Masters Running


Two for Tuesday workouts (Read 642 times)

    Morning all, since I am up and awake and work is fairly slow, no major breakdowns. I thought I would start the thread again. Had a real tough workout last night. Will do a couple of slooow miles this afternoon before the winter storm rolls and then hopefully get to work tonight. They are calling for an 1/2 inch of ice here in Flint tonight.   Good runs to all.

    Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

      Good morning Derrick!  


      I just couldn't do it this morning.  When the alarm went off I was in a very deep sleep (unusual) and groggly got up to let the dogs out.   I know I'll regret it because we are suppose to get some wintery weather and ice like Derrick described, but my body was just saying "rest".   I did do some core work though and I will attempt a treadmill run this evening if the weather comes in as expected this afternoon.


      I think the PBJ household sounds like a great place to grow up!   Or is grow up the wrong term?   Wink


      "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
      It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."



      Marathon Iowa 2014

        Morning all,


        Dove - that's an excellent explanation of why a 24 hour race is harder than a hundred miler.  Thanks.


        Just a ten miler for me this morning, on the treadmill, in the cardio cinema, while watching The Simpson's Movie.  Each time I see that movie, I pick up on different shots it takes.  Quite a few are aimed at Alaska (sorry, Erika).


        Have a great day everyone.

        i'm lovin' it... MM#1949

          Good Morning.. thanks for starting us off up there in Flint.. sorry about the ice!


          The best thing about post marathon is being able to get up and run without a plan.  Took the dogs for a brisk 2 mile walk (25:54) and then just ran by feel, not looking at pace for 5 miles. Turned out to be 45:35 (9:07, AHR 141) with really easy breathing and no leg soreness.  The pace says the legs are still tired but coming around nicely!

          Perch's Profile "I don't know if running adds years to your life, but it definitely adds life to your years." - Jim Fixx "The secret is to make in your mind possible what was not possible before. The secret is to make easy what was difficult, instead to make difficult what really is easy." - Coach Renato Canova

            Ice in March?  Yuck.  One of the many reasons I still live in Fla.


            I ran 6.1 more or less progressive miles.  From 10 min/mile at the beginning down to 8 min/mile near the end.  This makes 3 days running in a row.  We'll see if I can keep the back loose while sitting all day at work.


            In other news, DS was offered a Fellowship to UF Graduate School yesterday.  One of only 14 awarded.  DS and his GF are over-the-top excited.  He's done a lot of things right in his young life and I'm very proud of him.  I have no doubt he will do another right thing and accept the Fellowship offer.  Wink



            "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong


              Hey All,


              Not much happening in Eastern Iowa. Sounds like we are in for a stormy afternoon and possibly a white weekend. I skipped the opportunity for my morning run...Probably should have checked the weather report.


              Perch...It sure sounds like your body is well conditioned. Your recovery is going superbly.


              Go Tramps !


                Good morning everyone. Like a lot of you, I tried to stay ahead of the nasty weather predicted for later today. Out for 7 miles, ran 5 of them at a decent 10:04 pace. Came home and jumped rope for 4 minutes - thought I'd get good and sore for my last PT appt this morning Wink


                Gosh Derrick - do you always get up in the middle of the night or are you working?


                Any progress on a possible new litter Mary? Glad you got a good night's sleep.


                Perch - your recovery time is remarkable. What's next on your agenda?


                Congrats to your DS Bill. One out of 14 - impressive!


                Still doing the bike commute every morning Slo? Where are you staying for the Cellcom? I can't remember if you mentioned it.

                Marathon Maniac #957


                  I think the PBJ household sounds like a great place to grow up!   Or is grow up the wrong term?   Wink


                  I agree!


                  Leslie – Greta job!  And in cold rain – yuck! – how did your hands hold up?


                  Orange Mat – you make light of it, but it sounds like a serious situation.  {{{healing hugs and prayers}}}


                  Dove – thanks, I understand now. 


                  Perch – good to hear that you are recovering nicely.  You should think about what Erika said about finding another marathon in 3-5 weeks, possibly.  You are in excellent shape.


                  Byll – congrats to your fine DS!


                  I had intended to run a couple miles during DD’s softball practice last night, but I’m having some pain on the inside of my left ankle (posterior tibialis tendonitis, I think) and some knee pain in my right knee.  The knee feels better today, but the ankle is still pretty sore – not enough to keep me from running, but enough to be a concern.  Hopefully taper will take care of it.


                  7 easy-paced miles for me (9:48) today in 50° (woohoo!) with 7 x 100m striders.  Nice to get out in shorts again, since tomorrow’s storm front will bring winter back for a while


                  While my DS has never really liked running, and on the soccer field the last few years he seemed to get outrun a lot (mostly due I think to his over-large feet on his regular-sized frame), he is actually enjoying and even excelling in 8th grade track.  I think he's finally grown into his feet.  I'm so glad that he is having a good time with this!   And apparently he’s turning out to be a fine sprinter in his new Men’s Size 14 track spikes.  Smile

                  Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                    bumping 80 in Tennessee


                    hiking tomorrow,

                     before the storms move in




                    ...........22min poolrun........followed by 1st of double weight sessions


                    kinda a Too'Fer



                    .....................good running guys..........

                    ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....


                      Still doing the bike commute every morning Slo? Where are you staying for the Cellcom? I can't remember if you mentioned it.


                      Still bike commuting. Any where from 4 - 6 days. Today I did not...needed to drop youngest DD of at the middle school and they are predicting severe T-Storms for this afternoon.


                      We are staying at the Hotel Sierra again. The hotel is right off of the 20 mile mark so DW and any kids that come can simply walk down to the bridge and be right there.  Cellcom provides shuttle service to and from there and we really like that hotel.

                      Mike E

                      MM #5615

                        My pair of 7's would fit in one of Holly's 8th grade son's shoes!  Thanks...

                          Dove’s explanation of a 100-miler vs. 24-hour run made a lot of sense.  But to my mind it’s sort of like saying, “It takes longer to get to Neptune than Mars.”  Both distances are completely outside of my frame of reference! 

                          Mary--“Growing up” in the PBJ household is definitely a contradiction in terms.

                          Perch—sounds like you’re recovering just fine.  Not bad for an old guy. Wink

                          Byll—congrats to your son!  Being the first in my family to attend college, it was a revelation to me to learn that you could get paid to attend grad school.  Who knew?!

                          Heard a whooshing sound and realized it was Slo-Hand passing me on the 2K listing.

                          Holly—good for your son (size 14? Wow!).  Hope your ankle’s better soon.


                          A local DC TV station has started airing a promo spotlighting their reporters.  One 50-ish female anchor is featured saying, “I’m a marathoner!” and shown running with her “training partner”—her dog.  Cute.  One of their weather guys is a marathoner, too.  He often mentions his runs and is good about race-day forecasts.  Speaking of which… I took a peek at the forecast for Saturday: chance of showers, low 39/high 46, wind 7mph.  Pretty good!


                          5.5 miles for me, including 4MP (7:55) miles.  Only 56F but after last night’s rain it felt a little swampy out there.  I worked up a sweat by the second mile. 

                          Be safe. Be kind.

                          i'm lovin' it... MM#1949

                            Perch – good to hear that you are recovering nicely.  You should think about what Erika said about finding another marathon in 3-5 weeks, possibly.  You are in excellent shape.


                            No job=no discretionary spending=no races Sad

                            In fact DW says I should run less because I eat too much.

                            Perch's Profile "I don't know if running adds years to your life, but it definitely adds life to your years." - Jim Fixx "The secret is to make in your mind possible what was not possible before. The secret is to make easy what was difficult, instead to make difficult what really is easy." - Coach Renato Canova


                              Heard a whooshing sound and realized it was Slo-Hand passing me on the 2K listing.





                              I had to go look. It's my goal to be on the 1st page when DB and A1 break the 2k mark...Those are some crazy miles.


                                Good morning gang! I am away on business trip this week. Being away from home and with a full schedule is going to make my running week very interesting. I too may regret for not having ran this morning. The sunrise was gorgeous, but I have too much to do to fit in a 10 miler this morning. So, I shall RAW today. I have a canal right across the hotel I will explore. I have been told that is a great place to run.


                                Hopeful, good for you for listening to your body! and besides, you get a butterfly hug every day your REST! 


                                Not much time to comment on the magnificent activities that went on yesterday. 


                                Have a wonderful Tuesday folks!

                                "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard
