy 11 for me today.

      Be safe. Be kind.


        Yeah, it was loud last night!  Funny, didn't hear anything until the one that sounded like my roof being ripped off.  Then heard a few more quiet ones.  Scared the dogs pretty good and then Jeannie and I ran into each other when she was going to settle down one dog and I was headed for the other...


        This morning was nice -- 65 air temp and 90% humidity.  Angry


        4.4 miles done and then Miss Rosie powered down her water quite quickly...

        And you can quote me as saying I was mis-quoted. Groucho Marx



        Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

          Those thunderstorms went through Michigan in the early morning hours, so at 4:25 a.m. I finally turned off my alarm and slept until 5:50 a.m. 

          Rob, that is funny about you and Jeannie running into each other....I can see the same thing happening in our household.  


          "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
          It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."



            Rob, that is funny about you and Jeannie running into each other....I can see the same thing happening in our household.  


            Yup, her dog is upstairs -- mine is downstairs.  To go check on "your dog", our paths must cross.  Or in this case intersect...


            We were laughing pretty hard when we got back into bed...

            And you can quote me as saying I was mis-quoted. Groucho Marx




              I said Cool aloha to summerCool with a 6.5 and I melted in his hot embrace. Wow was it hot and humid already at 6am.


              Yeah, I wonder how the wiseone's heart is doing after seeing Byll's picture with the goddess.

              "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard


                Ran intervals last night in the heat!  Summer is definitely here now!  Happy Summer Solstice to all you sweet master runners.


                Runners run


                  Happy summer solstice to all! Ran 2 hours yesterday. No run today but biked to the gym for yoga this morning and will do another bike ride later when Marj gets home from work to officially welcome summer.


                    First day of summer with a break in the heat here. It was so nice this morning that I exetended my 6 mile run to 8 miles.


                    Have a great day.



                      First day of summer, and it's typical Humboldt County summer weather:  Totally and completed socked in with fog/overcast, will clear up for about 3-4 hours this afternoon, then it'll roll right back in.  30 min inland it'll be in the 90's, so it just sucks the cold right in off the ocean.  I can't wait for Sept/Oct, our best months of the year here on the Ole North Coast.


                      No workout this a.m., but plan on an hour in the pool after work.


                      Take it easy out there ~

                      Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                      Trail Runner Nation

                      Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                      Bare Performance


                        First day of summer with a break in the heat here. It was so nice this morning that I exetended my 6 mile run to 8 miles.


                        Have a great day.




                        It's nice enough I might even get out for a run.  Or I might just take a picture of our Memorial Marathon Relay 1st place trophy and post it.


                        My boss was being a jerk again this morning, so I stood my ground and made him say thanks.  That's always fun!

                        "I didn’t run a race until I was 41 and that was a marathon! Let that sink in for a minute." -me

                        Marathon Maniac #957

                          Good afternoon!


                          Mary - that was a cute video of the puppies on the stairs yesterday.


                          Looking forward to checking out some race reports, if I ever get a spare minute......


                          6 miles for me this morning, a little stiff from yesterday's Legs and Back workout.  Time to get more serious about weights and speedwork, now that my ultras are done for the time being.  I suppose it's time to start training for Equinox, though....


                          Happy Summer!

                          Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


                             I suppose it's time to start training for Equinox, though....



                            Find some hills. Big ones.

                            Big grin


                            Loved that puppy video yesterday, Mary. They are so cute, and that's so cool to see B'Nellie in there trying to help out.


                            Looking forward to reading that Ragnar Relay thread as it unfolds. Always fun to see everyone's perspective on the whole event, as well as their runs.


                            Up too late last night trying to get packed for my next trip. I'll be heading back to Portland tomorrow morning for work meetings. I think we're going to stick pretty close to home for July. All this travel is wearing me out!


                            Marathon Iowa 2014

                              Holly - you are a training machine!


                              Ran for 10 this morning - was going to run outside, but Pleasantville was playing in the Cardio Cinema, and I've never seen that movie before.  Quite good (1998 - with Toby McGuire and Reese Witherspoon).


                                Good afternoon and good running. Mike and Tramps, great job on the 10 and 11. I seldom seem to get going early enough to do that long on a week day, unless I break into two runs.


                                So Erika, another marathon in Portland???  Might not be just the travel tiring you out...Roll eyes I am still in awe of three in a row!  You must have recovered quickly.


                                I got out for about 8 miles this morning. Sunny and warm but pleasant. I feel like I should do something for the solsitce, go do a night hike or something.. probably won't happen but the long days are nice.


                                Byll, those pictures are great, though Karin looks a bit sinister in the bar photo....looks like you guys had a lot of fun.
