Masters Running


Thursday 2/22/24 Runs and What not (Read 36 times)


    Holly, I'm thinking the same on the buy the pie thing. I really hate any sort of "required" team building or morale boosting or whatever happy horse$h.. the management comes up with. I don't make pie either, except pumpkin pie using the Libby's recipe on the pumpkin can and Pillsbury or store brand refrigerated crust. Period.


    Deez, sorry to hear about the COVID. And I think it's surging and all around us because people have gotten the idea it isn't a "thing" anymore. You rarely see anyone taking even basic precautions. When DH and I wear masks in airports and on planes (especially when boarding and deplaning), we're often the only ones or among the very few. Anyhow, hope it's a mild case and you recover well.


    Dave, ditto on that jersey probably having some value mainly due to the team no longer being around. It's a collectors item! As for what to do with it, I dunno, might be more of a PITA to deal with than it's worth.


    Can I make a request without sounding petty? I spell my name with a K. I absolutely hate my name being spelled with a c. It's a real pet peeve since grade school. Please, if you can't remember, just call me evan. Thanks.


      Our department head tries to do some occasional team things. Everyone is remote and all over the country so it usually some game on a Teams call. I appreciate the effort but I don't usually participate. I try sometimes but I usually end up working during the meeting and I miss everything.


      The hockey jersey is signed. The scratching could be any name in the world but it also has the number 33. I looked it up and in 2000, a player named David Wilkie was #33. In the minors there is no guarantee that it is his signature. There could have been more than one person wearing 33 that year.  If it was him, he was a 1992 1st round draft pick of Montreal and played 167 games in the NHL over 7 seasons for 3 different teams.


      Houston won the IHL championship the year before we moved to Houston but lost in the playoffs the 2 years we were living there.


      I'd like to see the NHL expand into Houston. I would hope they would revive the Aeros name. I like it.




        I understand this. I have an E. But to my in-laws, I'm Ann. It drives me crazy. The H and I have been together since 1999... so much time and you just can't be bothered to remember how to spell my name? Ok then.



        Can I make a request without sounding petty? I spell my name with a K. I absolutely hate my name being spelled with a c. It's a real pet peeve since grade school. Please, if you can't remember, just call me evan. Thanks.


          Dave59 I would take a picture of the jersey and then try to sell it on Ebay. See if there are other jerseys on the site and you will get some idea as to what yours will bring in.


          Holly S. you could make a shoofly pie. It is easy, and will freeze well. As a bonus, I bet it is something many at your office have never had. Personally, I love it! Here is a link to one recipe I love this quote from the recipe page, "Shoofly Pie is part of the family of desserts known as Desperation Pies." 


          I got in my 4 mile run. DW and her sister dropped me off at the 22 mile mark on the course and I ran back to our temporary home. We are staying near the finish, which is why that worked. Now DW and her sister are out shopping without me. Win-win!

          Live like you are dying not like you are afraid to die.

          Drunken Irish Soda Bread and Irish Brown Bread this way -->

            I love shoofly pie!  Grew up with it in PA!

            Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth


            Marathon Maniac #957

              Darn Erika - I knew that, and still miffed it - sorry!


              Twocat - I will check that out, thanks.  I have never had shoofly pie.

              Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."



                The nationwide ATT outage is affecting me, but at least here in the house I can make wifi calls.  What a mess.  I guess it affected other carriers, too, but not as much.


                ATT is our company's circuit provider. We were doing fine most the day but at 2:00 we went down and we are still down. 1000 people not working. Crazy stuff. We haven't been down this long in decades,



                MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

                  Jay - a t least, with my Dr. Torture too, we're not at bad as Steve's plight with both a real one and virtual too.  whew. 

                  My PT had me sit with the top of my hamstring on the foal roller, stretch that leg out, and try to reach to tough my toes - boy does that hurt! But it hurts good.

                  ps - in a perverse way, sometimes the harder it hurts, I think is good too.


                  Erika - count me in on it too and thanks for the reminder, . . . again. With trying to remember my cousin is the Swedish version ("Erica") vs your Norwegian "Erika," I'm getting better, . . . I think/thought.

                  ps - not as bad, though, as when, in the general absence of physicians drafted away during the war in most places up there, my parents were down here at their beloved heritage Swedish Hospital for me but the stupid staff thought the Swedish spelling they wanted for me was misspelled, so I'm been an Americanized Swede ever since. Good thing as I've never been to Sweden.  Oddly enough, they had me as the original Swedish version when I was back again in December for my TKR.  Better yet, I can not only see the same hospital at the same street address from the front window in our sr. residence but there's a historical picture of the hosptal as it was 80 years ago in a five story version (vs. today's 12) in their entry way taken five days after I was born, . . . and still in there for an extra week on an IV for some issues.  I wish they'd've had bigger windows in those days.     


                  Although the meteoroillogical prognosticators are still projecting the long awaited winter wind and rains we should already be having in spades, this morning's 97.4% waxing gibbous slipping through some break in the clouds's the best we've seen for a while and, unless the rain clouds delay until Sunday,'ll be the closest we'll get a full moon sighting this month so, after it slipped away behind the band of clouds above the horizon, though it required seven blocks of hoofing to get to the nearest stop, and more on the way back progressing from one bus stop to the next as I was too impatient to stand around at 46 degrees doing nothing to wait for it to arrive, I tried a new bus line that took me right to Lowe's Home Improvement two miles away instead of the rental e-biking I'd been thinking of.

                  You see, DW didn't need someone going with her shopping this aftrenoon as I thought I'd like to do with her but what Japanese women deem as a "wet leaf stuck to their shoes" as they call their retired husbands who, with no more after-work carousing, weekend golf, and nothing to do, etc., just want to stay with their wives so, when she went out the E-line in the other direction this afternoon, I removed the 12" under cabinet plug in light I got in December to go over our tiny 14" sink before my two months of immobility to replace with a 24" one she wished I would have gotten in the first place, . . . but now that she's back and it's in, she hasn't noticed yet so I'll wait and see if it becomes more obvious once the sun goes down. 


                  Otherwise, as soon as the afternoon temps got up into the 50'sF and closing in on 60, I got out my summer short pants that we used to call Bermudas but my recall is that the B's were a little longer but not as long a swimming jammers (or the new, calf-length long basketball trunks) and the Japan Joyful Marathon Vest I havent worn since last September, if that, and caught the next bus over to the the hillside park to enjoy the afternoon sunshine and track out a little extension of the West Loop and its measly 26 concrete stairs at the bottom of the loop from some abandoned hillside residence from the century before last by taking the Rob Reed Memorial half mile Traverse with shiny columnar basaltic bench over to the top 94 stairs of the East Loop for a total of 120 stair well wooden bin steps for the West Loop instead of the just measly 26 it had been. Nothing like the 866 I used to spiral and figure-eight around at the drop of a hat over on the island but neither am I any more.


                  ps Dave - is that a parkland?


                  ps Leslie - are you lost?


                  ps BTY - full length dolphins! Fantastic 

                  "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)

                    No run today, but it was sunny with no rain all day for the first time I can remember.

                    I have a medial knee twinge (meniscus) probably from the lifting on Monday, so I don't feel too guilty about skipping today. I KT taped it and it's working surprisingly well. Did some tree trimming and cleanup around the house.

                    Forecast is sunny in the upper 60's the next two days, so I'll get out at least once. Trails aren't dry enough yet otherwise I'd do a Mt Tam run.

                    60-64 age group  -  University of Oregon alumni  -  Irreverent and Annoying



                      ps BTY - full length dolphins! Fantastic 


                      I wish!  No, I push off and go 12 yards.  Take a step, take a breath, do a surface dive and go another 12 yards, almost. It takes me 30 seconds to get from one end to the other.  I rest 15 seconds, and repeat.    If I were actually able to full length, I don't think the lifeguards would let me.  There's a sign at the end of the pool that says "No long Breatholding" which I think means none of that.


                        I'm not sure what happened.  I typed away and my browser closed.  That is seldom a good thing.


                        I got two miles on the mill.  The PT regimen.  MIL has been having problems with her right foot.  Her kids have begged her to go in.  I've seen infections less disgusting in textbooks. She finally went.  She was sent to the ER but did not want to go in because they were busy.  She was on the phone complaining about foot pain with DW.  But she did not want to go in.  I told her, "I hope you're not too attached to your foot."  That did it.  SIL took MIL in.  She was admitted quickly and may be there for a few days.  Here's hoping the doctors have a magic wand.


                        I took the dog out for a mile and a half after work.

