Masters Running


Monday Feb. 9 Master Runs and such ... (Read 485 times)

    Hope everyone had a good weekend and is ready for the week ahead. Thanks everyone for the comments about my run on Saturday. I hesitated to post all that. I'll try to not post so much in the future. This morning I ran 8 miles with a few Repeats - 4x1/2 mile with 2 mins RI - in the middle. Target was 3:28 but only managed that on the last one - 3:47, 3:38, 3:33, and 3:27. I think this might be a sort of cutback week as that seems like a rather long RI for not many 1/2 mile repeats. Bill

    "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong

    Marathon Maniac #3309

      Good morning Bill, and don't you dare withhold anything about your runs Buddie Angry....that wouldn't be fair to ALL of us that are interested in you, and your fine running. Yup, were lots of good runs this past weekend...a few had not so good runs, but thats OK in the scheme of things...WTG RA folk Smile Well, after logging my weekend runs I had 25.3 miles last week which I am absolutely thrilled with. I imagine I will stay there for a week or so, then bump up to 30 miles a week then maybe get back to the 40/40 in about a month. My foot is feeling greta, so as long as I am pain free, I am not going to worry about my heel spur. I have 1/2 inch heel lifts right now, and don't know when I should maybe take them out, if ever....Twocat, what do you think??? These lifts helped my recovery more than anything. Hope everyone has a great Monday and coming all ROCK. TimBo

      Running has given me the courage to start, the determination to keep trying, and the childlike spirit to have fun along the way - Run often and run long, but never outrun your Joy of running!

        Sounds like a plan, Tim. I agree if it doesn't hurt I wouldn't worry about it. Bill - I liked the post -- I just wish training center (or Sporttracks) would let you cut/paste the data, rather than make a .jpg out of it. 3.1 miles, 30:04, 9:35/mi, AHR 128 (64% mhr) + core Good runs, all!

        Lou, (aka Mr. predawnrunner), MD, USA | Lou's Brews |

        Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

          Keep posting Bill - we are all interested. We learn from each other - and fantasize about what it would be like to run like so and so ....... Wink Wow - nice mileage Tim!! I hope it continues to go so well for you. Nice littele workout Lou!
          Mary, I'm so impressed! I was thinking about your post the other day... does that mean puppies by May?? (I know, I could figure it out if I went back & looked). I'm so glad Brinkley is ok.
          Yes, Deb that's right - and they will be so much fun that weekend! Wink Scheduled rest day for me. I got up early though, so DH could sleep in a bit. I guess all that ice fishing just tuckered him out. Roll eyes Cheers!


          "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
          It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."


            Morning, all! Bill -nice kickoff this morning and nice repeats! Tim - congratulations on hitting 25 miles last week - you are doing so well - keep it up! Mary - hope your DH wasn't one of those ice fishermen stranded on Lake Erie! 15 miles on the treadmill for me yesterday morning. DH and I had to do our long runs in shifts as we have only one functional TM. It was plenty warm, but none of our usual long run courses were clear of snow/ice. 6.3 miles this morning. The runs are finally feeling a bit easier. I made the mistake of watching the Bucket List yesterday during my long run. I was bawling and trying to stay on the treadmill. Hope everyone had a good weekend! Good runs to all!

            Sue Running is a mental sport...and we're all insane! Anonymous


            Trails are hard!

              Mary--hope he wasn't fishing on Lake Erie!!

              Need a fast half for late fall.  Then I need to actually train for it.


                jules2 nice double digit run yesterday despite the footing. biketm I am impressed by your recovery. As to the heal lifts I am not sure what to tell you. The answer depends on how things are going. What I did was start by taking them out for my shortest run of the week. You can try that and see how it goes. If you are not now, you might also consider using them in your walking around shoes. I used them in those all the time I was dropping them from your running shoes. Only after I weaned myself off of them during runs did they come out of my day-to-day shoes. As to the dates you know what they say -- the third times the charm! dg it was Sunday you have universal permission to be inefficient! Bummer about the ice though. nonoruns nice recovery run. Not sure I would want to be running a skirt though! Big grin Walt.RB good to see you back and with a 15 mile run no less! SimonR I really wish we could force couch potatoes to read "Did a short one yesterday, 5 miles . . ." and then record their facial expressions. Only on a running forum! jdmom3 pretty quick recovery run there! Wish that was my recovery pace! Mariposai great set of weekend runs! A 20 followed by a 3. fussyrunner congratulations on busting a 24 mile week. Holly S. phenomenal 20 mile run! You will fly through your marathons this year. Oh, and yes you do need to buy some new sneakers! Careful there, sneakers are cheaper than running injuries. hopeful4ever nice double digit run. Nothing like a little head wind to cool you off! Smile abelisle nice double digit run. Sarge congratulations on breaking 7 miles for the first time in a couple of months. Teresadfp well tomorrow is now today and I hope your plan to "run a lot" goes well. Wink CNYrunner good to see you running pain free again. perchcreek a report from "lots of mileage" himself. Another very impressive 20 miler. Also, what a temperature swing! How you do dress for 36 at the start and 70 at the finish? Confused Tramps nice 10 miles total with 4 at race pace, well actually a race! Also, never knock a PR! Congratulations. Spareribs wow up to 10 miles. This I see was number 2. Very nice, energy for the last 5 or not is quite something. predawnrunner nice 18 miler to cap a 50 mile week. Nice temps for it too! It is good to see winter take at least a temporary break here in the NE. WillRunForBeer hey, 16 miles is impressive no matter what the starting plan. halllar another well done double digit run. runningindc see comment to PDR above. It is just so nice not to be freezing during runs even for a few days! enkephalin grab 10 people on the street. Tell them you ran 7 miles. Ask if that makes you "lazy or an exercise fantastic." See what they say! If one is over 300 lbs have 911 on speed dial. Big grin dg. 10 on the track!? Wow. I view track running as just as step above TM running in terms of entertainment. I never can figure out how people do it. Very nice. munchkn883 hope your toe is fine. Let us know. TammyinGP my DW loves it when she can run with dogs. Her sister has 7! (Little guys though.) When they all come over my DW and her sister head to the beach with the whole pack and it looks really comical. Aamos did 6+ is quite a workout as it is. BTW the injured runner CD has some really good hamstring exercises that they say helped keep future injuries at bay according to some study. You might look into it. stumpy77 yep the weather breaking has been great. Peter NC I hope your bout with the flu ends soon. It does really suck. divechief 15 miles is quite a lot, "dead slow" or not. Also congratulations on breaking 50 miles for the week. BTW I love duck. But I have never succeeded in making it at home and having it turn out well. srlopez lol a 26.2 mile "training run." Only you . . . evanflein wow 17 miles in conditions I do not even want to imagine! Plus a total of over 50 for the week. I have no, and I really mean no, idea how you do it. Franc59 nice 7 miles as I noted above it is not really such a "short" run in the scheme of things. For me today is a pretty dull day. Just work. Wednesday is the funeral for the friend of my DW and mine. So sad. My DW is taking it pretty hard. One good thing was that my DW went out running with the local jogging club on Saturday. I was still in Utah then and worried about her sitting around depressed all day. So I was really happy to have her get out and be with other people. Sunday she ran another few miles as well on her own which is another good sign. Good running all.

                Live like you are dying not like you are afraid to die.

                Drunken Irish Soda Bread and Irish Brown Bread this way -->

                i'm lovin' it... MM#1949

                  Bill.. I'm stepping back this week too. Past experience says I shouldn't remain in the 60's mpw more than 3 week in a row so I'm cutting back 20% this week. Same routine just cutting each day 's milage by 20%. Good news sure learened alot though this experience and you'll be an even better runner for it. 3 Magical Healing Miles with Tory in 30:53 (10:18 pace, AHR 132) plus 5 x 10 sec hill sprints

                  Perch's Profile "I don't know if running adds years to your life, but it definitely adds life to your years." - Jim Fixx "The secret is to make in your mind possible what was not possible before. The secret is to make easy what was difficult, instead to make difficult what really is easy." - Coach Renato Canova

                    Easy/recovery 5.5 @ 8:52. More mild weather here with mid-30s already this morning. Thanks for the kind comments yesterday on my race. Have a good week!

                    Be safe. Be kind.

                    Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

                      NO - he wasn't on Lake Erie! Gosh - I did worry though as he did have his quad out there and the snow was melting like crazy. He was on Muskegon Lake - much, much smaller - but deep.


                      "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
                      It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."




                        Good Morning all ! I'm actually kinda gald the weekend is over.......I'm bushed. The problem with goals is there exist the real potential of a let down.......I had three goals for my race this weekend. 4Mi.....27:00min 6:45 Nope Finish in the top 30......Nope AG award......Nope I don't have the official finish times and placement yet but will post them when I do. Some days you just don't have it. Other days it's windy as hell and 3.2 miles of your race is dead into an 18mph wind. This day was a little of both. The post race party was top notch.......Free beer from 1:00 to 4:30 !!!! And there were Beads !!!!! Wink Sunday I got out for a great 12.5 miles at 8:19......Nutrition was catching me at the end. Headed up north and spent the day with my Mom and Dad along with my 2 youngest. 2100 yds in the pool this easy 5 scheduled for tonight.

                        Marathon Maniac #957

                          Bad night for DH last night. We were told that the numbing agent in his knee from the surgery would wear off within 36-48 hours, so when he was feeling fairly pain-free Sunday, we thought he had gotten off pretty lightly. But last night at 1:00 am, he was literally groaning and writhing in agony, the 2 Percocets he’d taken at midnight giving no relief. I called the after-hours doctor to see if he could take another Percoset, but the doctor said no, give him ibuprofen. When I got upstairs with that I found DH had already take 2 more Percosets. (sigh) Not much sleep for either of us. He’s slightly better than that today (no more groaning and writhing), and he managed to get up and shower, but he’s still pretty miserable. I had to go to work, so I put his crutches within reach and stocked a tray beside the bed with water, phone, remote, meds, and a notepad listing the times he can take more ibuprofen and Percoset. I’ll call him at noon to see if he needs me to come home to fix him lunch. Teresa – I hope your DH is faring better. I did manage a shortened workout this morning: 1 recovery mile on the TM, followed by dead lifts, bench dips, butt-blasters, dumbbell curls, push-ups and stability ball crunches.

                          Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


                            Here's my unofficial race results. And they will remain unofficial......They don't have me listed so based on my GPS time I stuck myself in. 4 mi.......Pace 7:09 28:36 57th overall 8th M4044 Here are the top places from my Age Bracket. 5:33 1st Ag 2nd overall 5:51 2nd AG 10th overall 5:59 3rd AG 12th overall 6:01 4th AG 13th overall Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked..........Wow, them are some fast guys!

                            Marathon Maniac #957

                              Slo_Hand - I take it those are average paces, not finishing times.... Smile You are right, though, a very tough age group...You need to talk to Econo about her theory on cherry picking races...

                              Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


                                {{{{{holly and her DH}}}}}}}} twocat, I am so sorry to hear about the death of your DW's friend....Glad to hear that DW went out running on her steps, baby steps. How was Uttah? no skiing I take it. I am so happy to see Aamos here...I think of you often dear sistahhhh. high five to divechief on his 15 miler this weekend!!!!!!!! yes!!!!!!!!! the nasty injury is finally gone. sue, great 15 miler yesterday...and 6 this morning...growing stronger as runner. WTG girl. 8 predawn miles for me. It was one of those easy, carefree miles today. Still savoring the great weekend run. Srlopez, only you would do a 26.2 training run....Cool Sending buterfly hugs to your whole family as you are dealing with your dad's illness. welcome back home tet.........I can't wait to see them pictures. This is the week we see that Spareribs dude in red dress......I sure hope the Saint already has a matching lipstick to go with the dress.

                                "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard
