Run: Easy Previous Next


3:51 PM

2.2 mi


9:00 mi


82 F


Temp 82 (Heat Index 84) Wind 3 mph Humidity 59% Dew Point 66 degrees.

Twenty minutes at Easy Effort. Steamer this afternoon. Sweaty and covered in bugs. Worked shoulders earlier after morning run. Couple of 3x circuit sessions of compound and isolation movements with light weight and high reps. Went a little heavier on DB presses. Mixed in some stretching and core work between sets.

Took break to watch the Birds play. Most of bullpen unavailable, so Carp goes out and pitches 1-hit CG shutout. Guy's a BEAST. Missed a month of the season, no rehab, and is still 16-3 with an ERA barely over 2.00.
