Masters Running


Thu July 23 Runs and Workouts (Read 410 times)

Marathon Maniac #3309

    Enke, I prolly do think that people that are OCD are more likely to become more addicted and complusive about running....which is me big time (and a lot of folk here are the same I am sure) Me and my Tri Buds have talked about this very issue many times, and we "all" agreed we are very complusive people that love (have) to workout and never like to miss a workout for anything. Plus, I am very addicted to that GREAT feeling after a run and big efforts, which keeps me coming back for more and more and more.....I think most of us are this way. Just look at how "bummed" and "depressed" people become if they get injured and can't run! ----- So happy Denise that things are looking up for your son....I will continue to have you in my thoughts and Prayers! ----Jlynne, yes I have been fully cleared to run to my "hearts" content (smiles) and thanks for asking. ----lots of greats runs today!!! And hope everyone has a good rest of the day----Timbo

    Running has given me the courage to start, the determination to keep trying, and the childlike spirit to have fun along the way - Run often and run long, but never outrun your Joy of running!


      I slept in 'til 3:25.   


      Jeanne - when is Leo due?  I had missed this.  Is he going to be OK?


      The ultrasound (and other testing) showed that the baby has transposition of the great arteries, which means the pulmonary artery and the aorta are connected wrong, so the good, oxygenated blood is not getting to the baby's heart. They're going to do open heart surgery a few days after he's born - due around the middle of October. My DIL  just found out that they're going to induce her (I had one of my boys that way) which seems the worst possible option for stress on both the mother and the baby. I hope they change their minds on that one... I do keep calling him Leo in hopes the name will rub off on them. 

      Enke - if you have OCD, we all do. And what's wrong with doing something every day that makes you feel better both physically and mentally anyway?

      Hey Leslie - sorry to hear your gut is acting up on you again. Do you have to go for a checkup for that every now and then? Has it ever been officially diagnosed?


        Enke.......What is the off chance that these comments came from non-runners?


        Let me ask you........I was just sitting at the lunch table with some of the Team leaders.....They were dicussing last nights activities which involved a Corporate HQ visitor, all the department managers, a dinner and lots of alcohol. The department managers had to be was optional for me......I chose not too.....BECAUSE.....I had a 12 mile run scheduled this morning and I knew a big dinner followed by beer and I would have blown it off.......I would have been sitting at that lunch table licking my wounds with the rest of them.......does that make me complusive about my running / training ? FWIW.....I don't have the will power to not partake in the party....No way could I go then sit there and sip on a pepsi.


        My wifes friends DH is a Chiropractor who once told me that we were not made to which I responded.....we were designed better to run than to sit on the couch eating cookies. I'll risk injury over death thank you. 


          I do think running can be addictive to some extent, maybe just to some people. But like Tim said, it's common to feel down and depressed when you can't get your running "fix" due to injury or scheduling conflicts. Why else do so many injured runners insist on continuing to run when they really know they shouldn't? (not naming any names here...) I have had my DH tell me he sometimes wishes I were addicted to drugs or something instead of running because at least there's a treatment plan for that!!


          Enke, so glad you're getting back out there and feeling like a runner again! Speed is irrelevant, you know. You'll get the fitness back soon enough, just take it slowly. 4 months is a long time (right Twocat??).


          Good job on the comeback, Tramps. How long has it been? Not sure how fully healed a toe should be before you really start working it. Wouldn't want to re-injure it and have a set back.


          You guys and your 13-17 mile mid-week runs... wow.


          JLynne, glad to hear everything else is ok. They can do amazing things with neonatal care now so maybe he'll be alright. Baby Leo is a darling name...


          I don't know how WRFB and PDR do it. But then again, they're not up at midnight on a regular basis... I'm looking forward to school starting again. My kids are haunting around the house till the wee hours (and sometimes not so wee hours) and I can't get them to go to (or stay in) bed. Teenage boys and long daylight hours are a bad mix for any sort of regular bedtime.  School starts August 17....


          That dense smoke advisory last night apparently came from a relatively new fire very close to us (less than 30 miles) to the south. It really was amazing watching the smoke roll in, falling ash particles and everything. So far it looks ok out there, was better earlier. I'll get a short RAL in because the air quality is forecast to get bad again this evening. We sure could use some rain...


            Denise, that's great news!


            Sue... thanks.   Recovery is in process.  :-)

            Happy "me" day!


            hugs to baby Leo.... I was thinking maybe the name would stick too.... and to dawndaughter 1.   This is so exciting.  


            Another slacker,  up at 4.   The plan today is for optional alt. cardio (20-30 min.) & a core workout, so I did 12 min. on the elliptical... my right knee hurt after 10 but I didn't notice it at first.  It's funny how that works.   Just 14 min. on the bike.    And 1 set of just about everything else.. weight machines, back lifts, stab. ball reverse crunches, hamstring curls, side planks & russian twists. 

            Since it's been a while, I"m going to see the sports med doc tomorrow morning about my abs & knee. 


            hey Erika.... so sorry about all that smoke!!!


              My wifes friends DH is a Chiropractor who once told me that we were not made to which I responded.....we were designed better to run than to sit on the couch eating cookies.

               I love this. And actually, I've heard from many sources (which of course I can't name now, but one was a Nova show on PBS awhile back) that we were made to run, and run long distances. What we weren't made to do was sit for extended periods of time, cookies or no. Our backs just really aren't designed to do that...

                Thanks for the comments, I don't feel so weird anymore.  I never know how to respond to these people.  One was definitely not a runner, the other said she used to run a little bit.  My DH is totally supportive of my running and never minded me being gone for 4 hours every Sunday morning for a long run.

                One thing is for sure, my first "comeback" run two days ago was HARD.  I was thinking, "I totally get why people try running then quit after a few times".  When I first started running 3.5 years ago, it felt like WORK for the first three months (then again I was on a TM that whole time), and I did it solely for the physical health benefits and to lose a little weight, not so much for the mental health benefits. Then something clicked and I started to crave it.

                I guess I am wondering if people with certain predispositions, certain brain chemistries, become MORE addicted to running than others, and go into more of a withdrawal when they can't run.  Like some people with alcohol or other mood-enhancing drugs.


                I was born to run, just not fast.

                "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."

                  Enke - I'm happy you're feeling so much better.  Fantastic news.


                  Re your question/comment - I think what makes people "OCD" about running, or any physical activity, is that once you are in the habit of working out, you become "addicted" to feeling good, plain and simple.  When you can't workout, you can feel the Sloth Monster slowly creeping back in.  Up until about 7 years ago, I (thought) I hated working out.  But once I got into the groove with aerobics, I couldn't believe how much better I felt, especially after dropping 20 pounds.  It's the same with running.  Prior to 3 years ago, running was a cuss word in my vocabulary.  But something clicked at age 40, I tried it, and fell in love with it.  For me, there's nothing like the high I get from running and from completing a tough race.  I feel better at 43 than I ever have before, and I certainly don't want to go back to being the person I was 7 years ago.  My entire life has changed for the better.


                  Regarding people's comments, those are unfortunate.  More often than not I get big kudos for what I'm doing, but once in awhile such a comment slips in.  I prefer to think of those people as ignorant about being physically healthy in general since, again more often than not, they are overweight, out of shape, and unhealthy.


                  There are hundreds of thousands of us worldwide who know the truth about what we do and why we do it.  I prefer to keep them in my thoughts.

                  Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                  Trail Runner Nation

                  Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                  Bare Performance


                  Marathon Maniac #957


                    I was born to run, just not fast.


                    I love that - it should be a t-shirt slogan....


                    Leslie said it better than me....


                    My birth-mom likes to remind me that her degenerative disc disease is hereditary, and that I had better stop running marathons soon ( like next year), because it will soon crush my spine....


                    Then, when she came to DS's soccer game in June on the day I was running the ultra, she sat next to a physical therepist who apparently told her that too much running is bad for you, thereby confirming her dark predictions about me.....

                    Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                      runningindc, I'm glad to hear your PT is done and hope you can get back to normal soon.  tet, congrats on the new grandson.  deez, it's neat your son is home.  Best wishes for him and your whole family. 


                      Nice long runs for CNY, bike, WRFB, and PBJ.  Good job on the speedwork for breger, dg, holly, fatozzig, and mariposai.


                      This morning it was in the mid 60s and almost calm.  I did 8 miles in a little under 1:18 for a 9:40 pace.


                      A good day and good runs for all.




                        Ended up doing nothing yesterday but shopping and a big juicy hamburger for much for plans...


                        Today it was a 30 min swim at lunch (SAL)


                        Here I thought I was just like the beers getting up and out the door by 6 a.m....but they are home and showered by then...hurmph!


                        I am running a 5K on Saturday night in Crystal City...they are predicting Saturday as one of the warmest days of the season so far with highs in the 90's...go figure!


                        I am addicted to feeling good and if that makes me addicted to running I accept....I have been addicted to other things...running is so much better for me


                        I have done the couch and cookie thing...I like the running thing so much better, regardless of what I was "born" to do...


                        Good day and good runs everyone....

                        Trails Rock!

                        Marathon Maniac #957




                          Oops, I just got RunninginDC mixed up with Runningsmarter - sorry!  Nice to see you again, Liz!

                          Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                            Enke--when people tell me I'm too much into running, I tell them I only run marathons and that there are lots of people who run 100 milers (e.g., Western States has to have a lottery there are so many applicants) and more (e.g., Badwater).  Now, those are the people who you can call crazy .


                            [So glad you and Kevin are both running again.]


                            Gym day for me--and now I have to go get with my fellow RS Nation members and take turns pressing our collective panic button .




                            Masters 2000 miles


                              I guess I'm addicted to running, because I missed my run last night, and that made me cranky!   The conference call with the Australian clients ended at 6:30 pm, and my commute is just over an hour.  DH had dinner ready when I got home, and although I contemplated telling him and DD to go ahead and eat without me while I got in a short run, I didn't think that would go over very well.   I don't mind missing one day per week, because I just call it my rest day, but I already missed Monday's run because I had to run an errand for DH and it was my turn to cook dinner. It's my turn to cook again tonight, but I WILL NOT miss my run, even if dinner is late. 


                              Enke, glad you're feeling better!  You deserve it after feeling carpy for so long.

                              Congrats to Tet on the grandbaby, and to the Beers and Jlynne for the soon-to-be grandbabies! Jlynne, I hope baby Leo's surgery goes well - sounds scary, but amazing that they routinely do these.


                              I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.




                                Then, when she came to DS's soccer game in June on the day I was running the ultra, she sat next to a physical therepist who apparently told her that too much running is bad for you, thereby confirming her dark predictions about me.....


                                Running is bad for you  this is exactly what I hear often from the ortho, surgeons and PT docs in my life. My poor husband, who is not a runner is often worried and confused about all this, but at least for now he goes along with my desire to run.


                                000Enkie is running again000

                                "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard
