Masters Running


Saturday meeting of the Bioguy Fan Club 11/20/21 (Read 39 times)


    I love today's post so much!  Thank you bioguy for providing the excitement.


    Today, 1 mile with the dog, another mile without the dog, and then my PT exercises.  All as a prelude to coffee with my youngest.  She has no internal clock whatsoever and "meet your mom for morning coffee" turned into "have your mom buy you lunch with your coffee".  Always a good time and we'll be together again in just a few days for Thanksgiving. 


      For what it is worth, it was 2008 when I was a spectator/crew person at the JFK 50 miler, and the cutoff for the finishers' medallion was12 hours back then.  So, my memory isn't as bad as I feared.


      I was there to help someone. I had a spare pair of shoes and some dry shirts but he never needed anything.  I was able to drive his wife to all the checkpoints so I did at least some good that day.  My friend finished in 11:52:29.  We were getting nervous at the finish line but he pulled it out.




        Mile 35.


        12:53 pace!!!


        Mike E

        MM #5615

          I went out to do 10 miles but felt guilty about just doing10 while Bio was doing 50... so I did 11... it was the least I could do.


          He's at mile 35 and his average pace is down to 14:29.  He's chuggin' right along.

            GO BIO!  I hear you, Mike.  Between Bio's race and everyone here running Rock n Roll, I didn't let myself bemoan my 13.1.

            Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth



              The blue dot stopped blinking on my phone. Hopefully it is just a communication issue.  35+ miles so far is amazing.




                The blue dot stopped blinking on my phone. Hopefully it is just a communication issue.  35+ miles so far is amazing.


                There’s bad news Dave. We think alike.


                Mike E

                MM #5615

                  Yep—it’s white non-blinking dot on mine as well.  Dang it—I hope he’s okay.

                    As long as it's not doing this, I think he's okay.

                    Be safe. Be kind.


                      11 to go!!


                      it must have been a signal thang!


                      Bioguy…. Don’t fall of the face of the Earth like that anymore!


                      Mike E

                      MM #5615

                        Mile 40!  The man has come back from the dead!  He is a machine!


                          Apparently there are a few spots where there's no cell service, probably in dips or gullies, just for the added suspense!

                            Thanks for all the updates are Bio!  It looks like he finished?? I wasn't able follow along with the app.


                            It's gorgeous here today and tomorrow's supposed to be the same.  Hopefully, some of my potted plants will dry out a bit.


                            We got a bunch of decorations down from the attic and put them up this morning.  No tree, but we string lights on all our house plants and then have lots of stuff to sit on tables, etc. I have a tough time with the holidays, but The Hub loves Christmas so I do my best to not ruin things for him.


                            Afterward, got back on the exercise wagon with 30 min of stationary biking and about 10 min of core stuff.

                            Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                            Trail Runner Nation

                            Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                            Bare Performance


                            Mike E

                            MM #5615

                              Yeah—I can’t take it anymore!  I was devastated when I thought he dropped out… okay “devastated” is a little over the top… but I was really excited when the blue dot started going again.  Now, it’s white, again!  I sure hope it’s just a malfunction.  He is too close to stop!


                                A quote from the JFK 50 website:


                                "...We realize there are spots on the course that have poor cell service, so there will be short periods of time that the tracking may freeze. But once the phone pings a tower again, the app will update the participant’s location..."
