Masters Running


Sunday October 8 (Read 36 times)


    Greetings! Quite a productive group today. Crazy leaf peeper weekend in N. Conway. My DH was kidding me that they were all in Air bnbs and all planning to make chicken  ( we had discussed having roast chicken for dinner) , so I better get to the store. Well, I went to Hannaford; it was crazy busy, like bumper cars with the carts, and there was exactly 1 chicken in the store, and it was too big. Then off to Shaws, where again, there was exactly one chicken, this one a reasonably appropriate size.  Pretty funny. But I am glad they are going home soon.


    We did find some great local fresh spinach and little potatoes.


    We plan to hike tomorrow at a less busy venue, a couple of 3500 footers.


    Peloton yesterday, a newer 30 minute class then a 45 minute one.  I was pretty tired actually. I think from the week in general. Then some yoga later.  Rainy most of the day.


    Today another Peloton workout, but just a 45 minute low impact ride and a short cool down.  Then a nice walk late afternoon in a nearby trail area.   It cleared out and cooled off today.


    Off to go check posie results.

      2.75 mile walk at the cabin. Another gorgeous day. Likely the last of the season.

      Did some more work work. My brother surprised me by saying he is coming to my house tomorrow night, not "earliest" being Wednesday, so I have to get home to clean.

      Congratulations Jay on a great race!

      Anxious to hear about Posie's race.

      "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."

      Marathon Maniac #957


        Chilly and very windy here today! At least it took care of most of the little leaves from the honey locust tree in our front yard by blowing them sideways to someplace other than our lawn.


        At my house, it seems that all the neighbor's leaves blow into OUR yard!  

        Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


          roachrunner beat me to writing my post! I will add that Sifan Hassan finished in 2:13:44 the second fastest time ever for a woman and, of course, the course record. 


          Regarding Hassan remember she just ran the 1500, 5k, and 10k at the worlds six weeks ago.  The woman has to be from Krypton.



          A few more records to add - appropriate for a Masters Running forum


          Jeannie Rice appears to have set new world record marks in the F75-79 marathon and various intermediate distances. Her marathon time was 3:34:32


          Gene Dykes should have captured the American record for M75-79 with a 3:17:01 finish, having failed narrowly to beat the existing 3:18:10 at Berlin 2 weeks ago. The results show another runner in that division with a finish time of 2:38:55, but I'm pretty sure they will be disqualified as they missed several splits and appear to have completed the second half-marathon in about 30 minutes.


          Des Linden took the American record for F40-44 in 2:27:35

          Started running at age 60.

          AG 60-64 PR - 5K 25:45, 10K 53:28, HM 1:57:39, Marathon 4:32:09

          AG 65-69 PR - 5K 26:11, HM 2:02:39, Marathon 5:04:47


          Upcoming race: Four on the 4th 7/4/24 maybe.


            What a day of running!  Thank you quickadder for all the additions to todays headlines.  

            Nice job Jay.  I hope you feel great tomorrow, evening Ibu or not.  I vote for a little ibu.


            Carolyn, I hope your husband can find a way to be comfortable on the flight.


            Holly, I really like your strength training workout.  I’m feeling like a slug and am envious of what you did.


            Someone asked when I see the doctor for my back spasms.  My appointment is Friday and the days are dragging between now and then.  I feel good 80% of the time, but the 20% is miserable.  I’m able to walk pretty much pain free after I’ve been out of bed for awhile.  So I’m getting out for 3 good walks each day.  And I was able to mow today with no problem and also got all the windows across the front of the house washed.  Not the glass - that tilts in and I’ll get to it later.  Today was up and down the ladder scrubbing the frames and knocking down cobwebs.  Fall is coming and today was a nice almost warm day for outside jobs.


            I’m going to sleep well tonight after all that fresh air and sunshine.

              Hey friends - love all the excitement around racing and the marathon today!! Our Sole Sister running coach took 1st place in the 60-64 age group for the 5k yesterday and we had a good size group running the marathon today. Looking forward to hearing all the recaps and for our dear Nancy to check in!!!


              I was up for 7:30 mass today, went to Sterling for our little Nora's 3rd bday party, also stopped at a local Orchard on the way to their house which was very busy!!! Home tonight to ride the Peloton for a 45 min PowerZone endurance ride, 10 min low-impact then some stretching and strength classes.

              I need to get on the Holly motivation bus and up my strength workouts!!


              Didn't win the Powerball so back to work tomorrow!!



                Thanks my dear RA family for thinking of me and being with me through today's race. This was a come back race in so many levels for me. Come back to long distance races, come back to having the stamina and strength to go the distance and most importantly come back to  health. Ironically, today marks the two year anniversary of my first diagnosis of suspicion of cancer. As you all know a lot has happened in the two years span and I am so grateful to have the amazing change to do my victory lap in Chicago today.


                More to come later this week in a form of a race report, but for now here is a proof that my butterfly wings covered 26.2 miles and the medal to proof it Smile.


                "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard


                  Well done, Posie.  So glad to see you out there!


                    Congratulations, Mariposai! So happy for you!!!

                      Congratulations! You are an inspiration to all of us.

                      Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth



                        Yay Nancy! I looked up your results earlier but I (and a lot of us) were waiting for you to come in and report. I sure hope to sometime in the future be able to run another race with you. Maybe I'll have to run/walk, but we can make it happen! Well done, girlfren.


                            I followed the boardwalk to a huge mansion with a no trespassing sign, so I turned around and went back out to the beach to run there.  I met a guy who told me that was Steven King's house!  Here's a picture I found on the internet:


                          I followed my run with a swim in the ocean (in my running clothes, minus shoes!)  Then ran the last 1/2 mile home.

                          If I were to trespass onto a celebrity's property - It definitely would not be Stephen King's place.


                          RCG - Sorry about the fall.






                          Today we will celebrate DGS#1's 14th birthday. I can still remember him at Children's Hospital in Milwaukee, two hours after birth being wheeled into the operating room to have his pulmonary artery and aorta switched. Scary times for sure. But he's grown into a wonderful young man 


                          Have a great Sunday everyone!


                          It certainly was scary times.  It's wonderful that Baby Will has grown so.


                          Jay - I'm glad you went to the race.  Nice job.


                          Holly is going to be ripped!


                          tetsujin209 - Your DW's experience is concerning.


                          Dnaff - Hopefully the back spasms abate.


                          Posai is the world champion of something quite wonderful.  We'll have to come up with a title.


                          I worked a full day Saturday.  I went to Church on Sunday.  After the service, DW went her way on I stayed for the Church breakfast.  I fellow parishioner sat with me.  She runs three miles daily after dropping grandkids off for school.  Her DH was running a relay from Muskegon to Traver City.  It was a wonderful conversation which included her concerns of running solo as a female.  I gotta tell ya, that ticks me off.


                          After breakfast I went to work for half a day.


                          I got home a GS Owen (4) was over and we kept each other entertained.



                          I could not find frozen cherries, so I made BBQ sauce with strawberries.  We'll see how it goes.  I braindead through the measurements. and made 1.66 quarts instead of simply one.


                          Marathon Maniac #957

                             I sure hope to sometime in the future be able to run another race with you. Maybe I'll have to run/walk, but we can make it happen! Well done, girlfren.


                            Yes, and yes!

                            Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                              This was a come back race in so many levels for me. Come back to long distance races, come back to having the stamina and strength to go the distance and most importantly come back to  health.

                              Awesome!  Congratulations.

                              Be safe. Be kind.


                                Yay Nancy! I looked up your results earlier but I (and a lot of us) were waiting for you to come in and report. I sure hope to sometime in the future be able to run another race with you. Maybe I'll have to run/walk, but we can make it happen! Well done, girlfren.


                                Yes!!!! Let's find a fun marathon next year to have an RA meet up! Walk/run rocks!!!!

                                "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard
