Masters Running


Tuesday August 5 Master Runs (Read 484 times)

    Wow! I haven't started us off since I was really running. Now that I'm just playing at it, y'all are always beating me to it! 6 GA miles at 9:12 overall pace. But the 1st 2 miles were with some clubbers and they were going slow. The last 4 I ran by myself at near MP pace. Good day to all and especially Ribs and the Rib-clan. Bill

    "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong


      Bill - Nice running down there in Florida. You do pretty good for just playing at it. Rest day for me, so I'll share a story from the internet:
      JACKSONVILLE, Fla. (AP) - Jacksonville police say Reginald Peterson needs to learn that 911 is not the appropriate place to complain that Subway left the sauce off a spicy Italian sandwich. Police said the 42-year-old man dialed 911 twice last week so he could have his sub made correctly. The second call was to complain that officers weren't arriving fast enough. Subway workers told police Peterson became belligerent and yelled when they were fixing his order. They locked him out of the store after he left to call police. When officers arrived, they tried to calm Peterson and explain the proper use of 911. Those efforts failed, and he was arrested on a charge of making false 911 calls.



        Rest day for me, so I'll share a story from the internet:
        Hmmm... If Ribs weren't still in recovery in Texas I'd be highly suspicious. Ribs -> Reginald: not a stretch. Ran 2.3 today in max HHH for these parts. Taking a stretch through the woods that I hadn't run at all this year, I remembered how bad the bugs get on days like this, and some of them can apparently bite right through a thin running shirt or even cap. Yowch! But this was as good a run feeling-wise as I've had in a long time. I can begin to see the light at the end of the tunnel. License plate I spotted on the back of one of those miniscule Smart cars this morning: SMRTRNU. Rub it in, why dontcha! Good running today, everyone.

        Doug, runnin' cycling in Rochester, MI

        "Think blue, count two, and look for a red shoe"

        i'm lovin' it... MM#1949

          Roch.. glad you had a good feel run! 10 miles of hills (w/ 300ft climb) in 1:25:50 (8:34 pace, AHR 149..but most was in 150's) Have great runs! Steve

          Perch's Profile "I don't know if running adds years to your life, but it definitely adds life to your years." - Jim Fixx "The secret is to make in your mind possible what was not possible before. The secret is to make easy what was difficult, instead to make difficult what really is easy." - Coach Renato Canova

            In case you don't get over to the KR thread: from Hally yesterday: I got a text from that annoying curmudgeon....ooops I mean from Ribs today while I was kayaking. Of course I don't take my phone on the water as my meager kayak has not got a waterproof hold to keep stuff. Anyway, he was wanting to know if I am working on my networking contacts. I texted him something unprintable back and he got back to me to say "the tubes are out and I feel much better" Hope this also means he is out of ICU today. I am assuming he didn't phone because he was sneaking the phone being on as it was. Also from the Saint: He told me this morning that we'd write out a schedule for his rehab just like we do for running. The nurses are amazed at the ease (that's probably not the correct word since nothing seems to be easy right now) that he can get into and out of a chair without using his arms. It's because his legs are so strong. He also said that if he had it to do over he would do more core work leading up to the surgery so he would have been in better shape. He's sneaking his phone, probably hoping to get kicked out of ICU for doing it. 7 miles for me today @ 8:26/ 139 / 72% Perch--can't believe you dug that out! Aamos and TammyNow I get offers of legal assistance—a year after I really needed it. Maybe you could have helped me counter the story Perch and Joey made up for the judge about how “Tramps is the one who lives locally. It was Tramps’ idea. Tramps was responsible. Tramps convinced us to go along…” blah, blah, blah. Speaking of which, I’m late for my meeting with my parole officer.

            Be safe. Be kind.


              Roch I'm glad you had a nice run too. Smile nice runs also, Bill & Perch. Dave, funny. 4.5 miles this morning at an average pace 10:16. best I can figure any way. my Polar might show up today. phew. not that i'm impatient or anything. i started with 10 min. on the elliptical because i thought that might warm thing up a little better. half the run was in the nike frees. still liking them. happy Tuesday, everybody.
                Good morning, all! Bill - good to see you at the top of the heap once again! Dave - still chuckling....... Doug - I have fond (well maybe fond isn't the word) memories of those Michigan biting flies. I've resorted to using Bullfrog with sunscreen for my trail runs here. We don't seem to have as many of the horseflies and deerflies, but there are these tiny annoying things that hover around my face along certain stretches of the trail. Grrrr... Glad you had a good run in spite of the H&H. dg - nice run - hope your Polar shows up soon. 7.2 hilly miles @ 10:12 pace and 153 average HR this morning. The Defenders were soundly trounced by the Yankees farm team (they had 9 HRs on the board by the third inning), but the beer was cold and the hot dogs plentiful. Good runs to all!

                Sue Running is a mental sport...and we're all insane! Anonymous


                  Good morning everyone. Managed 4 miles at a 9:43 pace this morning. Took a few minutes off Sunday's time, which is good. Trying to be smart about this and not run every day, but work back gradually. Sticky 68F with real high humidity here this morning. I was soaking wet before I finished my first mile. Glad to hear Spareribs is on the mend. Getting out of ICU will be huge. Is it because he's ready, or the nurses can't take any more?! Nice runs Bill, Perch, Doug and Tramps. Bill, I don't know how you run in heat and humidity all the time. It sure zaps the strength out of you. Doug, nice to see you posting some runs! Your rehab must be going well? dg - you like Nike Frees? I never seem to get a good fit in Nikes. I have a narrow foot and they always seemed too wide in the toe box. Well, the Bret Favre fiasco continues here. The press conference that was supposed to happen last night never happened because their meeting went long. To be continued today. Will we see #4 in a Vikings uniform next month??? A lot of people are just tired of the whole situation. Make a decision already! Good Tuesday runs, everyone. Jeanne

                    Will we see #4 in a Vikings uniform next month??? A lot of people are just tired of the whole situation. Make a decision already! Good Tuesday runs, everyone.
                    I wish he'd come over to my Buffalo Bills for a year. It would make the team a lot more interesting.



                    Marathon Maniac #957

                      Good Morning! Thunderstorms this morning sent me to the gym: 20 minutes elliptical 1 mile jog on the treadmill 30 minutes elliptical My home treadmill does not go lower than 1.5% incline, so the gym treadmills (set at 0%) always feel like I’m running downhill until I remember to increase that. The gym treadmills seem so much harder of a surface than mine, as well. I had to remind myself that today was elliptical day, not running-attempt day – that’s tomorrow. Like Jlynne, I’m trying to run only every other day. ETA - TomS - I meant to tell you yesterday that I think your family reunion sounds like such a wonderful event. Happy Tuesday!

                      Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


                        With the Olympics coming up, I have a brilliant idea. We're now allowed to use our pro basketball players, pro tennis players, etc....why can't we use our pro rasslers? There's no way the other countries could beat Sting or The Undertaker....just a thought. Bruce: & #1 son. I was always a Bill Elliott fan but since he (sort of) retired, can't find a big fav..lately I've been rooting for Ryan Newman...I think it's just that I like to say "hello, NEWMAN"..also like Kyle Busch & Jeff Burton. TomS: What a fabulous family reunion..that's just soooo cool. TwoCat: Great 18-miler on a Monday...and you're racing AGAIN this gotta be the man of steel. Tammy: I HATE Tony Stewart! About 3-4 years ago, he said about our home track: "When you race at Martinsville, there's no way you're gonna finish with your car in one piece...I hope they take that track and fill it with water...I'll be the first one to come fishing in it." Can you believe that? Kasey is a good choice...he took over Awesome Bill's car when he (sort of) retired. Roch: Good to see you running again after being injured...lots of us here certainly know that feeling...hang in there. Perch: You continue to amaze...also, thanks for Garmin info...I don't know if buying one would do me a lot of good since I only run about 20 miles/week and only race 2-3 times a year....but I'm still thinking about one. Tramps..Your parole officer told me if you're late again it's 5 yards and loss of down... dg & Sue: good runs for both of you.. Very humid this morning so I did 4 easy miles at h.s. track...37:42 (9:26 pace)...not too bad considering I wasn't pushing it...actually ran last mile in less than I'm getting there. Not racing until October...there just might be one sub-47 10K left in this old body. Ribs is mapping out his recovery strategy...the man must have been a general in a previous life...good for him. DickyG
                          I finally decided I needed a rest day...AHHHHH...Back to the streets tomorrow...
                          Looking for a place to Happen, making stops along the way - The Hip

                          Marathon Maniac #3309

                            Morning all Smile Nice run Bill....for just "playing" at it...yeah right Roch, very nice you are seeing the light at the end of the tunnell....continued success at your recovery!!! Holly, you still gettin (sneaking) into the gym without a clerk at the desk Big grin - Nice job with your patience with your are doing better than I would have. Steve, you are an amazing runner dude! Nice 7 miles Tramps at a good clip! dg, what Polar are you getting - nice 4.5 miler for you - I had Nike's, now I am switching to Brooks Adrenaline's Great hill work Sue - Beer and hot dogs = making a bad game OK Big grin Jeanne, nice run in the H&H - and good job on your patience also! DickyG, your not old dude...just seasoned Big grin Keep up the good work and you will do fine with your races For me, 9 very H&H miles last night with 7 at MP - 8:00. Still waiting for my new / different shoes and hope they serve my better than what I was wearing. Funny last night on my run, I had a cyclist stop and ask if I needed a drink as I drenched in sweat, and I had a lady pass me then come back and offered me a bottled water....nerver had that happen before Cool Thinking of Ribs and his family and hope for a speedy recovery. I can cheat on my workouts...and he won't know....just kidding Smile Tim

                            Running has given me the courage to start, the determination to keep trying, and the childlike spirit to have fun along the way - Run often and run long, but never outrun your Joy of running!

                              Good morning all! Another low humidity morning here in Western, MA. 16 miles all in all today---ran 5.2 miles to Look Park and then 4x 1.25 (the paved Park outer loop) at what was supposed to be 7:00 pace with 6 minutes rest between each and then 5.2 miles home. The first 5.2 was at 9:00 minute pace and the homeward 5.2 at 8:15 pace. The 1.25 intervals in the park played out as 8:37, 8:35…whoops, 8:42, 8:32 (whoa----must have been the schnauzer who got away from his master and gave chase). I held 8:15 pace for the homeward run until the final hill leading to my house. My legs are having a bit of a WTF!!! reaction now. This was a tough one, but I survived. I was under 7:00 pace for each speed section and I am thrilled with that. My boys had so much fun watching the Little League World Series regional playoffs yesterday, they are off to see more today. NH beat MA yesterday, but the rounds continue. The Middle States teams are all there as well for their playoffs and there’s a team from Haverstraw, NY in the mix. Haverstraw is very close to Ossining, so all last night Mr. CNYrunner was doing his Metro-North train conductor imitation---“Station Stop…OSSSSSS-in-ING. We used to live in Poughkeepsie, the last stop on that train line (gorgeous ride along the Hudson River). You had to go past the Ossining stop (Sing Sing prison in fact). Anyway, nice to have a quiet house again! Wow I am rambling. I have more report writing and then I am off to Boston for an evening event and a client day there tomorrow. Ten miles along the Charles River tomorrow morning. Yippee! I am hoping Ribs gets to leave ICU today. The Saint is amazing. Happy trails, Karin/CNYrunner

                              I Can Go The Distance

                                Track workout for me today. 9 miles total w/6x1000+200m recovery. It was not too hot this morning, 67F, but the humidity was 87%. My goal time for the 1000's was suppose to be 4:56 7:55 pace, but I was closer to 5 on most: 2 mile warm-up 21:25 1 1000: 5:02 200 recovery 1:10 2 4:57 1:12 3 4:53 1:11 4 4:57 1:12 5 4:59 1:13 6 4:59 1:19 2.5 mile coo-down 24:35 Total: 9 miles in 1:22:54 9:13 pace. Glad to hear all is going well with Ribs. {{{{Ribs and the Saint}}}} Tim: Ribs told me to keep an eye on you because he knew you would cheat while he was gone. Have a great day everyone. Bruce

                                "Don't give up, don't ever give up." Jim Valvano
