Masters Running


Wednesday's Daily, 2.3.16 (Read 36 times)

Mike E

MM #5615


    And Shorty dealt with Wilson this morning (well, tried to), then I got PO'd and kicked everyone outside around 3:40.  

    Poor sounds like he was just trying to help.


    Rose Colored Glasses

      Tammy, thank you for that note about another possible scenario. I would hate to think someone caused intentional harm to that young man


      Leslie, thank you for explaining SPOT .  That is the device I had in my mind. Something that didn't rely on cell coverage but could transmit your location.  I guess something like a high tech "I've fallen and I can't get up" button for remote runners.


      The winds of change are a blowin. Skies are darkening and leaves rustling. And the rocket scientist just sent me a text asking if I thought we could go for a run if he left work in 20 minutes. NASA is 30 miles away from our house. And traffic is always bad. And, did I mention the storm that is brewing?  I told him we could run in the rain in the morning. There is not supposed to lightning in the morning.


      MTA: Oh man!  Now I am looking at all sorts of gear!  THIS got better reviews than SPOT!  At first I thought, "Why am I looking at this stuff? I run with people almost every day."  But then. I remembered: We hike the Appalachian Trail for days at a time where there is no cell coverage. This might be something we should purchase.


      MTA: (Somebody stop me)  I just read this comment on a review of the above device:

      As one of the people alerted when these beacons go off worldwide, I cannot agree more, REGISTER YOUR BEACON CORRECTLY! The more accurate info you can provide on the registration, the better. It only causes more potentially life-threatening delays if you're truly in distress, and your beacon isn't registered or bears the previous owner's info.
      Additionally, if you intend to discard your beacon, remove the battery or disable the unit however you can, unless you want us calling you multiple times at 2am on Christmas morning because your beacon has been activated in some landfill. Always keep your records up to date for maximum peace of mind and minimum frustration and headache.

      Sayhey! MM#130

        Hiya all!  Well, you may recall my folks are from Punxsutawney, so I just get all verklempf on Groundhog's day <snork>.  Nah, just a busy day at the ranch here.  We're down a person but our monthly quota for case referrals stays constant, so it'll be a grind for a while.  Good thing I like these colleagues o' mine.


        Overlapped an evening run with Speedsters last night, so I went out early for 4 easy, then just ran two a bit faster with the crew.  Prudence!


        Thanks for the updates and explanations, Tammy.  It was disconcerting to think of foul play.  The more plausible scenario is still so very tragic, let me hasten to say if that's not clear.   And it is good to hear that people have stepped up to contribute.  I hope she'll have good people around for a long long time.


        Holly, you ARE a good mom.


        Haven't made the soup yet; not enough bones from the hens.


        So I am late to the party, but I only just learned what a meal or two or three Ted Cruz's college roomie is making off of him.  Just google "Ted Cruz college roommate if you were, like me, in the dull knives box.


        Hey, SteveP, how's the little guy doing?


        Saw my high school student today.  I know she is so not looking forward to the Strides for Education 5K Saturday.  I promised I would do nothing to embarrass her.  But then, I am an adult.  And I breath.  (I'm exaggerating.  She's a very sweet kiddoe.)


        grins and o look--I see the weekend over yonder!!  Stay warm up there, y'all!


        A.  (for a piece or two of my mind)

          Mike - 


          Tammy - Thank you for the update.  I had thought that he must've passed out for some reason or slipped, fell, and hit his head.  Is the gofundme account to help his wife with funeral expenses?  The article in Trail Runner Magazine was really good.


          Aamos - You should show up in some weird costume.


          Rosie - I went to that web site, answered the questions under "Product Wizard," and it told me there wasn't a product that matched my specifications.  Ha!

          Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

          Trail Runner Nation

          Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

          Bare Performance



            Rest day today, but we did go for a mile walk. I need the rest because I had a poor night's sleep.

            Tammy, thanks for the update- a sad story but that's a risk for anyone out there alone. Since Marj and I are urban runners there's always someone around. We also check with each other on our runs, carry phones and subway passes- safety is very important to us.

              ''Additionally, if you intend to discard your beacon, remove the battery or disable the unit however you can, unless you want us calling you multiple times at 2am on Christmas morning because your beacon has been activated in some landfill. ''



              if you WERE in a Landfill, this might be considered a Perk....

              ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....


                Leslie, yes that is what the fund is for - funeral expenses, loss of income from Todd's passing, etc. They are also collecting at this Saturday's race (which is where I prefer to donate rather than give a % to a facilitating fund when I can just donate directly, yk?).


                I agree -  that was a very good article on him in trailrunner.




                  Well, it never got above single digits, and it's windy, so I only managed 3 miles.  But at least I got out there!

                  I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.


                    Poor sounds like he was just trying to help.


                    Ha! That was my first thought too!  We had that problem with cats in years past, but not anything recently. I found that feeding them in the morning was a problem since they wanted us up for chow. Our older cats just ate kibble which was around all the time, and canned food as a treat some evenings. The new cats are getting it twice a day, but for other reasons and so far so good on the lack of demanding behavior.


                    In the summer, I run trails a lot and some are pretty remote (up on Ester Dome) but it seems there are almost always other runners out there, or hikers or idiots on four-wheelers, etc. I oftentimes wish I was more alone than I am.... I have  Road ID somewhere but not sure where exactly.


                    Holly, I don't think my kids ever pulled anything like paper reviews or last minute requests in the morning before work. I think they knew that would be a non-starter that would only get them a "really?" look from me. Kudos to you for being accommodating for them.


                    Laurie, when I had AT issues years ago and was doing a lot of pool running (hi tomwhite!), I frequently scheduled it for the time during water jazzercize or whatever they call it, because they had the shallow end and I had the deep end to myself, along with maybe one other pool runner. It worked great, and the music was actually pretty good most of the time.


                    Wildchild, I run later in the day for precisely that reason: why run early early early when it's -10° when I can wait a few hours later and run in sunlight and +10° instead! Well, that and I am not and never will be a morning person. Glad you got out there for a few miles at least!


                    So, after two days of frozen faced runs, I decided it must be time for some intervals on the treadmill. So that's what I'll be doing tonight. And even though I've still got that 200 mile goal for February in my head, I'm thinking this should be a cutback week of some sort.


                      Three miles in single digits probably counts at least double!

                      Laurie, do you think water aerobics is better as cross training than just plain swimming? I swim when I can but have never done the water aerobics class. Maybe some day I will give it a try.

                      I almost always run alone, and almost never tell anybody where I am going. I think I should change that.


                      I went out late this morning but decided I would get 4 miles in anyway. It was tough but I managed to get to work on time. That was a very bad precedent to set--now I know I can stay out 10 minutes later than usual and still make it to work...

                      MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

                        Too bad the music is 'greatest hits of the 1950s'. After class I 'detox' in the car on the way home with some Smashing Pumpkins


                        Laurie--were you the youngest one in the class?  Just a wild guess.


                        Hey mermaid goddess - do they ever play
                        “Peggy Sue” *
                        “That’ll be the Day” *
                        “Running Bear” *
                        “Chantilly Lace” **
                        “Flyin’ Purple People Eater” **
                        “American Pie” ***
                        They’re being played on our local oldies station today as “the day the music died.”
                        However, “Peggy Sue” never died; our “Penny Pitou” version
                        for the then U.S. downhill queen Penny Pitou is still my favorite ski song,
                        to say nothing of the “Flyin’ Purple People Eater” already being one of GS’s favorites

                        and “you know what I like” from “Chantilly Lace” is still a staple

                        amongst our high school class of '61. 
                        Richie Valens (17: 1941-2/3/1959)
                        young guitarist and a forefather of the Chicano rock movement
                        The Big Bopper (28: 1930-2/3/1959)
                        "Chantilly Lace"
                        "Purple People Eater"
                        Buddy Holly (22: 1936-2/3/1959)
                        “Peggy Sue”
                        “That’ll be the Day”
                        “Running Bear” (songwriter)
                        ***Don McLean's popular 1971 ballad "American Pie"

                        was inspired by Holly's death and the day

                        of the plane crash and is dedicated to Holly.

                        But, February made me shiver
                        . . with every paper I'd deliver
                        Bad news on the doorstep -
                        . . I couldn't take one more step
                        I can't remember if I cried
                        . . when I read about his widowed bride
                        Something touched me deep inside
                        . . . the day the music died

                        "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)

                        MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

                          Tammy - Any links to the Trail Runner tribute?  Thanks.

                          I would have like to meet his bare feet somewhere along the line.
                          He sounds like a good movie that might help out the family too.

                          "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)

                            Here you go, Tet:  Todd Ragsdale

                            Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                            Trail Runner Nation

                            Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                            Bare Performance



                              My running time was cut short this morning ...  Ah well, such is life.




                              Same here. I went to work shortly after 6 thinking that I can win my fight with HUD, get the other things done and get out for a luxurious 8 miler in the late afternoon. Then...snow happened and the need to find emergency shelter for those who call the sky and stars their nightly rest place showed up at our office asking for  help, so I had to stay longer  at the office until every one of them had a safe and worm place to stay.

                              My co-workers are capable of dealing with the load, but we sure get a faster results when the cheerleader does the call begging for discount to the hotel managers .


                              I think we will get about 4 inches tonight. Tomorrow is a new day and I will run on fresh fallen snow happily.

                              "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard


                                Mariposai went out for 4 inches? I hope it was farther than that.


                                We're in a snow draught this past month. January was something like the 6th driest January on record. Today wasn't as cold as originally predicted, but I still didn't want to run outside. Planned an interval run on the treadmill, but by the time I got home I had zero ambition and even less energy for intervals. But, I managed to eek out three half-mile repeats at 7:54 pace with .25 mile rest intervals but then just plugged away for another 4 miles to finish. 8.2 miles total.
