Run: Easy Previous Next


4:26 AM

6.1 mi


9:20 mi


68 F


Temp 68 Winds Calm. Humidity 93% Dew Point 66 degrees.

Six miles at Easy Effort. Another warm, muggy, wet morning. No rain, but streets still damp. (There's a payoff coming for this. There WILL be a sunny 45-50 degree race day somewhere in the future.) Stride smooth again. Felt like an elliptical workout. Pace progressed to 8:52 in sixth mile. Evidence of recovery in overdrive. Signed up for next 5K yesterday. Workout had that "running for a reason" feel. Woke up couple times last night with lower leg cramping. No issues while running, but still need to address this.

Took last night off weights to rest / heal shoulder. Sore, but much better range of motion today. Should be recovered enough to allow workout tonight at an intensity sufficient to cause serious and permanent damage.
