Masters Running


Wednesday, February 9 daily (Read 506 times)

Marathon Maniac #957

     I didn’t realize the Yasso recoveries were so long.  Interesting…and encouraging. 



    Yes, this was new to me as well - thanks!

    Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


    MM #6177

      Good morning everyone. I have a date with my foam roller today, since I found my calves were quite tight last night after my foray into Thursday. And today my right quad is talking.... oh man, it's really never boring in my body, is it?


      Hope to get to the gym for some elliptical time this afternoon. Was going to go earlier, but the muscles needed attending to first. I'm actually taking a break now, having just figured out a move that's released my psoas a bit. It's the windshield wiper pose, which I knew already, but by only doing one side (right knee in and down to the center, left knee straight up, foot staying planted on the floor). The instruction to try to work the thigh bone back down to the floor is the key to this pose. If I had some resistance at the knee, like someone pressing down on it and I'd have to press back up, that would've assisted me further, but I did the best I could imagining my own resistance. Yeah, DIY physical therapy only goes so far. Wink


        21 hallucinating miles for Timbo. you crazy man you!


        brrr - I'm cold just reading about all your cold temps. I watched the national weather news this morning and just cannot believe how bad many of you are getting hit. There's even snow coming to Shreveport, LA?? That's crazy!


        I sure am glad I'm a westcoaster right now. I can deal with a bit of freezing fog in the mornings.


        I ran at the track last night. only 4 miles though. 2 miles warm-up, followed by 3 x 2min intervals at 7:20 pace with 3 min recoveries. then a couple laps as a cooldown before it was time to head home. Today will be a rest day for me. just stretching/foamrolling this evening.


          ..I am the only person

           I know

          who manages to get INJURED during Church Choir.....


          torqued my hip

          coming off the stage,

          went to

           a cane yesterday

          and a crutch today and started Naprosyn.........meh......



          once again,

          Religion ain't for Sissies......




          ...but I digress.....


          ...........limped to the Y and did 32min poolrun........



          probably had something to do with posting that damn clown yesterday.




          ................good running may have to Stop, but You Don't have to Quit....

          ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....

          Marathon Maniac #3309


            Timbo, while I like to see people running 21 miles as a mid-week run, I don't like to read our your hallucinations due to have to take care of your body better if you want to go ahead of slo-hand on race day.


            Wait a minute, no Erika's sighting yesterday....where is she?



            Oh Nancy............we all live and learn. I feel really good today, and look forward to my speed work Wednesday. I'm really trying to see if I can become a high mileage runner....been doing relatively well and nothing hurts Smile


            I believe Erika is in Dallas on a business trip.


            21 hallucinating miles for Timbo. you crazy man you!    Well doing real drugs Ya know Wink



            Running has given me the courage to start, the determination to keep trying, and the childlike spirit to have fun along the way - Run often and run long, but never outrun your Joy of running!


            Marathon Iowa 2014

              Hey tomwhite


              Scary clown karma will get you every time.  Evil clowns and choir practice just don't mix.

              Marathon Maniac #957

                It's the windshield wiper pose,



                Finally, a yoga pose I can do without fear of falling down....Big grin


                I never did get to trying the Crow/Crane last night.  DD's school was having their science fair, and after we got home from that I helped her address her valentines for the class party on Friday.


                Tammy - speedy intervals!



                Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                  I feel really good today, and look forward to my speed work Wednesday.


         might not be feeling that good.

                  It IS Wednesday.


                  Be safe. Be kind.


                    Good afternoon. Lots of good runs. Tim, a 21 mile mid-week run!! Wow. But I am not so sure the hallucinations are a good idea. I did not realize the Yasso recoveries were so long either. On the TM at least, I would not have the patience.  I tend to shorten recovery jogs to get the darn workout over with.


                    I did a Wednesday speed session today. Usually  I do them Thursday but I may try to do a long run Friday. so I thought this would work better.


                    Here was the workout:


                    2 mile warm upat 8:34/mile  pace


                    2 x 2 miles at 7:30  pace with about 3 min recovery jog between

                    1 x 800 at 7:10

                    1 x 600 at 7:00


                    1.5 mile slow cool down and .25 walk.


                    9.2 miles total.


                    Careful there in church Tom.


                    Happy Wednesday!


                      once again,

                      Religion ain't for Sissies......




                      It certainly isn't! Big grin


                      OM - Did you notice down the right side of that page the "related" videos?  "How to Change Your Windshield Wiper Blades."  Ha!


                      Holly - I don't remember where I read/saw this, but another great glute exercise recommended for folks who are going to be doing a lot of hill climbing is a single legged squat while lifting your non-squatting leg (obviously) behind you.  You can totally feel your butt having to tighten up.


                      I've been using an inhaler for asthma since I was a kid. From The Hub's dr visit yesterday, I found out yesterday I've been using it wrong all these decades.  You don't put the thing in your mouth, but hold it approximately an inch or so from your mouth, then squeeze and breath in deeply.  If you put it in your mouth, it hits the back of your throat and you don't get as much medicine into your lungs.  Why did it take (almost) 40 years to find this out?


                      3 chilly EZ miles this a.m.  I like EZ.  I wanna do EZ all the time.  EZ is enjoyable.

                      Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                      Trail Runner Nation

                      Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                      Bare Performance



                        Missed my yoga class, but I had 30' of laughter therapy and it sure felt good!

                        Big grin

                        "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard


                          Got back yesterday from 4 days in central Florida where we participated in the Melbourne Beach Music Half Marathon. I, still injured, was intending to walk/jog a few miles and then drop out. but I was relatively pain free and going very slowly and there was no place to drop out after I hit the 4 mile mark (or so I told myself). I was having fun talking to the walkers and continued slowly. Marj finished in good time and called me on the cell-by then I was at mile 8 and thought I might as well finish it. She was not pleased, to say the least,and worried and walked back to walk me in for the last 2 miles. I finished but, the slowest time I've ever done and the very last finisher in the race. Fortunately the full marathoners were still out there, so I wasn't alone and received much support. I didn't feel badly at the end and still got a 2nd age group place (only 2 of us).

                          Other than stiffness I've felt really good. Today I actually ran 2 miles almost at my pre-injury speedSmile.

                          Hope this lasts. (BTW Marj finished 3rd in her age division).

                          At least we had a few days of warmth-temp during the race was IRC-low 60's and overcast.


                          MM #6177

                            The two best lines today (so far):



                            Scary clown karma will get you every time.


                            and (via tomwhite)


                   may have to Stop, but You Don't have to Quit....


                            Well, I foam-rolled and stretched and massaged and Stick'd, and finally my entire right leg didn't feel like such a mess anymore. Sheesh, how can something like a simple 4 mile run do such damage, considering all the miles I've been putting in up until now?? So off I went to the gym. 30 minutes (3 miles) on the elliptical, some glute strengthening lunges and squats (which makes the cramping go away, I've found), a bunch of crunches on the Bosu, and finally 18 minutes on the bike. I would've gone longer, but I was messing with the buttons and somehow canceled my program. Oops.


                            Then looking at the clock I realized DD would be walking to the gym from school very soon. In fact she did call and ask me to pick her up halfway (it's barely a mile from her school to the gym). I told her nah, keep walking, it's her warmup. I'm such a cruel mother, I know.


                            I have to go back out to pick her up in a few minutes anyway. It's 2 miles from home. That cruel I'm not.


                            Leslie, that's funny about the wiperblades.


                            Holly, I spontaneously find myself in crow pose... crouching down to stretch out my lower back, next thing I know my hands are on the kitchen floor and I'm playing with the balance... at least I'm not hallucinating... Joking


                            Yoga class this evening for me. My life's not too bad today, now that I think about it. Smile

                              henrun! You rascal! So glad the pain is gone, but don't worry Marj like that! 


                              I was in Florida early in the week and it sure was nice to run in shorts and have lots of clear pavement. The blast of air that hit me upon deplaning was just rude! No complaints though, looks like the next days will be sunny with temps in the 30s. The towering snowbanks will be around for a long time, but not forever (I think).


                              I am into what I call the jaws of the marathon training runs now, but holding up okay. 14.2 miles this morning with 8x 4 minutes at 6:50-7:00 pace (90 seconds) and a few 30 second rust blasters before cool down miles. 


                              I watched the New Balance indoor track meet on ESPN2 (pre Super Bowl) and grinned when I watched the junior girls mile race. The second place finisher (with a 4:55) is the daughter of one of my college teammates. Said teammate and her husband went on to the Olympics and were highly ranked marathoners back in the late 80s and into the 90s  (2:28 her and 2:13 him). Talk about a gifted runner gene pool! Made me feel old and happy to see their daughter, now a senior in high school, pounding the boards like a pro.



                                 Talk about a gifted runner gene pool!


                                Congrats to your friends and their daughter!  I obviously come from a non-gifted runner gene pool.  In fact, I don't know of any ancestor of mine who ever ran, even non-competitively. So I come by my lack of speed honestly.  On a brighter note, though, I recently had my cholesterol tested, and I'm at HDL 87 and LDL 90, so I did a good job picking my parents, even if they're slow. Smile


                                Congrats to Henrun and Marj on placing in your AGs in the half marathon! Henry, so nice that you felt good enough to finish the whole race.

                                I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.
