ultimate runner's test...... (Read 4097 times)

Sandy Snakenberg

    This is Sandy Snakenberg, and although I have had some conversations with this guy. He has never coached me in anything. I had developed this skating style myself in 1990.
    My own world record is in rowing. My student is world record holder Sandy Snakenberg in long distance skating for 24 hours http://www.fasst.com/world-records.htm What you'll notice is that his hands are tucked into his torso, not swinging as a traditional skater would waste in energy and aerodynamic wind resistance. Why swing your arms into the wind at 25MPH, what's the energy advantage in doing that? Chi Running and even the "Pose" method preach forward lean not for speed, but for comfort. Here's the story guys, the top coaches are teaching those who want to finish a marathon, not win one... Going down the list, is Jack (put a fifth in me and I'll tell you what I really think)Daniels. You know his 180 steps per minute joke is foundation for most of what you read as "advice." So please explain to me why under formal testing, his joke can't hold up? http://jap.physiology.org/cgi/content/short/89/5/1991 Even with Romanov as a participant, under clinical trials, his own technqiues couldn't hold up. http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/tandf/rjsp/2005/00000023/00000007/art00013 Oh wait a minute, his "science" of "Letting gravity pull you forward" is based upon the brilliant science of Daniels.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HrB3dsZMK_k Oh and Chi running... Even he can't get his facts straight... Do cheetahs lean forward, "At full speed, that big cat leans forward, fully extending its legs behind its body. That's the source of its power and momentum" http://www.runnersworld.com/article/0,7120,s6-369-370--12184-0,00.html If one claims facts, facts shouldn't change.... As Dreyer changes his mimicry of the cat. The way cats run hasn't changed, but Dreyer has a different reason this week for you. Ask him today, and he'll tell you that the cheetah uses their spine for speed. And if that were true, then there's nothing that humans could learn from a cat, simply because we don't use our spine in running... Oh wait a minute.. Because when you ask biologists how a cat runs, the spine has nothing to do with it... http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/8747190?ordinalpos=168&itool=EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Pubmed.Pubmed_ResultsPanel.Pubmed_DefaultReportPanel.Pubmed_RVDocSum And of course there's no mention of forward lean in the link whatsoever... If you're a deciple of of Dreyer, can you explain his ignorance? Ok, so lets get back to Dreyers inconsistancies. If the cheetah has speed as forte, and we domesticated the horse for its distance running skills, then can you tell me the difference in their running techniques if the both have four legs? And in that light, if anyone knew anything about using an animal role model, then why hasn't anyone mentioned the cockroach? The American cockroach runs on two legs, and with optimum stride length, not high turnover rates... http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2051129?ordinalpos=1&itool=EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Pubmed.Pubmed_ResultsPanel.Pubmed_DiscoveryPanel.Pubmed_Discovery_RA&linkpos=4&log$=relatedarticles&logdbfrom=pubmed So if we're going to use an animal for a reference, I'll choose the cockroach over any weasel named Dreyer... And does running with unnatural forward lean have an advantage? Of course, its a much more comfortable way to run, not a faster one or a more economical way to run. If you can't figure that out, then it tell me what you know about running. And you can always ask Dreyer to join this discussion, I'll gladly prove my point with him as well....

    Self anointed title

      SJ, WRs in the 500m and 2000m is very impressive indeed. (Joking about indoor rowing aside). I rowed at a well known British university and spent an inordinate amount of time on a Concept II. What times did you get? How close did you get to the Olympic squad?



        This is Sandy Snakenberg, and although I have had some conversations with this guy. He has never coached me in anything. I had developed this skating style myself in 1990.
        Next goal: Great Wall Marathon
          http://www.fasst.com/world-records.htm Yes, but setting a world record, his photo shows his posture is radically different My name is Robert
          Wait wait wait... After looking at this horrible excuse for HTML code.... If you notice, it says that Sandy Snakenberg's coach's name is Don Fells.... That's not Robert.

            So the jester has been outed as an internet fraud AGAIN (for like the one millionth time on running message boards.) Can we please let it die now?

            Runners run

            A Saucy Wench

              So the jester has been outed as an internet fraud AGAIN (for like the one millionth time on running message boards.) Can we please let it die now?
              But we're not done figuring out how many birds you can stuff inside eachother.

              I have become Death, the destroyer of electronic gadgets


              "When I got too tired to run anymore I just pretended I wasnt tired and kept running anyway" - dd, age 7

                But we're not done figuring out how many birds you can stuff inside eachother.
                I bet a quail will fit inside the chicken.


                  In a race involving naked women, my dominant leg doesn't even have a knee. ok then.
                  Why has no one quoted this already? What's wrong with you people?! Embarrassed

                  Getting the wind knocked out of you is the only way to

                  remind your lungs how much they like the taste of air.    

                       ~ Sarah Kay



                    But we're not done figuring out how many birds you can stuff inside eachother.
                    We still have not used crow, starling, and raven. I believe they are all of the same genus, but of different size. That could be interesting.

                    Getting the wind knocked out of you is the only way to

                    remind your lungs how much they like the taste of air.    

                         ~ Sarah Kay


                      Why are you quoting it with a red-faced smiley that has a nice round opening for a mouth?


                        Why are you quoting it with a red-faced smiley that has a nice round opening for a mouth?
                        Are you insinuating something dirty? Bad boy. Evil grin

                        Getting the wind knocked out of you is the only way to

                        remind your lungs how much they like the taste of air.    

                             ~ Sarah Kay


                        Self anointed title

                          Are you insinuating something dirty? Bad boy. Evil grin
                          I believe the insinuation was purely in your mind Zoomy. Who is dirty now? Wink





                            <--- innocent 8i innocent=""></--- innocent 8i>

                            Getting the wind knocked out of you is the only way to

                            remind your lungs how much they like the taste of air.    

                                 ~ Sarah Kay


                            Self anointed title





                                Tight lipped
                                Is that a smooch or a puke? Tongue

                                Getting the wind knocked out of you is the only way to

                                remind your lungs how much they like the taste of air.    

                                     ~ Sarah Kay