Masters Running


Wednesday January 14 Runs, walks, rests and everything else ..... (Read 579 times)

Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

    Good Morning! I went for a double yesterday ...... 30 minutes of yoga last night and then 2 more miles on the treadmill. After that I thought I'd try my Jillian Michaels Wii excercise game - but I don't care for it much. So, I didn't last long doing that. This morning was another 3 dreadmill miles. Geez, I canNOT wait to run outside again. Off to the dentist this morning for a cleaning .... Cheers!


    "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
    It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."


      6 miles in 18F with some wind, but I wasn't too cold so I guess I was dressed for it. 1:00:21 - 10:03 pace. Have a good day, all.

      aka Mrs. WillRunForBeer, MD, USA

      Marathoning, the triumph of desire over reason


        Good morning. It's -5F with a wind chill of -30 so it was 5 miles on the dreadmill for me, 9:31 pace. I don't even want to think about how cold it's supposed to get tonight. What do you think, Mary? Are we ready to move to Tahiti yet? I need to say the Serenity Prayer - the part about accepting what I cannot change. Or, George Costanza's father's prayer - "serenity now!" Off to take a really hot shower...

        Marathon Maniac #3309

          Good Morning Mary and Predawn...and everyone else. Well Mary, I know you would like to be running outside...but at least you are doing something till the weather breaks...good job!!! WTG Predawn....18 degrees will feel like a heatwave here with the frigid temps we are going get, with wind chills 20 to 30 degrees below 0 - Burrrrr...I don't know how Erika lives with those temps...I don't mean just running, but just everyday life. Way to get a run in Jlynne, though on the dreadmill. Hey, your weather sounds exactly like what we are going to get ...starting like right now Sad I did something for the fun of it this morning - I took my total miles last year, and the amount of time it took, and plugged it into my training log where you post a run. I had absolutely no idea, but I ended up with a 7:54 ave pace for 2008....Kewl. Foot still feeling greta, but still waiting before I start running again. I actually am sorta scared to start up again, because of the fear of the pain coming back, and having to start allll over again with recovery. Oh well, better safe than sorry, huh? Hope everyone has a great day Smile TimBo

          Running has given me the courage to start, the determination to keep trying, and the childlike spirit to have fun along the way - Run often and run long, but never outrun your Joy of running!

            2 short cold miles for me last night in balmy 3 degrees. I had to stop by a running store to get pair of those paint on running pants that I wore under my regular running pants. Though frightening at best on their own, they worked great doubled up. Fortunately, we didn't have much wind which would probably require another layer. But for us newbies, stocking up on these cold weather items can get a bit pricey, so we'll see how it goes. Last year, it was just my running pants and it was COLD at times. Now I just need to find the good headband as the one I used last night was definately the crack in my cold running armor. hopeful4ever - I ti-vo'd some yoga, does that count? {{{Tom and Donna}}} Janet

            Trails are hard!

              TimBo--sounds like you've got the "Serenity NOW" down pretty well at the moment. Wink Hang in there, your time is coming. Found out yesterday that my insurance won't cover the doc that I wanted to do my procedure, but have offered up someone who is pretty equivalent. Only problem is that I've got to do the whole preliminary visit and records transfer cycle again, so it will slow me down a little. Happy running all! Kevin

              Need a fast half for late fall.  Then I need to actually train for it.



                short post now, longer later. good morning Mary! so nice to have you starting us. lovely weather we're having, isn't it. (i can't say that now without thinking about Erika. no whining rights) This is Just the way we like it. Smile Tim, I meant to say the other day, that's such great news. I don't blame you for being nervous. It's so close now! yesterday: 4.54 miles, 10 min. av. pace. negative splits. Wink. 2 sets on lower body weight machines. back lifts, ab stuff. today, 1/2 hour, Injured Runner dvd.
                  As PDR said, very cold this morning. Mostly I dressed fine, but could have used warmer gloves. The tips of my fingers were hurting at the end. 5.1 miles, 47:39, 9:21/mi, AHR 133

                  Lou, (aka Mr. predawnrunner), MD, USA | Lou's Brews |

                  i'm lovin' it... MM#1949

                    Brrr you guys! 10 miles at 4 am at 8:55 pace AHR 145. Thrilled to see low HR even uphill! 27F here in Peter's neck of the woods..

                    Perch's Profile "I don't know if running adds years to your life, but it definitely adds life to your years." - Jim Fixx "The secret is to make in your mind possible what was not possible before. The secret is to make easy what was difficult, instead to make difficult what really is easy." - Coach Renato Canova

                      Sounds like a cold day for the Masters running today. Keep warm everyone! I'm glad Evan got back home. Take care of that sore back. Today was Interval day. So I ran 8.5 miles altogether with 5 x 1000m - 1/4 mile RI. I ran repeat #1 at 7:34 min/mile pace, repeat #2 at 7:17, and repeat v#3 at 7:12. Then I lost the satellite signal. Rats. I hate that. This Geek needs his Data! Oh well. I ran the last 2 repeats anyway, without any GPS or timer, at what felt like a comparable pace for what I figured was the right distance. (I know every inch of this route.) I even threw in another 500m repeat later on for the heck of it. I already have more miles than I ran all of last week. (Slacker.) Bill

                      "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong


                        Good Morning All ! It was another Treadmill run for me. My training plan called for an Interval set and since we haven't seen the track surface since Nov 29th I've been using the Treadmill to run these. I'm wondering if last nights workout was a typo. My plan - From the book "Run Faster From the 5K to Marathon" called for a 2 x (8x400 @ 5K pace) 1 min recoveries with full recovery between sets. 16 400m intervals seems like alot......I did it but on the 2nd set I dropped my recovery of 9:30 pace to a fast walk 3 times. I feel great this morning and I'm really looking forward to my run tonight. Anyway......wishing great runs to all.

                        Hill Runner

                          Good morning all, Rest day for me today.
                          Brrr you guys! 10 miles at 4 am at 8:55 pace AHR 145. Thrilled to see low HR even uphill! 27F here in Peter's neck of the woods..
                          Hi Steve, are you in the Charlotte Area? Too bad we didn't meet up for a run...

                          Upcoming Races:

                          Boston Marathon, Boston,MA 04/15/13
                          Grandfather Mountain Marathon,Boone NC 07/14/13
                          Thunder Road Marathon, Charlotte NC 11/13

                          Marathon Maniac #957

                            Good Morning! 5.25 recovery miles for me today in 9 degrees. I wore the Land’s End silk long-johns that Erika had recommended underneath my running pants, and apparently wore enough layers on top, because the only thing that got really cold was my chin. Handymom – I really like my Headgator: Since I have this bushy ponytail to contend with, I just fold it in half and pull the tube over my head, with my ponytail sticking out the back. It wicks sweat away nicely, like a UA baselayer – seemingly light but keeps you pretty warm. Happy Wednesday!

                            Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                              I'm fairly new to the group. I'm training for the Vermont City marathon 5/24. Had a good mid-week longish run this am. It was about 12 degrees when I started with a pretty stiff breeze but I was comfortable. 8:51 pace. It's been a tough week with a stomach bug taking out two of my daughters. Was up in the middle of the night both Mon and Tues cleaning up (ew) and helping DW take care of the girls. I lifted weights yesterday morning but the lack of sleep got me to the gym late so I had to run at lunch instead. It's very hilly and I did 2 loops for a total of 5.25 miles and ran at a very surprising 8:21 pace. I honestly don't know where that came from. So I was pleased with today's run.


                              Marathon Maniac #957

                                It's been a tough week with a stomach bug taking out two of my daughters. Was up in the middle of the night both Mon and Tues cleaning up (ew) and helping DW take care of the girls.
                                Okay, you've already moved to my "Hero" list. Smile

                                Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."
