Masters Running


SleepInSundaily 7/7 (Read 42 times)


    5.5 miles for me and the dogs this morning. They got in some creek swimming and now crashed out. Sounds like a good plan actually.



      For those who are dying to know, I only wore 1 shirt per day on my little trip so I had 6 clean ones to put away when we got home. Guess I didn't need the stack of shirts after all, (I did wear 2 on the day I ran the 5k but that doesn't count.)


      Somehow I also always overpack on trips, sure that I'll go through an entire set of clothes each day, but end up with lots of unworn items at the end (I tend to conserve so as not to run out, and then the trip is over...). My DW, on the other hand, seems to pack two or more complete wardrobe changes per day and uses 'em all. 


      Congratulations to the U.S. women on their back-to-back World Cup titles! And it prevented a "hat trick" for the Netherlands (Max Verstappen last weekend at the Austrian GP, Dutch cycling team today in the TdF).

      Doug, runnin' cycling in Rochester, MI

      "Think blue, count two, and look for a red shoe"

        What's up Masters? 10:30 am and no start to the day? Remember the old Navy ads? Get more done before everyone else is awake  (or something along those lines)

        I got in a bit over 7, followed by an hour of push mowing some trim stuff.



        Ok, am I the only one that was trying to think of Old Navy ads?


        It has been a picture perfect weekend here in MN, so glad that Joe & Mike could get together yesterday.


        Good run for you Roch, I know the feeling of getting back to running again.  Today was the first time I ran around the lake since last year.  It is just 4.72 miles, but a daunting distance since I've been just doing the 2.5 mile loop.  I did allow myself to run 9 minutes, walk 1 and that worked perfect!  After church I took a spin around the lake in my kayak.  That took a bit longer, but I was just enjoying myself.  I took my phone and listened to an audiobook.  I am pretty sure I'll never tip over on this lake.

        “Courage is not defined by those who fought and did not fall, but by those who fought, fell, and rose again.” — Adrienne Rich


          Howdie friends. I hope your Independence week/weekend was fun and relaxing.


          As for the Easy Pacer and I was a very special weekend. Our friend McSolar ( a former Coolrunning/RA regular of yesteryear and whom many of you know and met). He and his wife Debbie traveled all the day to frontier Okanogan County to visit us for a few days. We had so much fun with them. We have met his wife before, since we went to Tucson, AZ for their wedding three years ago, where I had the honor of making their wedding cake. It was so nice to have a few quality days to really get to know her and to enjoy their company.


          In the picture from left to right: McSolar, Debbie, Posie and the Easy Pacer. This picture was taken in Lake Chelan, WA.

          "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard

          Marathon Maniac #957


            Ok, am I the only one that was trying to think of Old Navy ads?




            No, that is exactly what I thought on first reading! And kayaking listening to audiobook sounds wonderful - totally something I would do (if I had a lake, and a kayak).


            Dave - if it's any consolation, I have found it impossible to go away for a weekend without at least 4 pairs of shoes....(usually running shoes, Chucks, boots, sandals or Nike slides, and if there is room, fuzzy slippers).


            Nancy - great picture!

            Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


              Great pictures of great get togethers this weekend! That was a great picture of Mike and Joe, both in red running shirts! And how nice to see Matt and Debbie! I've never met her but did the Ragnar del Sol relay years ago with Matt as our team captain. *sigh* Now I miss a lot of our old Cool Running friends who don't post here anymore.


              Nice racing, Joe (with DS), dnaff and Surly Bill (wow). I probably missed someone, but those are what I remember.


              We've got pretty bad air quality problems from all the forest fires around. Seems like there's always something to take the joy out of life. This knee thing is funny. Hurt like the dickens last week and I was icing and resting it. Thursday was a low key day, Friday I did a test run of 4.1 miles that felt ok with icing afterwards. Saturday, the knee felt fine, like nothing had bee wrong. Weird, but I'll take it.


              I ran the Run of the Valkyries 8k yesterday after taking most of the week off due to knee pain from my fall, which was two weeks ago now. (Joe, I cringed reading about the crowded start with kids crossing in front of runners, trips and falls!!) It's amazing (to me at least), how fast you can lose fitness, or at least stamina, from a week off. It was also a beastly hot day with a blazing sun. Followed the Milk Truck model and probably went out too fast, then had to walk a bit (strategically when there was shade) and managed to finish in 42:18 thereby continuing my string of personal worsts this year. Hey, once you have a thing going why not be consistent, right? I think a lot of people struggled with the heat though, because I still won my age group and as 7th woman overall. That time in past years wouldn't make it into the top 10 if not op 15.


              Today's run in bad air was 9.3 miles and everything felt pretty good. Probably not the smartest thing to do with all the smoke, and the air quality has gotten worse as the day goes on, but got it done. Time to start reeling in that pace bunny (again).


                Afternoon all.


                Checking in from Juneau, 7 mile run this morning. It's hazy here in Juneau, because of the fires up your way Erika. Amazing.



                MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

                  I guess I've never seen an Old Navy ad.


                  Fantastic sustained aerodynamic riding

                  on bikes like saberjets in the time trial.

                  Aerobars were first produced in Sun Valley by the Scott Ski Pole Company (that I got when I skied there in 1964) and, when "Triathlete" and "Triathlon" magazines both reported that they were the rage for the elites in the upcoming 1987 IM, as a downhill ski racer already used to such aerodynamics, I fashioned my own set from broom handles and pvc piping, . . . but, after passing the bike inspection the night before, a half dozen unknowledgeable officials crowding around my lonely bike on the Kailua-Kona Pier at the King Kamehameha's Kona Beach Hotel when I got out of the swim (with 52 seconds to spare - 2:19:08), warned me that my "handlebar contraption" (that's what they called it) "might" subject me to disqualification out on the lava fields so, since I was on the way back to Alaska from four years in Japan and knew that other things up there would take priority over any future IM aspirations, I reluctantly untied my handiwork and rode as if I was a regular rider, . . . . and  have always wished there'd be a chance to aerobar Kona.



                  I am pretty sure I'll never tip over on this lake.

                  However, even so, be careful.

                  Since I'd been taking the five mile hike to a nearby wilderness lake for more than 60 years when I took GS up there three years ago, that what I thought, . . . until a freak, little gust of wind from out-of-nowhere upended us and put us in the water in an insta-second before we knew what was happening. GS was thrown clear from the bow and popped up to the surface right away in his flotation vest DD had double-checked beforehand to made sure I took but I was under the upside down canoe and still thank the Lord I didn't get banged on the head or something.  GS still calls it our canoe "incident" and, on my calm/cool/collected example, treats it as casually as any of our other escapades, . . . so, fortunately, DD still has no idea other than we got wet.  whew.

                  "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)

                    0 miles today


                    (best part about doing something grueling is not having to make time for runs for a few days afterward!)


                    I poured over stats again, and was surprised to find out I was leading for at least 3hrs. It was a mixed race with a 6hr, 12hr, and relay teams in each. There were PLENTY of people ahead of me from the gun, and probably 1/4 mile ahead at 1 mile. I couldn't really see bibs, just backsides and hairdoos, so I didn't know who was in the 12hr individual, or who was in what AG. I made a rookie mistake of going out too fast; 9:00's compared to everyone else doing 12hr 10:00-13:00. I slowed down, they stayed about the same; the old "tortoise and the hare" parable. I think my end average was 12:29. I wasn't racing any person, though, I was racing the clock. Fell short of the 100k goal, but if I'd hit it I would have been 2nd OA instead of 7th.


                    Knees hurt like crazy and were hot when I went to bed, I couldn't find a way to lay to alleviate them. They were painful this morning, but I wrapped them and that allowed me to walk without much discomfort. They're fine now. TMI: I think I avoided acute renal failure, I did pee a few times during the race, and afterwards, and it wasn't too dark.


                    Packing for trips: I try to have each day covered as far as running clothes and not running clothes. Some things like short sleeve shirts and jeans can be worn a couple times, but running stuff is a one-use thing, so that often takes up the most space in my bag. I'm pretty casual, so I can get away with topsiders and a couple pairs of running shoes. Having an "event" as part of a trip messes things up, because then I have to take a suit and appropriate shoes. And I bought my last suit when 3-buttons were the style, so now I have to go buy another one! I've been told to use Bruce Willis as my fashion muse, so I guess I need to see what he's wearing now.

                    60-64 age group  -  University of Oregon alumni  -  Irreverent and Annoying


                      great pic - we had a wonderful time with Matt and Debbie 4+ years ago in Tucson - super hosts.


                      we're minimalist packers - only use carry-ons and wear clothes multiple times and do laundry as needed.  my theory is travel with pills and plastic and buy what you forget/need.


                      walked 4+ miles today and it was so nice to be at home doing it.  oh and I follow the Tour on BBC which tended to be better then tour de france website (we don't get sports channels on our tv- cheap, cheap)


                      have a great evening!



                        Checking in from Juneau, 7 mile run this morning. It's hazy here in Juneau, because of the fires up your way Erika. Amazing.


                        Actually, there are enough fires this year to go around. And Juneau has been our "hot spot" a few times this year which is highly unusual. Have fun!


                          First things first!  Just got home.  And read the discussion on the ad.


                          I remembered it immediately.


                          It is not an ad for the company Old Navy.


                          It is not an old Navy ad, for the military branch.


                          It is, however, a recruiting commercial from 1980 or 81 for the US Army.  Here's the link to the 30 second commercial.


                          You'll remember it, if you saw it originally.   Got a LOT of play time back then. 


                          Be all you can be, people.


                          I have nothing particularly clever or profound to add as a tag to each message...I just like to run.   


                            hello all!

                            nice meet up pic of Joe and Mike. Two great guys on this forum. 

                            popping in to report a 5.5 mile run so that it counts. 



                              Terrific 12 hour race, SurlyBill.  Very, very well done.   Those are tough hombres and I was with you in the "Tin Man" metaphor.   Importantly, you kept going.   Doing so well on that mileage is very impressive.   Enjoy a few good days off and don't buy the wrong suit.


                              Jay, way to get back in the groove and a nice 5K for you.    Glad you felt better about it.   And, it's just plain fun to say"Kennebunk" (not to be confused with "Kennebunkport")...kind of like saying "guacamole"....feels good.


                              Erika, well done on your 8K in tough conditions.    Impressive.   Congrats.


                              Wonderful photo, Posie.   And thanks for the kind words from all of you about the photo of Mike and me.   We wore our clean t shirts just for the event.   And, yes, we are real.


                              Got home about an hour ago after a terrific few days with our DS and fam in suburban MPLS.   Really quality time with that young family.   A 4 year old and a 9 month old keep you hopping.


                              Appears Jay and I both saw big-time traffic as well today.   For me, it added 3 full hours to the normal 8+ hour drive.  Spent 2 hours in southern Wisconsin clogged behind a big fender bender in a construction zone where it was two lanes wedged in between solid concrete barriers for about 20 miles.   No way to move it off ugh.   Then spent another hour on another traffic accident backup at the south end of the Tri-State going around Chicago.  We managed to get off (no end in sight on Google Maps) and bushwhacked our way home on 2 lane highways in Indiana.   Home safely and that's what matters.   I'm just thrilled, though, that I could be all that I could be on this trip....


                              Back to the company grind tomorrow!!!  Rock your week, folks.


                              I have nothing particularly clever or profound to add as a tag to each message...I just like to run.   

                              Mike E

                              MM #5615

                                Hello everybody!


                                I ran 6 miles after church.  Then I mowed the lawn and cut down a tree that wasn't doing well.


                                Okay--that's all I got.  See ya!
