Run: Tempo Previous Next


5 mi


8:11 mi


48 F
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<No name>


8:12am-high 40s. 5m– 2.5 out and back.

Knee&foot sore before the run but as soon my foot hit the pavement I was fine. 1st mi felt easy and slow @ 8:29, and then the 2nd@ 8:09 also felt easy after warming. 3 @ 8:12 where I picked up the pace on the 2nd half of the mile (around3:45). 4 felt like work to maintain the pace @ 8:04 but the final mile felt great @ 7:58. No pain & felt good after. Wore too much w/ a long sleeve, short sleeve & jacket + bball hat. Had gloves on for 1st 2 mi.


L Train

OK, here's an example. A really impressive run that you are even able to do this. Too hard for wher you are right now though. And in the future, a tempo run will be lodged between a warm up and cool down. Something like 2 up, 3 tempo, 2 down. That will eventually build to a max of something like 2-3 up, 10 tempo (but slower than a shorter tempo) and 2-3 down. That will be a workout about 4 weeks before the marathon.

I'm going to bore you to death. :-)