Low HR Training

"Expose Your Slow Twitchers" Daily Maffetone and/or Low-HR Training Reports (Read 23292 times)

Chasing the bus

    Well look at that. I seem to have found my run again. 27 miles for this week. Close to last winters goal of 30.  Three miles tonight, MAF progression, sorta. Easy run after last nights ten miler.


    Have a great weekend!

    “You're either on the bus or off the bus.”
    Tom Wolfe, The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test


      6am, 72F, 98%H (H&H),  rolling terrain, 13.9 miles, 122 bpm  ave., 2:31.  Legs and body felt a little off this morning - felt tired.  Good progression run starting off around 114 and slowly building to 126-129.  Found HR jumping around a lot and wanting to drop into the low 120s , had to push the pace a bit to stay in desired zone.   Ran for 1:30 yesterday.


      Today feels like a good day to put on some compression socks, drink plenty of fluids and rest.  At the moment the weather is cooperating with a heavy rain on/off.  Not a good day for yard work.



      Former Bad Ass



        9 yesterday @ 148 HR and 20 today with the last 10 @ MP+10%.  Ended up with 10 @ 141 and 10 @ 150 for an average of 146HR and 11mm.  Not bad.  Still having problems with the HRM being in place due to all the humidity but it's getting better.



        Former Bad Ass

          Hi, guys.  My week has gone well.  9 on Monday at 150 but again, I was getting HRs consistent with 5K paces so I think it was the HR.  Anaerobic yesterday with 6 X 800s and they went awesome.  Took an SRD today as my allergy shot reaction was bad.


          I think I'm going to try the Polar strap for the Garmin HR.  I've read it is more consistent than the Garmin.  Maybe that is what I need in this *&#)@*#)@*#)% weather.


          Have a great week, all!



            Did a 1-mile MAF test today, followed by an LT tempo run. Still making progress in aerobic speed. I decided to stop the cruise intervals, and switch over to a mostly MAF base period, with the occasional LT tempo run. I'm going to focus on getting my volume of running duration up. I'm going to use the LT tempo run to keep tabs on LT pace as I move through the base period. I use what I call "heart time" for the tempos. I plan to do the runs like today, with a 1-mile MAF test after a 20 minute warm-up. After the test, I'm going to build speed and start the tempo when I reach 35:00. I get my heart rate to 170 bpm (85% MHR and 5 beats below LTHR), and stay at the heart rate for 2 minutes, stabilizing at a speed to keep my heart rate there. Then I just hold that speed until I can't hold my HR at 180 bpm (90%MHR and 5 eats above LTHR) and below any more. The "heart time" is 10 beats. For most of the run, my HR will rise slowly and hang out around 175-177, then it rises quicker and makes a jump to 180 and above. Indicates increased stress at that point. Looking to increase distance and speed in the heart time.The idea of the combined run is to keep tabs on both aerobic and LT speed.


            Have a great weekend!



              First MAF test @ HS track yesterday, 7 AM, 74 degrees, 64% humidity, 7-10 mph wind


              heart rate target by formula 126, tried to keep it 116-126, rarely got to 127


              Mile 1 warm up walking     14:24

              mile 2                                     13:13

              mile 3                                     13:22

              mile 4                                     13:34

              mile 5                                     13:44

              mile 6                                     13:34

              mile 7 cool down walk        13:54


              Did it on tired legs, this was the end of a 38 mile week.  I might also do better if I didn't have 2 cups of coffee before running!







                Close to a MAF run last night.  83 degrees, but low humidity and the sun set about 30 minutes into my run.


                Splits (GPS Interval)
                 TypeDistance Split settingsDurationTotal DurationPaceAvg HRMax HRNotes
                1 Manual 1 mi 9:11.91 9:11.91 9:12 135 146  
                2 Manual 1 mi 9:17.18 18:29.09 9:18 135 141  
                3 Manual 1 mi 9:32.85 28:01.94 9:33 137 144  
                4 Manual 1 mi 9:48.01 37:49.95 9:49 137 141  
                5 Manual 1 mi 9:55.78 47:45.73 9:56 138 144  
                6 Manual 1 mi 10:05.14 57:50.87 10:06 137 149


                Overall avg pace 9:40 and 137 avg HR.

                Age: 50 Weight: 224 Height: 6'3" (Goal weight 195)

                Current PR's:  Mara 3:14:36* (2017); HM 1:36:13 (2017); 10K 43:59 (2014); 5K 21:12 (2016)


                  Dan, looks like a good start in those temps and humidity.

                  Nathan, nice paces in those temps.





                  Started a base phase today with a heart time run in the 120-130 bpm zone. Managed 1:39 and 6.47 miles of running in that heart time in 82°. About 15:00 pace after warm-up. Onward.




                  Former Bad Ass

                    Hi, guys.  Sorry for being MIA, but last week was the pit.  I got a cold, my kitty went to the hospital, and I missed 8 miles of my LR for lack of sleep, dehydration, etc.  Still finished 64 miles at the fastest pace I've run in ages and the HR has been mostly on track.  I did 2 miles with hubby at 129HR last night, followed by 8 @ 148HR and 10:41mm.    That is an awesome pace for me.  Very happy.


                    Kitty is home, at least.



                      6:10 am - 58F and humid/ muggy.  5 mile hr progression run, rolling terrain  w/ 120bmp ave HR and 10:30 ave pace.


                      Had to lower my MAF limit once again due to a recent birthday.  Just as I was getting used to a max limit of 129, another birthday has dropped me down to 128 bmp.  This must be the down side of getting older.  Ouch.



                        Sorry to hear you had a rough week, Damaris. Glad to hear Kitty has some of her 9 lives left and is back home.Cool


                        Labhiker, you can keep the same MAF for up to 5 years according to Dr. Phil. My recent TM tests were showing 134, and I'm 52. With the possible adjustments for age 55 and over coming, and if I ever get my aerobic system back to its former glory, I'm pretty much going to be in the 130-134 range from here on in to the end of my journey as ashes in my urn cubbyhole at Cavorting In The Cumulonimbus Cemetery.


                          Thanks Jimmy.  For some reason I have been dropping my MAF by 1 bpm each birthday and it sound OK to leave it at 129 (like last year), or possibly raise up into a 130-134 range?


                          I wonder if it is better to raise it or keep it low?  If I raise it maybe I consider MAF +5 (for several back to back years of training).  In which case I might get away with 133-134ish.



                            I started running last year and set my MAF at 136 and have just left it there even though I had a birthday since then and in theory it should have dropped down to 135.  I'm planning on just leaving it at 136 at least until I get to 49.  That would be about the same as using the MAF + 5 for 5 years of running.


                            Remember the MAF number of 180 - age is just an estimate.  I'm going to try to do jimmyb's treadmill test soon to see if I can get some confirmation that my MAF is around that number.  To really know, you need to do a real treadmill test hooked up to all the fancy equipment.

                            Age: 50 Weight: 224 Height: 6'3" (Goal weight 195)

                            Current PR's:  Mara 3:14:36* (2017); HM 1:36:13 (2017); 10K 43:59 (2014); 5K 21:12 (2016)


                            Former Bad Ass

                              It is an interesting question and I like all the back and forth (even if I have not posted much).  Thanks, guys.



                                Lab, using an MAF that's a bit lower than what it might really be won't hurt you at all. Still, all the same guidelines apply. Is your aerobic speed improving? How do you feel? Is your health improving? All that.




                                Did my second run this week with a heart time of 120-130 bpm.

                                Managed 6.4 miles and 1:40:00 before having to stop.


                                --Jimmy Cool