Run: Easy Previous Next


4:39 AM

6.5 mi


9:17 mi


25 F


Temp 25 (WC 25) Winds Calm.

Hour Easy Effort. Felt like running some laps on the track to zone out, think, and enjoy being outdoors in the dark on a cool clear morning with no wind. Took round-a-bout way there to make sure I was loose since the pace would probably pick up a tad.

Most of SplitMaster crew in Memphis tomorrow. Hammer on a PR quest in the HM and Del & Schmiz going for a BQ in the full. Target races for all. I'm excited for them and can't wait to see the results. Best friend from HS, and cancer survivor, also going in the HM. He used be able to do these things in 1:teens before the chemo messed up his heart. Looking for something in the 1:40s tomorrow. Told me yesterday that my recent times have given him some extra motivation. That was cool.
