Masters Running


Sunday March 20 Runs and Fun (Read 458 times)

    Site’s a bit funky today, no?  Anyway….


    Erika’s moose pics were neat yesterday.  All that snow sure looks cold, though.

    Here’s our backyard this morning; the fruit trees have exploded in the last couple of days.

    Jlynne—congrats about the house!  That must be a load off your mind.

    Enke has the new iPod ESP edition.  Cool.

    Mike—nice mastery of the lingo, though I hope you’re kidding about the treatment of DW.

    Mari—2nd AG and a beautiful picture!

    And Erika and Mike’s son are practically neighbors! Wink


    13.2 miles @ 8:09 on a gorgeous Spring morning. I practiced a “smart start” today, easing in to the first mile and then keeping MP pace up until mile 8.  After that, I just took it easy and was later pleased to see that a couple of those miles were almost in MP range. 


    With so much turmoil and trouble in the world, I was especially mindful on this sunny day of how fortunate I am to be safe, healthy, and running.  I hope you are too.


    Go racers!

    Be safe. Be kind.

    Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

      Beautiful picture Tramps!!   


      Yes, this site was acting up this morning.


      Congrats JLynne - that is wonderful news!!


      I went out for 13 this morning.   I reversed my route trying to deal with the wind the first portion of the run, but that also meant dealing with hills the later portion of the run.   I just powered through and even though a really wanted to start walking the last two miles (back into the wind again) I pushed through.    The training plan calls for three 12-milers in a row, but I don't want to do that.   I'm going for 14 next weekend and then the following weekend cut back since we are going away.


      Happy Sunday!


      "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
      It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."


        I'm bucking the trend here,  no photos & only 9.2 miles

        Nice morning to run on the Greenway Trail  w/DW


        Have A Nice Day!!  Everyone...

        Courage ! Do one brave thing today...then run like hell.


          Happy Spring Arrival!  (7:21pm in the east)


          3 easy for me this morning so I could hit 20 for the week.


          Spent some time getting caught up on the week.  Always good to see a new guy (Mike) jump right in without hesitation.


          dg - Yes, I am still planning on running the Bayshore 10k.  If Cindy doesn’t want to come and be around a bunch of runners, I’ll bring my daughter and granddaughter.  They’re always game for a road trip.


          Mariposai - Congratulations on the 10k pr.


          evanflein - Great moose pics.  I saw a couple up close when I was on a canoe trip in Canada a long time ago.  


          Holly - A have a niece doing her first marathon at that one I think you are doing in a couple weeks.  She is a student at Ohio State.  I should figure out a way for you to go up to her and surprise her.  Give her a few pointers.


          Jlynne - Welcome to Benjamin Daniel and great news on the house.


          Tramps - Nice work on the 13.2.  You blew away my half marathon pr on a training run.



            It will be awhile before our fruit trees look like that. Good thing too because it looks like we are headed back to some winter weather this week.


            12.1 miles sloooow 9:38 pace. My shins have been sore all week so I decided to just take it easy today. I missed my run yeserday because of a memorial I had to attend and then I stayed to help clean up so by time I drove home it was late and I didn't want to go out late and then run long early this morning especially with the shin issues. My run today was pleasant though so we will see later when everything stiffens up.


            Waiting for race reports. Lots of good racing going on here this weekend.



            Chumbawamba: I get knocked down But I get up again You're never going to keep me down

            Mike E

            MM #5615

              I'm glad everybody else was having trouble getting on the site, this morning.  I thought the wimmin were keeping me out!  No, don't worry, I treat my DW very nice...although, she might not always agree with that.


              Yeah--I'm looking forward to hearing all the race reports, too.


                I went out for 13 this morning....  The training plan calls for three 12-milers in a row, but I don't want to do that.   I'm going for 14 next weekend and then the following weekend cut back since we are going away.

                 Nice running.  What are you training for?  (If I may be nosey.)




                  Tramps, nice start, & nice run.      I was having similar thoughts this morning.
                  so as I am behind and am likely to stay that way for a while.... how is your DW?      good luck next week!


                  Hi Jeanne!    congrats on selling your house.   & on your new grandson.   hope this gets easier on Will soon... I wonder if it could have something to do with everything that he went through for so long, and, I'm assuming here....  very naturally being the center of attention because of it.   


                  Dave59, good!   We'll have to arrange something one of these days.   Any plans made yet that I've missed?  There should be a lot of people there that we know, but I'm not sure how much running.   Lots of injuries. 


                  Mary, nice job!    We shared that wind.   yikes.  


                  Hi Sarge, hi Larry.  Smile    hope your shins are ok, that's a tough one. 


                  Yep, the site was funky.    but... just for the sake of accuracy, Mike... .we could.   well, one of us could.   but we do work as a team sometimes.      have you  heard about duct tape? 


                  Nancy, congratulations on your 2nd in AG!   That really is a beautiful picture.     I owe you a phone call.    


                  Also waiting for race reports.   


                  16.3 is what I'm saying for this morning, I'm tired of trying to figure it out more closely than that.   It was a calibration problem.   did it 3 times.  But the usatf website helps.   Anyway, I tried to take it easy, & did, but it still wasn't easy.    All things considered I am just really happy to have finished.  13 is the most I've done so far, last weeks 14 turned into 12.19.   About a 10:07 minute pace, Not counting fuel & pitstops. 

                    Out of the loop again, I have no idea what's going on here.  I did touch base with Eric and he had made some optimizations to the site but one was left out and that caused a problem  All is well now, though.


                    I ran today on tired legs from yesterday's 5 mile race, but was able to hold a decent pace on this, my last 20 miler for the cycle.


                    20.5 miles, 2:57:11, 8:38/mi, AHR 148 (72% MHR)

                    5@8:49(140), 10@8:40(147), 5.54@8:23(156)

                    Lou, (aka Mr. predawnrunner), MD, USA | Lou's Brews |

                      Anxious to hear how Peter and Steve did at Tobacco Marathon.  It wouldn't surprise me in the least if they both had Great days.


                      Last evening DW and I did something out of the ordinary.  We got Miami Heat tickets so we went down to Miami for the afternoon and evening.  We don't go down there often at all.  First of all it's over an hour away but it really is a fun place to go.  Miami is really a Cosmopolitan city where you hear many languages, none of them typically English.  DW bought a Restaurant coupon for $3 that offered a free meal if we ate $35 worth of food.  So we spent late afternoon at  Brazilian Restaurant trying hard to down $35 worth of appetizers, etc.  (We made it and then some!)  We spent several hours there drinking Brazilian Beer, lsitening to Latin music, people watching, and watching the Cruise ships come and go.


                      Miami can be a bit unsafe in parts but there was a big Police presence for the game. Never felt unsafe at all.  My seat at the game was literally an arms length away from the TV cameras.  So the highlights you may have seen on ESPN Sportscenter were exactly the views I had all night.


                      At half time the gorgeous, young 20-something Miami Dancers entertained.  After they were done - to polite, subdued applause - they brought out a group of 20 to 25 middle aged, overweight women who work for Humana Healthcare.  They shook their booties, grinded and strutted their stuff, to such an extent that the Crowd yelled more than they did for a couple of Dwayne Wade or Lebron James' Monster Dunks!  It was priceless and showed a real spirit by the women.


                      The Heat won and all in all it was a wonderful evening.


                      I ran 6+ miles this morning and I am feeling okay afterward.  I'm trying to avoid sitting too much - instead standing and walking as much as possible.  It makes watching the NCAA BB games a bit tough, but I do not want my back to tighten up.



                      "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong

                      Marathon Maniac #957


                        Holly - A have a niece doing her first marathon at that one I think you are doing in a couple weeks.  She is a student at Ohio State.  I should figure out a way for you to go up to her and surprise her.  Give her a few pointers.




                        Very cool.  Yes, it would be nice to figure a way to meet her.  Although, with the marathoners and half marathoners starting at the same time, it might be easier to spot her at the end than the beginning.


                        Dg - 16.2 miles - wow!


                        Tramps - I love it when the trees are in bloom.  We're not there yet here, but the grass is green again and shoots are poking up through the dirt.


                        Today’s run taught me that beer and fried foods are not good “night before” foods for a LR.  Next time I’ll cut out the fried food.


                        Seriously, though, I just felt exhausted for this morning’s run, notwithstanding the fact that I got plenty of sleep, haven’t done a hard workout in days, and I only had two beers last night. I don’t know what it is that inexplicably robs me of energy some days, but I’m beginning to think it might be hormonal. Can I blame it on perimenapause?


                        Anyway, 15 very sluggish miles for me today, with several walk breaks.  The only reason I went this far is that I ate way too much yesterday, calorie-wise.  Otherwise I would have stopped at 3 miles.  Not a big confidence-builder, with a marathon two weeks away.  Good thing that will only be a training run... Roll eyes

                        Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


                          No news from Tramps yet?


                          Any words from Dove???


                          10 miles with 14mph wind. Legs felt pretty sproinky after yesterday's race. The best part of the run was the 3.5 miles with my DH. I was shocked that he wanted to go running even with the strong wing. And...Tramps will be so proud of me.... I wore shorts today and it was 42F outside. SurprisedAnother 53 miler week for my wings. Thanks for the congrats for the AG yesterday. I am already plotting how am I going to lower my time one minute to take that AG trophy next year. 


                          Off to work on some papers. I will be gone all this coming week attending a conference...and no folks...I am not important enough to go to Austria for a conferenceBig grin like twocat is. BTW, twocat are we going to see any picture in RA? If not I will have to see what I can do to convince my pal, the editor to do it for us.


                          Erika, great picture yesterday.

                          "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard

                          i'm lovin' it... MM#1949

                            Finished marathon #13!

                            The Tobacco Road Marathon was nice and well run.  Just wish my legs had cooperated.


                            Goal 3:40, BQ 3:45

                            Result 3:50:54 (8:49 pace)


                            So what happened?  My legs lost pwer in the second half and I didn't have the strength to maintain pace or heart rate.

                            What did I learn? 

                            1. Yasso 800's are meaningless

                            2. Average  pace throughout the training cycle means nothing

                            3. Running long runs on tired legs trains you for running (slowly) on tired legs... I never walked a step

                            4. Fast finish long runs are good indicators (I didn't do any this time)

                            5. McMillan Running Calculator is accurate - why?

                            My 1/2 Marathon in December predicted a 3:44 marathon (I thought it was just a bad day). My 10K 2 weeks ago predicted a 3:45 marathon (I thought it was just a bad day).   So.... I went out at 3:40 pace and paid for it with a 3:50. Makes perfect sense.  Need to get those shorter race times faster!

                            6. Running a marathon in Asics with 1400 miles is no problem!


                            All rested and feel like running!



                            As Lance Armstrog says " Some days you're the bug and some days you're the windshield, today I was the bug"

                            Perch's Profile "I don't know if running adds years to your life, but it definitely adds life to your years." - Jim Fixx "The secret is to make in your mind possible what was not possible before. The secret is to make easy what was difficult, instead to make difficult what really is easy." - Coach Renato Canova


                              Holy Blooming Fruit Trees!!!! Our household has been very thankful too!!


                              I'm glad you pushed through Mary!!


                              I don't know what we're doing Bayshore Weekend. I owe DW a road trip...I want to be two places at once!!


                              Only a runner would say they ran 12.1 miles because they wanted to take it easy, Hallar. (Gotta get the  point 1 in)


                              If we both hang around this site MikeE, I do offer occasional tips on house keeping when DW is away.


                              Sweet 16.3 DG!!!


                              Great WRFB!!!


                              Tag and I went out 33 minutes down some snow covered slippery trails. Then 33 back. It's the first real run he's been on in nearly two weeks. Poor guy. He did get to chase a few critters up trees.


                                Steve - each marathon is definitely a learning experience.  Well done!

                                Lou, (aka Mr. predawnrunner), MD, USA | Lou's Brews |
