The COVID-19 Wild West Thread (Read 602 times)


Good Bad & The Monkey

    Please limit your general forums COVID discussions to here. In general, this will be an unmoderated thread except for extreme comments that mods deem as outright dangerous. Please note, this thread is NOT a reliable place for COVID-19 related information and likely includes false information.


    Good luck. Stay safe. Be kind. Be compassionate. Wear a mask.

    Prince of Fatness

      Good luck. Stay safe. Be kind. Be compassionate. Wear a mask.

      And wash your hands!

      Not at it at all. 



          I saw some of the stuff in the other thread.  My response to those that are comparing Covid-19 to the flu and death rates, is that you aren't properly considering what would have happened (and what might still happen) if we didn't take preventive steps.  What you see in NYC is even more extreme, and everywhere, and hospitals are overloaded so that the death rate is significantly higher.  Now you have a lot of people in their 40s or 50s that would have recovered, that either have more serious lifetime damage, or a somewhat higher death rate.


          The point in the USA was that we were supposed to use the time to put together a plan.  Unfortunately we have an incredibly incompetent government.  The leader is making decisions based on poll numbers, and if putting his own health above the rest of the country when making decisions isn't disgusting enough, he isn't even doing that well.  We reap what we sow... and given we may very well elect him again, it's collectively our fault.

          5k- 18:55 (2018)    10K- 39:04 (2017)    Marathon- 3:00:10 (2018)


          Mmmm Bop

            Please limit your general forums COVID discussions to here. In general, this will be an unmoderated thread except for extreme comments that mods deem as outright dangerous. Please note, this thread is NOT a reliable place for COVID-19 related information and likely includes false information.


            Good luck. Stay safe. Be kind. Be compassionate. Wear a mask.


            Wait, so politicians are allowed to post on this thread. 

            5k - 17:53 (4/19)   10k - 37:53 (11/18)   Half - 1:23:18 (4/19)   Full - 2:50:43 (4/19)


            Mother of Cats

              What I find fascinating is that:


              a) in order to come out of this, we (and I'm referencing the US, apologies to my non-US friends) need as a society to have confidence that we are doing the right thing in moving forward.  I am not saying that other things like infection rates, R0, etc aren't important, but that in addition to getting those in line we need confidence.  Confidence that it's safer to go out, confidence that we're on the right path, confidence that the decisions that our leaders are making are correct.


              b) I'm painting with a very broad brush here, but there's historically a political sector that has more confidence in the government as a force for good, and a political sector that has less confidence and believes that government is a necessary evil that needs to be limited.


              c) the current president of the US is supported by those in that second sector, and for the most part vehemently rejected by the first sector.


              d) the current president of the US has also made no effort to unify the country (at a time when he honestly really had the opportunity to do so), and indeed has worked to foment even a greater divide, with inflammatory tweets and gestures.


              e) the result is a mess.  As an athlete, the US is a total head case right now.

              Everyone's gotta running blog; I'm the only one with a POOL-RUNNING blog.


              And...if you want a running Instagram where all the pictures are of cats, I've got you covered.

              Half Crazy K 2.0


                e) the result is a mess.  As an athlete, the US is a total head case right now.


                It's a total mess. I guess it's too much to ask that at all levels of government everyone act like they are on the same team. Hell, in my state, we have a Republican Congressman attacking the decisions of the Republican governor. So even those who are supposedly on the same team aren't getting along.


                I also feel like this is the worst run business ever. The big boss rolled out a new initiative. A group of employeess bought in and followed it, maybe not getting the desired end result, but they are following the long range plan. Another group of employees does not buy in and does whatever they want, but the end result makes the big boss happy. Plan followers get screamed at or worse. Rule breakers get promoted. As a workplace, it winds up sucking for many because you don't know what the heck you're really supposed to do to keep the boss off your case,


                Mmmm Bop

                  5k - 17:53 (4/19)   10k - 37:53 (11/18)   Half - 1:23:18 (4/19)   Full - 2:50:43 (4/19)

                    Maybe it's just me but I've noticed everyone has just been a bit more extra in general, as in, now that there's chaos introduced (a la Joker), those who have been itching to exercise their right to guerilla warfare and gun ownership now have their chance. Been getting harassed more when I run. Don't really want to start carrying a blade but I just might

                    if you're tired of starting over then stop giving up!


                      " As an athlete, the US is a total head case right now."

                      Gotta say that comment did not end where I thought it would.


                      As a not-athlete, I assure you it is too.


                        " As an athlete, the US is a total head case right now."

                        Gotta say that comment did not end where I thought it would.


                        As a not-athlete, I assure you it is too.


                        I read that comment to mean: If the US were an athlete, we would refer to her as a total head case.


                        Kind of a simple nod to the fact that this is ostensibly a running website.

                        Runners run


                          That makes sense.


                          Interval Junkie --Nobby

                            NYT: Should you wear a mask when running?

                            Short answer: no, unless it is law in your city.

                            Suggested: Double-distance, don't draft.

                            2021 Goals: 50mpw 'cause there's nothing else to do

                            Seattle prattle

                              Just some observations, if I may.

                              This whole thing just seems like nothing short of a divine intervention.

                              People who are fit and healthy are rewarded in that they have a much better chance of survival and avoidance.

                              Yet to make matters not so simple, taking precautions and avoidance is necessary on all of our parts not just for our own well-being, but for the well-being of those who are elderly, have pre-conditions health-wise, are in more economically troubled conditions (crowded, lack of health care, etc.), and those who are trusted to care for the sick. So, enters the very real cause of a social purpose.

                              Countries that have been able to embolden their people to work together, purposefully, and with early mobilization, have faired the best, and those that are slow, divisive, conflicted, and rebellious have faired the worst.

                              If just seems like the virus has turned a spotlight on so many wrongs. Our US healthcare system is fraught with inequality. Employment opportunities are hurting the poor by far the worst. Poor living conditions exponentially effect outcomes and infection rates. Our US senior homes are frankly not up to the standards of other first world countries, and this has made the death rates much worse. The list goes on and on.

                              And don't get me started by the leadership in the US (or lack thereof), which has become painfully obvious with every passing day.

                              Maybe some good may come of this afterwards, as a result. One can only hope.

                              We certainly have been given a wake up call, at least those of us that will survive.

                                @Seattle prattle: People who are fit and healthy have a better chance of surviving EVERYTHING, even car wrecks!


                                Masks and face coverings? In CA, they are only required outdoors when you are less than 2 meters from someone not in your household (that's 6 Umerikun feet). Data shows that people breathing hard through their mouth can expel droplets in larger volumes and for a further distance, and that's not taking the wind into account. I think the breezy day, running/mouthbreathing safe distance is 10 meters, or about 30 Umerikun feet.


                                I have a lycra wrap I'll wear around my neck so I can pull it up if I have to. I pull it over my mouth and nose if I'm going to run within 5 meters of someone, like walkers/runners on same path or cyclists coming the other way (I don't know when cyclists going 20+mph are going to be coming from behind me...). I mainly do it out of courtesy, I'm not huffing and puffing and blowing my coronavirus down on people, but it sets other people at ease. I'm not going to yell at anyone else for not wearing a mask on the paths, but I can do my best to stay at least 2-3 meters away from them.


                                There is absolutely no reason to wear a mask the entire time you run if you are far enough away from other people. Pull it on when needed, breathe free when not.


                                Remember, the main utility of masks/face coverings is to CONTAIN any respiratory droplets with attached CV19, not to keep them OUT. But they help a little with that.


                                COVID19 data? We don't know a lot. It's still pretty new. We won't know anything definitive about any aspect of it for quite a while yet. Data collected is incomplete, small sample sizes, no long-term verification via repeatability. We can make a bunch of assumptions and best guesses based on what we know so far, but don't get married to any ideas, because we may find out it's completely different with larger sample sizes.

                                60-64 age group  -  University of Oregon alumni  -  Irreverent and Annoying