Masters Running


Autumn- Saturday 23 September (Read 40 times)

    Kicking us off but Robert Earl says no time for a recap or he will pee on the floor.


    I have NOT been sleeping well, and the 6 am group run start (in the dark) was not appealing) - but I went anyway. 10.2 miles on beautiful roads starting from downtown Franklin. There were enough street lights for the 15 minutes or so that it actually seemed dark. I had a woman to run with for 5 miles- but she was going longer. I didn't mind running alone on the way back. It was about 57 and clear- just perfect. I ran a little too fast, but I didn't crash and burn.


    Happy yesterday birthday again to BTY and I hope everyone has a good weekend.

    Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth



      I tested things out with a one mile walk run.  It went about like I expected and after 5 days of drizzly rain, being out in the sunshine felt wonderful.


      belated happy birthday to BTY!  Bring on the weekend!!

        TOMORROW is Berlin Marathon!

        Some website had the day wrong, or was translating the date/time across time zones.


        start times in Merkuh:


        03:15 Sunday ECT

        02:15 Sunday CT

        01:15 Sunday MT

        00:15 Sunday PCT

        23:15 Saturday AT

        22:15 Saturday HT


        Maybe. I'm not going to check which places have standard or daylight times, since it's overlapping and confusing. We should just have a World Standard Time, so when it's 12:00 in Bangladesh, it's also 12:00 in Zaire, and England, and USA, and etc etc. But I guess we have pocket computers to tell us what time it is anywhere.

        60-64 age group  -  University of Oregon alumni  -  Irreverent and Annoying


          Good morning and thanks for the start, KSA. Nice job on the early 10+ miles.


          With rain in the forecast for today and tomorrow, I worried most of the week about how I was going to get my long run in this weekend. I decided to get up super early to try to get it done before the heavy rain hit. I ended up getting our of bed at Jay o'clock, and out the door before 4:30.


          20.75 (mostly dry) miles done! Longest run in 8 years.

          And they felt easy enough that even without trying too hard, I was able to pick up the pace by about a minute per mile for the last five.

          Now it's...taper time!



            many things last week-


            old college buddy down to visit>>>>>>started WHEEZING after a 1-block walk to pub,

            so mostly sitting on our butts for the rest of visit



            Pickles went to memphis to visit her old college buddies and almost didn't make it back>>>>>we're seeing GI doc this week


            A Pox on-

            ''Age is just a number and mine's unlisted''




            work-outs when I could,,,,,,,,mostly 40-min and back to house



            in other news-


            ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....


              Mornin' (barely), Masters.


              HAPPY BIRTHDAY, BTY!!


              Thanks for the start, KSA. Good start-in-the-dark 10.2 miles on Franklin's roads. Congrats on not doing a C&B.


              I'm glad you got to do your 1-mile test in the sunshine, dnaff. How did you expect it would go?


              Thanks for the data, Surly Bill. The Senate voted in favor of no longer changing back and forth between EST and DST. After over a year, the House has not even brought it up for a vote. That should be the easiest legislation to pass, and Congress can't even manage that.


              Congrats on getting up and out early, moebo, and on a successful, mostly dry, 20.75 mile run.


              I'm sorry that Pickles still has her challenges, Tomwhite. I hope the GI specialist can help. Too bad about your old college buddy as well. Thanks for the book tip.


              I didn't get up at J o'clock 'cause we had racewalking training scheduled for this morning, and that doesn't start till 9. So I was up at 5, in time to move DW's latest batch of yogurt from the cooker to the fridge. I did some reading, some light stretching, had a light snack, took a shower, and was out the door by 7:20. I usually do my workout before our training sessions start, and I wanted to do the New Castle loop (which Henrun knows well) in Portsmouth. There was some kind of a bike ride going on this morning, and I must have been passed by around 100 bikes as I racewalked my way through New Castle. Most were very considerate and friendly, and only one came a little too close for comfort ("Don't be a jerk"). I surprised myself be being able to maintain a pace below 12:20 for all but 2 miles (with no hammy discomfort), which was my best pacing in about 2 months. My cadence and stride length were better than they have been in a while, but neither were close to race numbers, and I was OK with that. I did 7.3 miles on the loop, and then another 1.9 miles on the high school track during our training session for a total of 9.2 RW miles for today. I did about 35 minutes of stretching and core work when I got home, and then took another shower, mostly just to get warm after being out in cloudy, damp, 52° temps. Maybe we'll turn on the heat in the house sometime soon...


              Have a greta Saturday.



              Without ice cream there would be darkness and chaos.

                Thanks for the start, KSA.

                Belated happy birthday, BTY

                Gladd you're out, dnaff.

                Sorry to hear of the ongoing Pickles issues, TW

                Nice that the hamstring (and the cyclists) behaved, Jay.


                 Thanks for this, Tramps. Love it!!!


                Great 20-miler today!


                I kept waiting for a break in the rain and wind to get a run in but it's not happening, so a rest day for me.  It's been pouring and we're still not in the heaviest rain part of the storm. There's gonna be flooding somewhere. I pulled out our little generator yesterday in anticipation of power outages. Hopefully, I won't have to use it.

                Be safe. Be kind.

                  Thanks for the start, KSA.

                  Belated happy birthday, BTY

                  Glad you're out, dnaff.

                  Sorry to hear of the ongoing Pickles issues, TW

                  Nice that the hamstring (and the cyclists) behaved, Jay.



                  +1 and congrats on the 20+ miles Moebo - sounds like you are ready for Baystate!!


                  45 min PZ endurance ride, 10 min low-impact ride, then some stretching, upper body and core classes.

                  Feeling so much better - now dh is sick 

                  Hopefully the rain tomorrow will hold out until after Lone Gull in Gloucester


                    Hugs to Pickles.  I hope you get some answers!

                    Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth



                      Nice start Karen and nice run too.


                      Hope pickles improves quickly.


                      Happy birthday BTY


                      Good J hammy.


                      Hope the rain subsides. DW just left Norfolk ahead of the rains.


                      Deez - I love those PZ rides. They have helped my running.


                      Hope the weather is good for Berlin. Should be fast as usual if so.


                      Long work week. Very busy and hard to get time for a workout. This morning I ran 9 with our running club and ran the fastest 6 (2 wu and 1 cd) I've run in over 3 years. Made me feel good about where my fitness is improving. Or just fresh legs.


                      Have a super Saturday all.



                      "He conquers who endures" - Persius
                      "Every workout should have a purpose. Every purpose should link back to achieving a training objective." - Spaniel


                      MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

                        Steve - If you've got the nearly 15,000 e-mails my AOL goes back to for almost 20 years, you'll have plenty of fodder for NYT Bestseller retirement project: "Complaint Letters from Steve: how to make the hapless recipients love you."



                        My DW and I certainly enjoyed our trip to Paris in 2009 and consider it one of our best ever! So good, in fact, that we can never go back because a repeat would never measure up to the first one. 

                        Doug - probably to my detriment a couple of times too but me too, especially for a couple of places I don't want any new memories to dilute the glory of the first ones.


                        Tom - Glad pickles made it back and can get attention ASAP/  Thnax for the hot link to Derderian's Boston update, especially the movie version to be shown during next year's edition.


                        Moebo! - except for races and, of course, Tammy and Leslie's weekly extravaganza's, I've never heard of anyone running 20 miles for a marathon.  Are you okay?


                        Surly - I suppose the Berlin has several record holders in the running again. Any aiming for sub-4?  Sure is nice to be able to associate Berlin with something nice like the marathon instead of what we grew up with about it. Maybe you even stay up late enough for it to do a j-o'clock post on Sunday morning for the rest of us.  Thanks.

                        ps - are you still thinking about running the World Sr's?

                        What distances?  Good luck. Is this the one in Japan?


                        overheard in the elevator: while two geezers were ensconced on their regular picnic table up on the lawn at a nearby park for the daily feeding of the pack of squirrels that await their daily visits, two Canada geese came up looking up at them for something too just as the wife of a middle aged couple walking their dog passed by on the walking path suggested to DH, "look at the geese and all the squirrels" but DH wasn't interested in stopping, . . . until, all of a sudden, they heard a perfect "Aflac!" from the geese aka old geezer no. 1.


                        With the summer officially over after reaching up to the mid-seventies yesterday afternoon, the clouds didn't hesitate from returning overnight in preparation for tomorrow's first steady rains since early June, if not, May so I was able to stay dry for two morning RT's to the now nearest charging station that's almost one mile away (instead of the three blocks one that's been out-of-commission for the last month) for charging up the car for a possible return to Ikea tomorrow morning.  The two hours plus needed to boost the available mileage up to +/- 33 miles from 12 miles was just right to watch the daily highlights from the penultimate day of the September Grand Sumo tourney in Tokyo which has four veteran rickishi all at 11-3 hoping the neophyte rickishi at 12-2 slips up tomorrow and, if they win, for a five rikishi playoff.

                        "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)

                          Congrats on your longest run in 8 years moebo!

                          Sending hopeful thoughts for Pickles.

                          Glad you are feeling better Deez. A colleague at work was really sick last week, fever for 5 days. Not covid, not flu. Something her kid brought home from school.


                          6.6 mile walk down to the slough and back. Got lost briefly on the trails there which thankfully only put an extra 0.2 onto the walk. Some kind of medium sized hawk was flying low just under the canopy of trees straight towards me on the path I was on, but it quickly changed direction when it saw me. Kind of cool and briefly exciting. A few welcome drops of rain as I walked back up the long hill.


                          I may have to turn my furnace on in a few days.  And then break out the Happy Light so that I can cope with the transition to so little daytime light. But I do like this season - I get to make lots of soups!  Borscht today.

                          "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."


                            Spent the day in NH in Jay land, first with henrun’s DS and family at Great Bay estuary where we saw lots of painted rain barrels.  Then off to football game (Exeter v winnicunett) with my DD and family as grandkids are in the band and marched at half-time


                            a wonderful day


                            ((pickles & everyone with owies)

                            bty - belated happy birthday

                            nice walks, runs everyone



                              Happy belated birthday BTY! If it makes you feel any better, I have had any number of birthdays where for one reason or another DW was elsewhere. Although, I knew well in advance it would happen. Anyway, I hope she showed up before midnight.


                              moebo very nice going with the 20 mile run. I think getting into Paris has given upped your mojo!


                              coastwalker I doubt you will see the end of clock changing. Remember back in the 70's when then had the country stay on DST? Northern parents had a fit because the kids were stuck waiting for busses while it was still pitch black out.


                              SteveP I wonder if those on the receiving end of your emails, first call to everybody in their office, "Hey guys! I just got an email from SteveP. Fifty bucks says it includes a story out of Alice and Wonderland."


                              enkephalin I love borscht! I also really like it cousin chlodnik. Alas, my DW hates beets. 


                              I ran 4 this morning. I got a bit lucky. What is left of the tropical storm that apparently pounded Tramps broke up a bit on its way up to CT. It has been cool and damp all day, but hardly any periods of heavy rain. Quite a few with no rain. Word on the street is that tomorrow will be similar. With some luck we will be inside one of those rain breaks when the 5k DW and I signed up for starts at 10:10am. This is the weirdest 5k in terms of non-race stuff. The race starts really late. The swag bag is filled with so many things you would think we are running an ultra-marathon. Post race, there is so much food you would be convinced we must of have just run an ultra-marathon!

                              Live like you are dying not like you are afraid to die.

                              Drunken Irish Soda Bread and Irish Brown Bread this way -->

                                Thanks for the Kind Words


                                Happy B'Day work-outs to BTY


                                his Favorite Song








                                ...30-min ARC Trainer.....

                                ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....
