Masters Running


Thursdaily 12/2 (Read 35 times)


    Yesterday was our usual compilation of workouts, injuries, accomplishments, and weather observations. Have to say some of the posts made me chuckle, others made me shake my head or think, "I wish I could help somehow."

    Our hump day included:

    Dave’s 3.3

    Jay’s 3.74, a concert review, and a reminder the date was a palindrome.

    Stumpy hints that there is a photo of wearing short shorts.

    JLynne recounted a “bathroom” story to accompany her 6.1.

    Doug is looking for warmer gloves.2 treadmill miles. Regarding that school shooting near you, I find it really strange the parents have told their son to say nothing. It’s not like school cameras and witnesses won’t pin the crime on him.

    Leslie hit the core for 45 minutes; I couldn’t move the rest of the day if I did that. Good luck with the demons (sorry, I mean cats; Mrs Bio and I are total dog people)

    Holly- hope you are feeling better today.

    Tet did some trail maintenance.

    Murray ran 6.2 ez paced miles.

    BTY did some strength work and a swim workout. I’m really sorry about the GN and his father situation. I understand kids choosing to live with parents, even when they know deep down it isn’t their best situation. Please take heart in knowing you did what was best for him.

    Denise got in 3.2 miles of power walking and 45 minutes on the Peloton.

    Wildchild ran 5.2 (nice weather!)

    Mike ran 8 in his short shorts.

    Enkephalin ran 3.1

    Steve made reindeer pancakes and got 4.1 miles in.

    I had a crappy day at school; we are short on substitutes so I had to cover another teacher’s classroom. I downloaded some questions for my AP students and didn’t notice a subtle typo in the data table provided from the textbook publisher and it changed the entire meaning of the concept I was trying to cover; 25 minutes wasted….Felt very tired all day so I came home and went right to bed. Got up to eat dinner, watch jeopardy, and then crashed again.  I don’t know what demons I fought while I slept, but the blankets were strewn all over the floor and a couple of pillows were too.

     I woke at 3:30 am (Jay was probably already working out) and took apart the freezer to defrost it; regular problem of ice buildup. Mrs Bio is still in Chincoteague so I’ve got all the dog duty and other household chores to manage.

    Can’t resist one last clothing observation.


      Mornin' Masters.


      Thanks again, Bioguy.


      Sorry, but I have no time to browse/comment this morning with having to shuttle DW to the office, get to a quick 8:45 meeting, and then get back to the house for a 9:30 2-hour Zoom meeting.


      I just got in a quick 2.7 RW miles this morning as a drizzle was starting up.


      Have a greta palindrome Thursday (12.2.21).



      Without ice cream there would be darkness and chaos.


        Oh my gosh - that cartoon!  I almost spit my coffee out on my keyboard as I scrolled down!  Thanks for the laugh, and start bioguy.  Sorry about the carpy day at school and fitful night's sleep.  I hope today goes better.


        Jay - your schedule makes me very tired....


        It was 40 degrees here this morning!  The winds were 15-20 mph out of the NW but hey - 40 degrees!  6.42 miles run/walked at a 12:21 pace.  Finished with 20 minutes of core and stretching.


        Those pancakes were amazing Steve.  You're a good grandpa.


        BTY - I'm so sorry to read about your GN's situation.  I hope his father will reconsider and stay in rehab and let GN have a normal life.


        I had someone come in yesterday and buy 20 2-pound boxes of assorted chocolates and 20 2-pound bags of coffee.  Total bill?  Almost $1,000.  It was absolutely insane at that store yesterday.  The owners do very well during the Christmas season 


        Have a great day Masters.

          Thanks, bioguy.  I forgot to post my run(s) yesterday!  4.7 in the morning and 1.5 on the treadmill late afternoon before doing some weights.

          This morning was 4 miles and I have to rush off to a church meeting, so will catch y'all later.  Love seeing the great pancake and grandkid pictures from Steve in the morning.  Have a greta Thursday.

          Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth


          MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

            Thanks bio.

            Sounds like life is back to normal, . . .unfortunately.


            Have a greta palindrome Thursday (12.2.21).


            Jay - happy second palindrome of the new month too.


            Steve - are the reindeer pancakes mostly around Christmas time?

            Do you do cows or something for the summer?

            Any moose up there.

            Very neat.


            My neighbour saw me out running, when I was walking.  I shouldn't be embarrassed but I was.

            Enke - we wouldn't dare walk for the first 20-25 years of my marathoning or risk merciless teasing, "hey walker," etc.  Since I never trained that much, if any, when I got a little knee kniggle at mile 23 of one, I DNF'ed rather than risk real injury or, worse yet, be seen walking to the finish.  in fact, the thought of walking never entered my mind.

             I shouldn't be embarrassed but I was.

            Enke - don't worry, you'll get over it.

            No rain, unlike the previous 2 days, or is that 20 days? 

            Enke - don't worry.  Back again this morning in spades. Fortunately, gotta get ready for some drainage work in the yard this morning (I hope) so will get to postpone any running until this afternoon when it's supposed to let up, . . . but I doubt it.

            "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)

            Marathon Maniac #957



              I had someone come in yesterday and buy 20 2-pound boxes of assorted chocolates and 20 2-pound bags of coffee.  Total bill?  Almost $1,000.  It was absolutely insane at that store yesterday.  The owners do very well during the Christmas season 



              My DS worked at the candy store at the mall for a while in high school, and he said that in the month before Christmas the store made most of the profits for the entire year.  Valentine's Day came in second.


              Bioguy - snork!


              I had thought by now I would be starting on my floor exercises in the morning, but this stoopid foot just hurts too much for that yet.  Maybe after the weekend.  I took 2 Tylenols and an aspirin at 5:30am (for some reason I am supposed to take the aspirin for 30 days) and 4 ibuprophens at 7am, and my foot is hurting so much still that I just took a pain pill.  They are not the strong kind (for some reason doctors look at my small frame and say, "She will probably suffer less pain than other people because she is smaller," and frankly when I am in this much pain, I cannot even feel any "buzz" effects from the pain pill - the source of pain takes all of its energy, I guess.  Counting the minutes until I can go home and put my foot up....I just need to get through the workday tomorrow and then I will spend the weekend on the sofa with my foot on a pillow.


              Oh, I guess we will be going out to dinner tomorrow since it is DH's birthday.  I have not even gotten him a card this year.  We don't generally make a big deal about birthdays, but I am doing an even worse job of that this year.  I still go back and forth about our future, and am angry a lot lately....

              Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

              Marathon Maniac #957

                I need to quit whining and start counting my many blessings....

                Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


                  Holly,  we could all use a dose of blessing counting.    I am sorry for your pain level today too.


                  I decided I needed to post before the thread takes on a life of its own like the past few days.  After seeing the cartoon, I may be too late!


                  I'm just doing the usual -  babying my IT band.  Every day it is PT exercises and then I add in yoga or some stuff with hand weights. I can get a pretty good upper body workout with the weights I have at home.  Some days I still miss the gym.  Our covid numbers have quadrupled in the last 2 weeks so going to the gym is still not an option for me.


                  Unseasonable temps coupled with tomorrow being the last day for city wide yard waste pickup means I'll be raking leaves.  We have a hedge that runs the length of the property and takes the full force of the west wind.  It is loaded with oak leaves.  I often leave it until Spring, but it's too nice to stay inside today.


                    Good Morning.

                    Thank you for making that photo that started the daily only a cartoon and not a real people one. 


                    still nothing to report really from me. just plugging along on healing up the fractures. no complaints though - I guess this is a practice in patience.


                    I did ride the stationary bike for 8 miles last night, followed by leg exercises with resistance bands, some walking lunges and squats. Even tried some mini-crunches which I could do. You never really realize how much you engage your shoulder/arm in something, even something like crunches, until a fx humerus sends you twinges of pain to remind you.  Only 10 days til vacation. yay!


                    Leslie - I know it'll be quite a journey to bring the fraidy cats out of their shell but are you seeing any little baby steps yet?



                      Bio's cartoon isn't that much of a "stretch".  Albany has an upcoming 5k event called the "Santa Speedo 5k" scheduled for Saturday.  Temps will be in the 20's at race time and people will be running through the streets of Albany in their briefest briefs.  I'll be staying out of Albany on Saturday.


                      Planned rest day for me today.  I appreciate everyone's concern and comments concerning our care for our grandnephew.   We spoke with our nephew's father this morning - GN's grandfather - and he wants GN to stay with us until his son can prove he is able to care for him and hold down a job and stay sober and ..... I'm not on the same page with that.  Our offer was to be the guardians while the young man (40) did the hard work of getting sober and dealing with the demons of his past 25 years and before that.  If he checks out of this treatment facility because dealing with this is too difficult for him, and he wants to lay around his house and get sh!tfaced on beer and high on dope and pain killers, then his grandparents (my sister in law and her ex husband) can figure out who is going to raise GN.   Our deal is - you stay in rehab, and your son has a place to grow up and live as normal a life as possible until they say you're ready to be released for good.   He's probably a year from that.

                        Thanks for the start, Bio.  Hope the bad nights go away soon.  I imagine it's the stress you're feeling from work, unfortunately.  And I had to go back and re-read the banner in the cartoon. 


                        Holly - If the pain medication, ibu, etc., aren't doing anything, you should let your doctor know.  If you're body is fighting the pain, it's not helping with the healing.


                        Tammy - Great strides were made last night with both . . . and then I got up to leave the room and the good vibes dissipated a little bit.  Then this morning when we went in to feed them, not only had they found the baggy of treats, but both had managed to stuff themselves in a small slot next to the dresser in the closet.  SO - stuff had to come out, dresser had to be moved and put back, they freaked and tucked themselves into the carrier.


                        I think we've settled on Tucker and Sam.


                        I spent about 2 hrs in there last night coaxing Tucker out with a toy and he and I played for a long time.  I even got Sam to nudge the wand stick a little bit.  First he just wanted to angry bite it, but I didn't back down.  I remembered the treats for the first time and that seemed to be the game changer.  I was sitting on the floor playing with Tucker, dragging the wand toy back and forth in front of me, then gave him a few treats.  He finally decided it was OK to walk in front me, I reached out and started petting his butt, and it was like a switch was flipped and he couldn't stop getting enough love.  About the last 20 min that I was in there, Sam finally crept out and slinked (slunked?) around the room and eventually sat a few feet away from me and just looked at me.


                        And then this morning happened - 1 step forward, 2 steps back.  I told The Hub he has to start spending time in there, too.  They need to get used to both of us.  He said he's gonna go in there this afternoon and sit and read, play with Tucker and see how it goes.  They aren't food motivated, but they are treat motivated, so I think that's gonna be the strategy.


                        Nothing for me this morning.  I woke up in the middle of the night with a queasy stomach and still felt like crap when the alarm went off.


                        Speaking of queasy, a couple of minutes after I got to work, I heard our dept secretary make a mad dash for the bathroom, then heard her dry heaving.  When was walking back to her cubby I called her into my office and asked her if she was pregnant.  With big round, scared eyes she nodded yes then started crying.  She just found out yesterday and needs to make an appt. with her doc to confirm.  She's been trying for 8 years to get pregnant, so she's feeling a bit overwhelmed and scared at the moment and doesn't want anyone to know in case she's not able to carry full term (I think she has endrometriosis).  I gave her a couple of big hugs and we talked.  Told her "Deep breaths.  Just take some deep breaths . . . and keep an empty garbage can at your desk just in case you can't make it to the bathroom." 

                        Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                        Trail Runner Nation

                        Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                        Bare Performance



                          Hey folks. Back from my week at my MIL’s and finally caught up with work stuff.  I read through the dailies (and enjoyed Steve’s pics, especially, as usual) but too much to comment on and I’m not touching all that fashion talk.


                          MIL’s decline continues and the transition to “official” hospice care is underway, which entails a change in what services she’s eligible for.  With doctors estimating a few weeks to a few months remaining, it’s just a waiting process now. Everyone involved—especially my MIL--wishes this were a “death with dignity” state but, sadly, it’s not.  (I noticed similar discussion earlier this week here.) And don’t get me started on the health care systems, especially in small towns with no competition.


                          Almost no running last week but some decent cycling—all of it on very hilly terrain, which I’m not used to. (The town is basically in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains; pretty but very hilly and windy.) TriBee’s acclimated out there and just flies up those hills; me, not so much.


                          Anyhow, out for my usual 5-miler today and hope to get back into the routine.


                          ETA: I'm shopping for a password manager. Anybody have one they really like?

                          Be safe. Be kind.

                            Tramps-  the expert who lives in this house with me has us on Dashlane and had researched it all extensively.  It seems to work well for us.


                            Leslie- I think that is pretty good progress with the kitties!  I know it will be up and down.


                            Holly- I wish you could just stay prone and not have to go to work with that foot.  It sounds very painful.

                            Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth



                              5K easy pace today.


                              I've been running in the grass beside sidewalks as much as possible, to keep all those teeny-tiny bits & pieces in good working order for trail running. Was fun today in about 2" of fresh/falling snow. Kept my pace slow for sure, especially going upwind when it got hard to see with snowflakes stinging the eyes.


                              Have a good one!


                                Speaking of the date
