Masters Running

Weekly Newbies - all runners welcome - good times here (Read 1591 times)


    Hey all -


    I took a little extended vacation in Mammoth & ran there twice in the high altitude!!  and once this week so far..  this weekend have a little 2 mile run/walk with my daughter Smile


    Laurie- yay on the painfree run!!


    Happy - hang in there!!  I need to do crosstraining too....

    Beginner all over again

      Linda -- High Altitude great ..!.. that make me huff-puff just thinking about it



      Hi Everyone


      I entered a little local 5K for the 4th of July.

      PR'd at pace average 10:45

      Negative splitting every half-mile.


      I'm overly-cautious not to ...Go Out Too Fast ...   ha


      Anyone else do a 4th of July race ? ? ? ?




        Hi everybody,   sorry, again, that I'm so behind!


        will try to catch up a little....


        Frances, congrats on your PR!   No race for me on the 4th.  I did run,  8.16 miles & it went pretty well.  but I took it pretty easy.   Are your long runs making you tired during them, or after?   Both is pretty normal, I think.   Did you see Happyfeat's questions?  if so I missed what you said about it.


        Linda it's so cool that your daughter is running with you!   Is she having fun?     How was it running high altitude? How high is it there?      everything else is good?   seems like your running is going really well.   nice, steady, smart, increases!  Wink    think we're finally learning?


        Laurie, very cool you are running pain free.   How are you doing now?   How is work lately?   How are the girls?


        Kevin, you're getting very fast.   foot hugs.   I forget... did you figure out what the problem is?


        Happyfeat, thanks for the pictures of the adhesive!  that makes a lot of sense.  I do have one pair that would be much better if I try that.  So I might.  

        Ooh, good you're back to running.    Hated that it was officially killing you when you were off!    Are you still doing the yoga thing?   I agree... the cross training is really really worth it.     Especially because, like you've said, as time goes on we tend to fall apart or, (that's too negative)  we get surprise injuries.       I was going to ask if you have a gym membership or anything... but this sounds like it's working for you.   I do best if I can do it early morning & it's a routine... nothing unique there.  

        Thanks for asking about the post op problems.  They're still there, I keep saying I'll go see the surgeon again but keep putting it off.  don't know what he could do other than open things up again & I don't think I''d do that.     The main problem is that if I do much at all that involves the abs, even things like bending over to cut flowers,  I end up in a pain.   Not sure what to do.         so... in here is another plug for cross training.   I used to do a lot of it, & you really do learn to love it.   I try to sneak in a little once in a while, & realize how much I miss it!       Now that I can't do it, I realize how much it helped not only my running but everyday functioning.  but running especially.  

        How's your bursitis?   This is getting too long; I've meant to talk to you about that!     Funny, my S/I joint issues, along with the hammie  piriformis etc, ended up causing hip bursitis last year.   the flip of what you figured out!   wonder where it really starts.  Maybe we can compare notes & figure out something useful.  I also have a link & a thing from my pt that I've been meaning to send to you.

        oh... re the long runs.   not sure if it's ok, at the end of a couple I had a funny feeling in that area.  sore later but it went away.   did 13 a week ago sunday.    Anyway, thanks again for asking!  


        better stop before my old version of IE gorks on me eats my post.  

        4.8 sweaty miles this morning, with striders at the end, but hammies are a tiny bit sore so I still have to be careful with those.    but I'm learning.  I'll switch days & take tomorrow off I think instead of doing the 'schedule'.   linda, don't faint.


        take care everybody.


        hi to Mike & Roberta & Eliz.    

        Beginner all over again

          About your long runs making you tired - are you getting adequate fuel, hydration, and rest surrounding the run? 


          Hi HF -- How are things now?  Update?


          Me ---  My long runs were making me tired.... I think Later.   If I ran first thing in the morning, it would make me tired that night and the next day maybe another day.. Just "in general feeling tired" type of tired. 

          My last LR was super super slow (I run in a HeartRate zone, regardless of pace) and I didn't get tired during or after.  I was just dandy.  I got a few days to go before my next LongRun, then ten days after is my Second HM , which will be very long (!)

          I do try to get adequte fuel and rest....but Life does interrupt me, and sometimes I just plain eat Junk Food  


          Rest I'm good at getting, if I don't get rest, I don't Run.  (Like today, for instance.. no rest, no run...)


          I need to work on the Fuel part....proper athletic diet .... no more Holiday Fare for a while....!....



            Frances, a couple thoughts about being tired later in the day after your LR. One is it makes me think perhaps you're not refueling properly after your run. I try to eat something that is 50/50 carb/protein within a half hour of a LR and that works for me. There's lots of articles out there on this topic; if you haven't already read up on this ...might be something to check out. The other thought is sometimes running a faster pace takes more out of you than a slower one as you saw with your last LR - it was slower and you weren't as tired.  Refueling is obviously more important if you've depleted your muscles more with extra effort.  ohh I'm back to the first thought...round and round we go.


            I'm doing well - every other day running has given me four 5-mile runs and one 4-mile hike - all without any recurrence of pain. Yippee! Another week of this.  Yes, Deb, I'm still doing my yoga/pilates workout tape. I even got up earlier this morning to do it since I skipped it last night. Do you think your ab pain is muscle or intestine? Is it possible you got an intestinal adhesion?  Is it too soon for some scar tissue to have formed in a place that's giving you fits? What does the d*** doctor say?  I definitely want to see the P.T. link you've got do do with our multi-faceted issues - please.


            This is all I have time for right now. Hi to everyone else!

            Don't make excuses for why you can't get it done. 

            Focus on all the reasons why you must make it happen.


              Debbie - you're not following the schedule, and resting? wow Wink  lol  yes I think wer'e learning.. takes us stubborn ones awhile , huh?   How long has it been since surgery?  and it this where an incision from surgery is?  I think you should go to the doctor, you can always choose not to be opened up again.  But, I would be a little worried, and want to know if its normal healing or not.    I am doing good, things are so much better all the way around.  DD is not running with me much since soccer ended, and she sure felt the difference in the 2 mile run. lol  she might be a little stubborn, wonder where she gets that from?  lol  but she said she had fun & wants to do it again.  So, I will continue to work on her.


              Frances - nice time on your 5K!  I would like to be at that point. Smile  actually have no clue of speed now, its possible.. I've been running on lots of hills lately.. I think the same day tiredness after a LR is normal depending on how much you're pushing yourself (distance or speed).  But the next couple of days, not so much.  I would pay attention to what you're eating, and if your hydrating yourself enough.


              HF - yay on running with no pain!!  that is so awesome Smile


              Laurie??? where are you?


              As for me?  High Altitude was HARD!  Yes, I really sucked in the air and had to walk up the hills mostly, hills & high altitude don't mix too well.. lol  but was okay on the flat or downhills...  so it was mostly run/walk, with some running and walking separately.  Not sure the elevation exactly, but in town about 8500.  Funny  we made brownies and the box said high altitude & talked about up to 6500,.  I asked my husband what about if your higher than that?  lol


              My 9 yo daughter & I did a 2 mile run/walk on 4th of July in the town we live in, then stayed for the parade.  Tons of fun!  She made me walk quite a bit. lol   it is quite a bit uphill, and she was not liking that part.  But she enjoyed the mom time & doing something I like to do.


              Yes, I've been running and am more focused on enjoying it, instead of getting to a certain speed or distance.  And funny enough  I have been increasing slowly, naturally.  Kinda cool Smile  However, yesterday I ran 1 mile on the treadmill - every step was hard, so I stopped & didn't continue.  Its hot here, and where my treadmill is was way too hot I think..   so tomorrow I may get up a little later when its light, and run outside...  will be cooler at that time in the morning.  so we'll see how that goes.

                Frances, nice time! I think you are onto your own answers. You have to eat like a runner now. I know what you mean about holiday diet. Mine fell apart in Dec and I am just now starting to get back to where I need to be. No more soda for me. Sounds like you are resting enough. That would have been my first guess.


                Linda, I am jealous of your high altitude runs. I love the mountains. What part of OR do you live in? Coastal? I am jealous of that too. I want the west coast life again. The mom/kid pic was awesome and worthy of posting here!! The folks will love it. So lucky you have an active kid.


                Deb, I agree with the going back to the doc suggestion. Get it looked at just in case. And youre still running strong even though.


                Happy, thats a lot of running. Thanks for the diet suggestions. I need to follow them more.


                 Hi Kevin.


                Emailed Mike a few times. I will encourage him to update us. He too can be found on facebook. His photos are coming along nicely.


                Work is work. Ugh. Pilots are still as frustrating as ever. It pays the bills. Girls are ok. Kim is playing softball again. Ali is driving mom nuts. But I took her to a ghost tour in Lennox (Edith Wharton house) and she liked it and got creeped out. My friend got a cool pic of an orb.


                Running is going well. I dont do enough of it because summer is so busy with cycling, swimming and kayaking. Another 3.5 mile pain free but oh so hot run yesterday. I lost 5 lbs. I told my girlfriends that all I need is another breakup or two and I will be down to my target weight. lol


                Lots of swimming and hot weather stuff.


                Heading to the water and amusement park with my friend in a bit.


                Nice reading your updates. Sorry so absent lately.



                Shamrock marathon March 2016. Burlington full or relay if I can find a partner May 2016. Wine and Dine half Nov. And a tri or two thrown in just for the hell of it.


                  Laurie - you are certainly doing lots of fun summertime activities.

                  I've been taking advantage of the nice weather to do yet more yardwork - you'd think it was SPRING the way things are growing and OUTgrowing their spaces. DH and I did go on an afternoon hike last Saturday, but I couldn't convince him to do it again today. Last weekend we hiked up a hill to look down on a lake below. Here's a couple pics.

                  Don't make excuses for why you can't get it done. 

                  Focus on all the reasons why you must make it happen.

                    Happy, All right. Those are absolutely amazing! Where do you live? I am moving there.



                    Shamrock marathon March 2016. Burlington full or relay if I can find a partner May 2016. Wine and Dine half Nov. And a tri or two thrown in just for the hell of it.


                      I could show you some great hikes, Laurie It's amazing what gorgeous scenery and exercise does for your psyche. I live on the Olympic Peninsula in Washington and my "backyard" is the Olympic National Park and Olympic National Forest.

                      Don't make excuses for why you can't get it done. 

                      Focus on all the reasons why you must make it happen.

                        Oh Washington. I should have known. I used to live on Whidbey Island.



                        Shamrock marathon March 2016. Burlington full or relay if I can find a partner May 2016. Wine and Dine half Nov. And a tri or two thrown in just for the hell of it.


                          Laurie - No, I don't live on the coast.  Southern Oregon, in the Rogue Valley, in the foothills of the Siskiyou Mountains that go along Northern California/Southern Oregon border, & just west of the Cascade Mountains which go North/South in Oregon.  That is about middle of the state along I-5 (if you look on a map).   Oh, and I'm having all kinds of problems posting a picture Sad

                            Laurie, if you PM me your email address, I'll send you a link to a Shutterfly album of scenic hiking photos I've taken that I think you'd enjoy.

                            Don't make excuses for why you can't get it done. 

                            Focus on all the reasons why you must make it happen.

                              Linda Its a pain in the butt to post a pic here. But I have done it using photobucket. I post the direct link to here.



                              Shamrock marathon March 2016. Burlington full or relay if I can find a partner May 2016. Wine and Dine half Nov. And a tri or two thrown in just for the hell of it.


                                Linda, about posting photos:Not every online photo managing website will work. Shutterfly does not, for example; but Flickr does. Someone on RA told me that and how to get the pics from there to here.

                                First, you open a photo account and upload the pics you want to post from your computer to the Flickr account. Then select a photo you want to use and click on "View/Edit" then "View All Sizes"  and select the size you want (I use Medium). Then I right-click on the photo and select "View Image Info. The URL is the one at the bottom of the list. "Copy" that. Then go to your post in RA and click on the Insert Image button (looks like a mountain with the sun overhead) and "Paste" the link and Voila! the picture appears! Here's one of me (blue top) beginning the Rhody Run a couple months ago.


                                Don't make excuses for why you can't get it done. 

                                Focus on all the reasons why you must make it happen.