Masters Running


Mondaily 11/15 (Read 36 times)


    Morning/Afternoon/Evening Masters, depending on when you check in.

    The weekend is over and back to school I trudge. (Retirement is getting tempting, but my insurance is really good and we are not old enough for Medicare).

    I need to turn in final Quarter 1 grades and I have one that is incorrect, but the system is now locked, so I'll have some rigamarole to go through.

    Likely a short workout in the weightroom after school; might go to the gym in town and hit the stair climber on day this week as well. I hate tapering, but know i can't add any real fitness.

    Looking forward to Leslie's race report.

    Have a greta Monday!


      Mornin' Masters.


      Thanks for the start, Bioguy. Sorry about the school and grades angst. Holiday breaks are coming up, and I hope you can take full advantage of the to relax and recharge.


      We were visiting friends in Red bank, NJ from last Thursday till yesterday morning, and I have to admit that I wasn't checking in here at all, and haven't tried to ketchup. I'll get there over the next few days. I did walk every day while we were away, and had a good time using my workouts to explore new territory.


      I got in 5.9 predawn, post-rain RW miles this morning in mild 41° temps. This was just a maintenance workout, so nothing special.


      I'm getting my booster shot this morning. And sometime this week, I have to take the time to move the billions of leaves that have accumulated on our lawn, walks, and driveway. I'll leave the leaves on the garden beds alone till Spring.


      Have a greta Monday.



      Without ice cream there would be darkness and chaos.

      Marathon Maniac #957

        Howdy folks.


        Yesterday, in spite of no workout, my foot hurt quite a bit all day.  I really hope the surgery fixes that part of it at least.


        45 minutes of weights and core for me today.

        Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


          Congratulations Leslie.  I still don't understand the psyche of the ultra runner but you seem to enjoy it. 


          I had a couple runs over the weekend that felt terrible, but this morning I ran 3.12 and felt really good.  I even jogged the uphill sections that I normally walk.


          Thanks for the start bioguy. I was thinking of you and the JFK coming up in less than 2 weeks. I wish I could be out on the course in my lawn chair cheering you and the others on like I did back in 2008 when I had a few friends running it.  (My sister lives in Hagerstown so I made a combined family visit and race watching weekend.)




            Sorry about that foot pain Holly.   That's a drag.


            Anniversary Weekend, delayed, is now complete.  DW and I went to a beautiful auditorium across the river in Troy called the Troy Savings Bank Music Hall.  I've been there once before, m for a very memorable concert by the Ukulele Orchestra of Great Britain.  If I were more RA Tech Savvy I would place a link to a YouTube video of the orchestra playing the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly right here, but jeez I can't even post a photo on here.   Anyway, we went to see a one-man show by David Payne, portraying C.S. Lewis in "An Evening with C.S. Lewis."  I was so impressed that an actor of his age (he says he's 79) could memorize that much monologue, with no prompts or cues from other actors or scene changes.  He announced that he also has a one-man show portraying Winston Churchill, which I think would be a lot more fun to watch, although I do love CS Lewis' writings.   Today I am having a tough time waking up completely even though the show was from 3:00 PM to 5:00 or so and I got a good night's sleep for a change.


            Speaking of posting pictures, would one of you be so kind as to post a few photos on this daily for me, if I e-mail them to you?  I have photos from the 30th Anniversary Party which include photos ofDW and I, our 4 kids, and a larger shot including our SIL and DS1's GF.



              Thanks for the start, bioguy.


              Leslie--congrats on doing so well. Great to see you back out there. (I had to google "Zombie Stomp;" I laughed.)

              Steve--AG win! (No need for the details). Great pics again.


              My Garmin was feeling stingy this morning and measured my usual 5-mile route as 4.79. What's up with that?  Gorgeous autumn morning in the low 40s; IRC.


              Have a great week.

              Be safe. Be kind.

                Thanks for the start, bioguy.  I'm sure this school year has been particularly wearing on you.  Steve- wonderful pictures.  Jay- good luck with the booster and any after effects.  Holly- countdown to surgery...we're all with you!  BTY- sounds like a wonderful anniversary weekend.  I want to see the pictures, but I'm not great at the posting except from facebook.


                Chilly morning here, but I got myself outside for 5.2 miles.  So- that's done.   Off to make some tea.  Have a greta Monday.

                Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth


                shadow runner

                The Shirtless Wonder

                  Leslie, Steve, great job and congrats.


                  Rest day for me...or you could say I am being a slacker. It is cold and wet (raw) outside anyway Haha (I did do my normal core and dumbbell workout for about half hour or so...but still a rest day.)


                  Enjoy your Monday.

                  Joe Suder

                  Nulla camisia et nulla problematum 



                     BTY.... I'm not great at the posting except from facebook.


                    KSA How about you add me (Brian J Dollard) on FB?

                      Thanks for the start, Bio.



                      Speaking of posting pictures, would one of you be so kind as to post a few photos on this daily for me, if I e-mail them to you?  I have photos from the 30th Anniversary Party which include photos ofDW and I, our 4 kids, and a larger shot including our SIL and DS1's GF.



                      I sent you a message with my email.


                      Good to see Shadow posting here more.


                      Good job on the AG, Steve!  A placement is a placement, no matter how you get.


                      Holly - Fingers crossed/prayers sent that the surgery works for your foot pain. 


                      I got nuthin' today, but will either ride my stat bike tomorrow or do an easy run, depending on the weather.  My quads are still feeling pretty tired, but overall I'm perking up.  I do, however, have a massage scheduled for 4:00 this afternoon.  Yippee!!

                      Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                      Trail Runner Nation

                      Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                      Bare Performance



                        ...I still don't understand the psyche of the ultra runner...


                        I have no street cred here being a dreamer and not a doer, but I heard a great quote yesterday:


                        "Ultra running isn't about who runs the fastest, it's about who slows down the least" 


                        Lots of opportunities to go too hard in any particular section only to fade later. The internal mental battle about when to slow down, when to walk up hills, and when to go for it must be a real tug of war at times.


                        If I ever do one, I'll be happy to avoid cut off times and finish the race...I'm no podium runner!!!!

                        MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

                          We were visiting friends in Red bank, NJ.

                          Jay - glad it works both ways.


                          I'll leave the leaves on the garden beds alone till Spring.


                          Jay - me too.


                          I do love CS Lewis' writings.  

                          BTY - me too.

                          Sorry about that foot pain Holly. That's a drag. 

                          BTY - nice one.

                          sounds like Dave.


                          ps ultras - it has nothing to do with it being okay to be so slow and walk but I love ultras too, especially the 6-and-12 hour timed ones where there's no such thing as a loser, e.g., even if you take longer than 12 hours, it's counted as 12 hours. Just wish we had some 24-hour'ers around Seattle but, since 1998 when I didn't think a regular runner could run ultras, they don't.

                          pps murray -  never any problem about walking up hills/mountains or not. In my first 50-miler, I tried to run up the two mountains and missed the 14-hour cutoff.  The next year, I walked up them both and made the cutoff.


                          two miles - except for being 60F at 5:30am and a break in the rain as the wind breezed through the Hillside trees, it was just like a regular November day here in Seattle except for all the Christmas lights that have been on since after, if not before (e.g. Walgreen from Labor Day), Halloween instead of Thanksgiving as in the past years I liked but, I guess, Halloween is okay too, especially after I sarcastically commented to the clerk at the Thrift Store that was already all decked out inside with lighting, Christmas stockings, fir boughs, etc. on the railings where we got the fantastic 32" replacement TV I’m now watching the second day of the final sumo tournament of the year on while trying to forget watching a certain football game yesterday that, “I really like your Christmas decorations,” and she was so happy and “thank you so much; we were worried it might be too early but we love them” that it made me happy too. Kind of makes me not regret so much sometimes that I’m such a jerk but, actually, with it not getting light until 7am now (and dark at 4:30pm), I really like the early lights.

                          May be an image of outdoors and tree

                          May be an image of outdoors and tree.

                          May be an image of tree and outdoors

                          "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)


                            congrats to Leslie, and happy anniversary weekend BTY.


                            Again, I've been awol.  I get discouraged with this IT band pain and hate to post when I'm crabby.  Today though, I've been out for coffee with friends and am fully caffeinated and much more optimistic.  So yoga and PT exercises it is.  Or would you rather hear about the chocolate croissant I had at the coffee shop?


                            Have a greta Monday everyone!


                              KSA How about you add me (Brian J Dollard) on FB?

                              Looks like you have something set so the riff-raff can't add you as a friend.  Smile    I don't see a button for me to connect with you.

                              Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth



                                Looks like you have something set so the riff-raff can't add you as a friend.  Smile  


                                Wow!  I'm more savvy than I thought!    Leslie is now in possession of my photos and will try to upload them for me.  But let me look into this riffraff filter.


                                Just finished a workout at the fitness center at lunchtime, which is my new lunchtime routine since I decided it's too cold for me to ride my bike until April1.   This was a pull workout, including chin ups, pull downs, rows, and dumbbell curls.  Brightest spot - I got 6 chin ups, full range from a full hang to chin above the bar for a hold.   No bounce at the bottom.   I only got 5 (which I was very happy with) last week.   With bodyweight / freehand type exercises, I've always thought that the best way to get better at them is to practice them.  If you can only get one, two, or three repetitions before failure, it's very hard to practice and improve.  But if you can get 7 or 8 reps, you have a good chance of making future improvements.   I'm sort of in a no-man's land at 5-6 reps.   But hey, even doing 5 or 6 during a workout is good for you, so even with no improvement, it's worth trying.


                                I found out this morning that GN's JV Basketball tryouts aren't just one tryout after school today, but a week of tryouts from 3:30 - 5:30 each afternoon this week, then either Saturday or Sunday for a couple of hours, then a scrimmage against another school next Monday and a second one next Tuesday.   This will be an interesting test for the lad.
