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  • Exercises


Joe Kelley workout! At the Kelley's house, with Yan and Drew. Started with a standard Joe Kelley workout going up the driveway hill. Then went out back and did 3x 50yd walking lunges/ 25 jumping jacks/ 20 air squats. Did 3x fast feet on the stairs. Did 10 ea medicine ball soccer throws, then 10 behind the back medicine ball slams. Did 3x10(5) one handed pushups, 3x15 saws with 35 lbs. Did 10 plate crunches on a physio ball, 10 push presses, 3 pullups. Did a hip flexor exercise, two supermanish exercises, and jackknives with the physio ball. Did a short ground drill routine. Finished with some yoga- tree pose, arms and legs crossed thing, warrior 3. A great workout. Waiting to run until it cools down, between this workout and the last two days its gonna be a tough one...
