Masters Running


Saturday meeting of the Bioguy Fan Club 11/20/21 (Read 39 times)

    I started checking Bigfoot sightings in his area. I got nervous. The most recent class A sighting was 2011.


    Yeah but you don't have access to the redacted and unpublished reports on BFRO f.l.a.t.s.! Or do you?! I actually haven't logged in for a while...



    I missed out on this race! I hope Bio didn't get abducted or redacted. I did get to see the Men's NCAA XC race this morning, that was nice.


    3.25 miles, tempo-y because I didn't have much time to get home before the game. Around 24:00.

    Got extreme vertigo-like thing Wednesday by looking overhead for a couple hours staining the ceiling of an arbor I built. Knocked me out, I couldn't even drive more than a few blocks at a time to get home without resting for 20 minutes a pop. Thursday was a lost cause, I was able to eat on Friday. Still fuzzy today. Lesson learned; until the next time. "This time I'll be fine"

    60-64 age group  -  University of Oregon alumni  -  Irreverent and Annoying



      Awesome news after waking up from a nap!


      Finishing time?




      MTA: Surly Bill - that’s the only credible source.





          Thanks for the good news--I finally found the results on my RaceJoy app, too. My tracking had dropped out at mile 43 and despite many attempts to refresh the page, I never got the little ball to turn blue. I have to admit I feared the worst...So glad you finished, Bioguy!!!


            The sense of accomplishment must be immense.


              Nice job of “virtual pacing” everyone!  It was very helpful following the bouncing ball!  I hope bioguy felt your support and I’m happy to see he finished. Can’t wait for his recap.

                Ultra Marathon Congratulations Ultra Run card running card image 1

                Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                Trail Runner Nation

                Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                Bare Performance


                  Super congratulations Bio!

                  Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth


                  MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

                    Nice bio, very nice.


                    Even better yet, with tomorrow being Sunday, you can rest up for Monday, especially if, unlike most of us, your DW does like Debbie does for Mike after his marathons doing all necessary housework, catering to his nutritional and other needs, etc., I think so anyway, so it neither distracts from your full recovery or your fully relishing your accomplishment in a special marathon for the ages all ultra'ers wish we could do too.


                    13.15 miles for me this morning.  Supposedly a group run but no one looped the park (1 mile loop) to start like we usually do- except me- and I lost contact at the starting line!  Saw some of them when they turned around out on the route.  Not sure why I did this, but I pushed my pace.  I wanted to make up for not getting to run the Monkey Half last Sunday.  Fortunately, this route was a lot flatter.  It was 33 to start and got up to about 43.  The wind is picking up now, so glad I'm finished.

                    KSA - based on Billy Rodgers one hour out-and-back runs he did all over the country in those days (maybe in celebration of his American one hour record in 1981 of more than 12 miles, . . . that, I think, still stands 40 years later), my IM mentor did one hour out-and-back "chases" every Saturday so we'd all turn around at our respective 30 minutes mileages and meet up at the finish together, . . . before going to the local pancake house.


                    I have a tough time with the holidays, but The Hub loves Christmas so I do my best to not ruin things for him.

                    Leslie - me too, . . . but, the more I try to pretend I don't mind Christmas before Thanksgiving (all stores), before Halloween (Costce, etc.), even Labor Day (Walmart), the easier it's becoming to actually like it.  Maybe put some surprise lights outside on the porch or walkway/driveway and he'll probably be so happy that you might end up liking it too.


                    Dave - you are correct in the first place.

                    Not only JFK but most other ultras

                    have relaxed/extended their cutoff times.

                    Unfortunately, it hasn't helped me one bit.


                    free-at-last/free-at-last, my car is free-at-last.

                    As for my Saturday, somewhat more mundane.

                    In fact, started off same as yesterday with two round trips on the bike across’n’back over the floating bridge down to Chinatown to see if either of the cars that I’ve been jammed in between since Thursday when some idiot pulled off a rare, if ever, touching bumper-to-bumper parallel parking had moved so I could get the car back for DW’s Sunday plans she had to delay from today and voila, second time at 4pm. the car behind me had moved so I could walk behind my car and put the bike in through the hatchback to drive back to the house with the Christmas music from Seattle’s two 24/7 stations blaring through the open windows for everyone who could hear to be anno, . . . I mean enjoy, as if nothing had ever happened, . . . except, unfortunately for me, I was bringing the car back on Saturday instead of on Thursday. Hey, better than Sunday, . . . he said, . . . but would never say to DW. whew.


                    Doesn’t matter though as I haven’t been out on the bike much since this summer’s dailies for the sunrise run at the little lakeside park I like so much that I’d kind of forgotten how much I like riding year-round outdoors that, for me, involves little, if any, prep since I don’t have any cycling attire that’s different from my regular attire so don’t have to get into cycling clothes, just go out the door in whatever I’d probably be wearing anyway, double check the air pressure in the tires (which I would have pumped up the last time if necessary) and select as different a route for the ride as from the last time with respect to length and difficulty as possible .


                    Fortunately, there’s enough local routes around the island and alongside the lake, rivers, the famed seven-hills-of-Seattle to try to ascend without getting off and pushing, etc. that, except for driving to area triathlons that I used to do at least once a year but don't do anymore, I’ve never had to drive anywhere to get to a less busy place where I can ride through forests and along lakes, rivers and/or Puget Sound with dozens and dozens of other friendly cyclist checking waving to each other no matter what the weather, in fact, more if the weather's bad and, especially if the other one happens to be stopped, e.g. even for a rest, snack, pictures, etc. how each other’s doing that’s so stirring to my heart’s content compared to being inside and having DW keeping on checking if I’ve done this or that or something else every time I get into a rhythm.


                    Further, with no humidity on this side of the continent, no need to deal with heat and, having done it all my life, dealing and dressing for wind and rain is something I’m used to, especially because I usually have to do it anyway even if I don’t go cycling so am very good at.


                    May be an image of car and road

                    May be an image of car and outdoors

                    "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)


                      Congratulations many times over, Bio!  Inconceivable!!!


                      Instead of swimming or lifting on Saturday, I finally followed up on a conversation DW had with a neighbor who lives at the opposite end of our neighborhood.  She was widowed a couple of years ago and has been doing a great job of taking care of her property except for some trees that fell in a storm several years ago - well honestly it was trees that have fallen in several storms over the past 5 to 6 years probably.   She and her husband were one of the first to buy in our development, if you want to call it that, back in 1960-61, and actually purchased two adjoining lots and kept one treed as a buffer between the main road going through the village and her home (and the rest of our homes, effectively).  She'd asked my wife if I wanted any of the wood (which in honesty, I don't really) for firewood, because she's been trying to get the land cleaned up and no one is interested in helping her out.  There's always more to the story, I know.  So I popped over around 1:00 and asked her if she still wanted help getting rid of those trees that are lying on the ground (most without branches so they are pretty invisible from the road) and she was overjoyed to have an offer of help.  I left there yesterday with a pretty good pile of wood stacked at the side of the road for anyone wiling to take it and let it dry out (posted on our community's "generosity page" on FB) and she gave me her late husband's 16" electric chainsaw and a fertilizer broadcaster (both of which I was planning to buy this weekend at the local Harbor Freight!).  They're both in "like new" condition.


                      That left another 9 or 10 4' long logs that will make nice firewood (extremely dry, since they weren't actually on the ground), about a foot in diameter, that I just need to get cut into firewood log lengths and brought back to the house so I can teach GN how to split wood with a maul.  Surprisingly, even though he and his dad heat their home with firewood, he'd never split wood with anything but a hydraulic splitter.  Where is the sport in that?  Anyway, I'm trying to get all of that done this afternoon so it can be behind me, and DW and I can start preparing for hosting Thanksgiving.   I'm extremely happy that I can spend three hours doing grunt work like cutting up downed trees and lugging them through a treed lot, and not be sore the next day - it's 4:30 Sunday morning as I write this.  

                      But what I did Saturday afternoon is exactly the sort of work I plan to turn into a ministry of sorts after I retire.  Riding around town with DW while she was campaigning this past summer and fall reinforced for me that there are dozens of older folks, many in that same 85'ish age range, who can get their grass cut and their leaves to the curb, but have no one to do the heavier lifting, and don't have the available resources to pay someone else to do it, either.     I think it would be a great way to spend one or two days a week in retirement, doing the kind of work that I love and not expecting anything in return - but sometimes receiving something in return that the elderly person no longer has need of.  I've been thinking about this a lot lately and I feel that helping Mrs. O down the street was a confirmation of sorts.  I saw so many yards in the outskirts of town this past fall that had at least one downed tree and tall grass growing around it, or a dead tree that can easily be taken down without a bucket or crane.   I think a lot of retirees have money in the sense that they have a 401k, real estate, or other investments, but they aren't liquid, and are afraid to spend their cash on anything outside of their monthly budgeted expenses; but they're too proud to ask for help because they don't think of themselves as "poor".


                      I started a business when I was 16 called "Timber Wolf Firewood" and did that through my HS years and into my early 20's as a side gig.  Now I'm thinking "Timber Wolf Storm Recovery Ministry" has a ring to it.


                      Have a great rest of the weekend, folks!

                      Mike E

                      MM #5615

                        That’s awesome BTY!




                            Rochrunner - I get the attraction of in home work outs. Trail I made for DW gets used nearly every day. If I don't have time to dress for the weather, there's the treadmill.


                            KSA - Nice solo group run.


                            Two Cat - You got out there regardless of the pace and that's huge.


                            Dnaff -  I don't know why our kids bother to tell us a time for a commitment.


                            Leslie - I switch my stations to Christmas music on Thanksgiving. Then I fake it until I make it. My heart isn't into the annual reindeer food until others start getting excited.


                            Erika - You are the poster child for bad @$$ed.


                            Tetsujin209 - Your unparking skills are as amazing as your getting into tight spaces skills.


                            I had 2.33 miles on slate but called  it at 1.26. DW had a heard of kids and dogs over and one got loose.


                            Marathon Maniac #957




                              DW had a heard of kids and dogs over and one got loose.


                              A kid or a dog?     


                              Yay for Bioguy!!

                              Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                              Alexander R

                                Bioguy, congratulations on the JFK 50!!
