Masters Running


Happy Friday, 6.3.16 (Read 33 times)


    Mornin everyone.


    Nice "prudent" 10K yesterday, Aamos, with a Simon shower bonus!


    Nice trailless 3.9er yesterday, Stumpy. I still wonder which Jay we have?


    Good for you for sleeping in yesterday, Leslie. Looks like Marj took the same path.


    How was the fish at the film fest, Tet?


    I like your fantasies, Enke. (Am I allowed to say that?) You can make it a reality!


    Sorry about the persistent sciatica, Deez, and the wonky work schedule coming up. Keep up the good biking. I hope things go well with the arrival of GD2.


    Twocat, I hope that the HVAC guy at least did what needed to be done after arriving late and staying long.


    Good 6er, Mariposai.


    Good PP run, Evanflein. Yes, "sloggy" is a word - ever since you used it yesterday.


    Hiya Steve!


    7.6 RW miles this morning in 55F temps under overcast, threatening, but ultimately dry skies. I'm still trying to get back into my normal routine (whatever that is) after our trip last week. I guess the trip and conference took some more out of me than I expected. So it goes.


    Have a greta Friday!



    Without ice cream there would be darkness and chaos.


      We shifted from sweatshirt to sweating weather in a blink around here. I am just continuing life as usual but I am slower and I am sweating a lot.

      Today was 3 miles at the park. A little bit quicker than my usual slog since I knew I wasn't going very far. Tomorrow I will try to add 1 more mile to my "long" run and bump it up to 8 miles.  If it is as humid as it was this morning I may start out with a run/walk system so I don't fall apart too early.

      For the past couple days I have been feeling grouchy. Cindy has asked me a couple times if something was wrong, but there really isn't anything wrong. Today feels better so maybe that mood has passed. It comes and goes without warning.



      Marathon Maniac #957

        Good Morning!


        MIL arrived from CA last night, and we are heading out to Hocking Hills for a weekend of hiking (as much as MIL can do anyway).


        Aamos - that poplio thing might be it.  What did you do to fix it?


        3.1 easy-paced miles for me this morning.  Still tender but a day of rest helped.  We'll see if it gets all grumpy again now.


        Happy Friday!

        Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


          Good morning Jay, Dave, Holly and all to follow. It's an absolutely perfect morning here. 56°, bright blue sky and no wind. I ran 3 miles, then hopped on my bike and biked 7 miles. I "slept in" until 5:45 and met a whole new group of people on the trail today. It's a lot busier than it is when I'm usually out the door at 5:00.


          Glad you're getting back into your normal routine Jay. That is, if it's really you!


          Isn't that weird how sometimes you just feel crabby Dave? What are the causes that trigger these mood swings? Hope today goes well.


          Good luck with your poplio issues Holly. Have a great weekend with your MIL and the rest of the family. Maybe a couple of days of not running will clear things up.


          Congrats on the upcoming birth of your GD Deez. And I hope that sciatica thing clears up soon.


          Did you get sick Erika? Between running two marathons and all of the traveling you did, you must have gotten run down and picked up a bug somehow. I hope you feel better today.


          I'm taking the grandsons on a picnic this afternoon. The oldest is done with school at noon so grandma is packing a lunch and taking them to the park. Maybe some ice cream too, if they're good


            Had my first ART yesterday and what a change! Walked close to a mile last night and this morning and no knee pain. He worked on my hamstrings and quads. Not ready to run but going to gym this pm and will cycle and do the elliptical. Have another appointment next week. I've been overconfident before and tried running only to get my knee pain back. Will wait until I'm really ready this time.

            Sayhey! MM#130

              What a wonderful Friday, Jlynne picnicking with the GSs, henrun improving, deez anticipating a new person, Dave is cheering up and Jay is home (but is it the real Jay??)


              Holly, be careful on hills when you hike.  I just ran slow and easy and stayed away from the bridge.  Evidently DOWNHILLS are bad.  Took about two weeks to build back to normal, but I was able to run, including run/walks.  I like this site:  Popliteus        A PT I run with gave me this site: Treatment for stretches.


              I think DH is angling for a new bicycle.  He went out cycling with his buddy Saturday--came back a little miffed as the friend got a new bike  and is now able to go faster.  They were with a group, and Daniel told him to go ahead, but I could tell he wasn't 100% with it.  Of course, they went to bike shop after the ride.....I'm not going to make this easy and ask him if he wants to get a new bike.  Is that awful?  I have no problem with it, but I just think he needs to bring it up.  ........So last night, while we're making supper, he brings up how he rode his bike a lot more in Rapid and he'd like to get back to that .      I'll keep you posted on his progress--both biking and with his proposal for getting a new bike.


              Just a bit over 4 this am.  Want to have good runs this weekend, just taking care.


              happy Donut Day, if you like 'em......I'll substitute cookies!





      (for a piece or two of my mind)

                Bike envy really does exist!  I made the mistake of test riding a carbon fiber bike.  No, I didn't buy one ($3K), but I was certainly tempted.  I am very happy with Gigi, she cost 800 including tax and is probably worth twice that retail.


                I looked at the weather for Medford OR this weekend.  Only highs of 103.  Yikes!  I sure hope it is unseasonably cool there in two weeks for the Wild Rogue Relay!!


                4 miles this am, in beautiful conditions, sunny, 58F, no wind.  I did one mile at pipe dream HM pace.  I wonder if I will ever be able to string 13 of those together.

                "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."

                  What a wonderful Friday, Jlynne picnicking with the GSs, henrun improving, deez anticipating a new person, Dave is cheering up and Jay is home (but is it the real Jay??)







                  What Aamos said . . . and about those donuts . . . our boss brings in donuts once in awhile, so we strategically put "National Donut Day" on his calendar in the hopes he would see it and understand that of all the days he could bring donuts TODAY was the most important day.  Well, he failed miserably in his duties . . . so a couple of the secretaries are taking a break to go get donuts for the office.  You go, girls!!


                  I did 30 min of core/ST last evening, nada this morning since I had a really hard time getting to sleep.  My foot was a bit irritated from the workout, which didn't help.  And in that regard, I've been waiting for a call from my PT office regarding my referral to them.  In yesterday's mail was a letter from a different PT office saying they'd received my referral, please call to schedule an appointment, and oh by the way, "We are currently scheduling new patients approximately two months out."  Not quite sure how not being able to see a PT for 2 months helps somebody in need, but that's a real issue with our medical system here Behind the Redwood Curtain.  Needless to say, I called my doctor's office this a.m. and asked for a re-referral to the right office.


                  Tomorrow is Grasshopper Peak 30k.  It's supposed to be in the mid 80's.  Holy Hotness!


                  Have a great weekend, friend ~~

                  Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                  Trail Runner Nation

                  Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                  Bare Performance




                    Seems The Boss went to the donut shop AFTER he went to court.  And then the two ladies from our office used the recycling money to buy donuts for the office . . . . .




                    Maybe we should offer some to all the people involved in the mediation in our office today . . . .

                    Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                    Trail Runner Nation

                    Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                    Bare Performance


                    MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

                      FISH FISH FISH
                      I’m still floatin’ around in Cloud Nine after last evening’s world premier of “Tsukiji Wonderland” at the Seattle International Film festival that not only featured fish, fish, fish and even more fish for 110 minutes but also had the producer and director present for a Q&A afterwards plus featuring comments from the Harvard fishophile author of “Tsukiji: Fish Market to the World.”  Though 25 years apart, we’d gone to the same language institute in Tokyo and had lots of mutual market friends and experiences.   If there were a World Fish Mainiacs group, we’d be not only vying for who’d been to Tsukiji the most times over the years (well over a hundred times each) but who’d eaten the most different species of fish in one lifetime. (well over a hundred too). Didn’t see Dave but lots of crabs too.
                      . .___    

                      RUN RUN RUN

                      five morning miles under gradually dissipating cloud cover with red, pink and occasional white Sitka roses along the bike paths,

                      a hillside of a white wild rose variety, white morning glories and pink, purple, violet and lavender sweet peas.

                      No wonder I love running so much, . . . . next to fish.
                      BIKE BIKE BIKE\
                      amy - any bike is okay for just going out on your own for fitness riding but for riding with someone else, it is extremely discouraging to be slogged down on a heavy, 26" wheel town clunker when friends are on light-weight and super-light-weight 27" wheel road bikes. Comparing my Red Baron commuter to the faster and sleeker Blue Streak Canondale I use for annual triathlons, the difference is huge, almost akin to running barefoot vs. being bound up in shoes.
                      Unfortunately, if DH is like some other people I know who aren’t competitive cyclists and perfectly fine with whatever they have, he’ll never spend the money to upgrade.  Maybe check with enke but, sometimes, if someone else gets in the picture or does it for him, he’ll be eternally grateful so please wonder aloud if, since he’s doing more and more cycling, he might like a lighter-weight touring bike or something. It's easy for me to say since I have no car and bikes were salvaged out of dumpsters but, no matter how expensive it is, it’s cheaper than a car, he’ll be an easy rider envy of all, and, as I’ve been riding mine for more than 20 years now, so will he.  Good luck.
                      DONUTS DONUTS DONUTS
                      leslie - take ‘em to the Grasshopper

                      "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)


                        Donuts, ick. Just the thought of them makes me gag.  Hope you enjoy them if that's your thing. Be sure to throw out the leftovers.


                        Jlynne, I'm sure that's it. I realize that endurance efforts like marathons have a negative impact on your immunity and ability to fight off crud, so I'm sure doing two of them close together isn't any help. It's just that I've never had this happen before, so hesitant to blame the marathons. I'll go with so much travel and touching so many germy surfaces, even with a lot of hand washing. I'm still coughing but overall feel better.


                        Have fun, Holly. Hope that back-of-knee thing heals up soon.


                        Yay for improvement, Henry! And smart to take it easy.


                        Tet... Harvard fishophile... heheh, glad you enjoyed it!


                        I'm looking forward to sleeping in a bit tomorrow. It's been a loooong time since I've been able to sleep in and it's one of my favorite things to do on weekends! But I also really need to get the garden going and hopefully mostly finished this weekend. The rain we had yesterday made my rhubarb just sproing so much, it's huge! I picked enough to make a crisp this past week, but I obviously need to do much more. I wonder if you can make rhubarb crisp with rhubarb that's been frozen?


                        Will run soon, the sun is shining but it's only 57° right now a little after noon. We've definitely had a cooling off the last couple of days! Run will be easy today so I don't spend the rest of the day coughing up a lung....


                          . The rain we had yesterday made my rhubarb just sproing so much, it's huge! I picked enough to make a crisp this past week, but I obviously need to do much more. I wonder if you can make rhubarb crisp with rhubarb that's been frozen?




                          My SIL is making rhubarb wine out of her vast crop  That doesn't even sound good. And I'm not going to try it either, so there. Hope you feel better Erika. Sleep in tomorrow. It will do you good.


                          Take those leftover donuts to a homeless shelter Leslie. When I volunteer at ours, donuts are always a huge hit because so many of the people staying there are addicts and the sugar fix really helps them.


                          One more vote for letting DH get the bike Aamos. Then when you sign up for that Hawaii marathon next year, you won't feel so guilty!


                          Yay Henry!

                            We've been forcing donuts on the mediation participants.  Maybe the sugar high will keep them awake.   No food goes to waste in this office.  They'll either get taken somewhere or stuffed in the fridge and obliterated next week.

                            Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                            Trail Runner Nation

                            Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                            Bare Performance



                            Trails are hard!



                              One more vote for letting DH get the bike Aamos. Then when you sign up for that Hawaii marathon next year, you won't feel so guilty!


                              Yay Henry!

                              I think Jeanne nailed it,Amy.


                              And also Yay, Henry.


                              Missed out on the normal Friday work goodies, as we had a community service day as voolunteers at the NH Special Olympics.  we had a great time escorting groups to their heats on the track.  Everyone sure seems to enjoy themselves, albeit in many different ways.  I even ended up as a 50M walk participant when one of my escortees dicided that I was essential to her participation and wouldn't let go of my hand.

                              Need a fast half for late fall.  Then I need to actually train for it.


                                deez, I'm sorry to hear your sciatica is hanging around.  I hope you get relief soon.  Also, good news about the upcoming grand kid.


                                this morning, it was in the high 60s and there was just a light wind.  I did 6 miles at an 11:47 pace.


                                A good day and good runs for all.

