Masters Running


Saturday - 2/12 where is everyone? (Read 474 times)

Marathon Maniac #3309

    Hi all................


    Had my best run this morning since 2008, when Ribs was helping me...............and badly hungover BTW - hehe


    My plan this morning was just to get out of bed  Black eye..................yup, that was my plan for the whole day, after how much I drank last night. Bought a case of beer, and only had 2 left when I looked in my fridge this morning  Roll eyes (oh, just going through something that is hard for me to think about, but so dear to me too)


    Once I got my running stuff on, I figured I would just run what ever I could............just go by feel Wink


    Well alrighty then...........when I reached 5 miles right at 38 minutes, I figured I musta felt pretty good Smile Then I figured I would maybe string together some MP miles (I don't know what that is right now......really don't) After 8 miles I realized I had a PBJ special...8 miles - 59:39 - 7:32 pace  Smile. After 13 miles I was, 1:38 (2nd fastest 1/2 ever I think)


    18 miles overall 2:18:19 - 7:42 ave pace


    16 miles running like it was my MP by feel - 2:02:46 - 7:41 ave pace - almost 2 PBJ specials in a row Smile   During the second 1/2 of this run, I was running into heavy traffic on a busy road in town, which slowed me down. Even knocked a side mirror off with my shoulder, with a Honda Odyssey that wouldn't give me room - almost did that a few times, as I don't give up MY space easily  Angry


    Thinking of Slo, as he thinks he is going to beat me in the last 5K at the Green Bay Mary  My last 3 miles was in 20:56, which is the fastest I have ran a 5K in a few years now, and that was at the end of a LR Smile


    When got home, I felt like I could have kept going....but called it a day.


    Now my serious work begins for my 2011 races - albeit, maybe a little less alcohol Wink


    sure sure E Smile



    Running has given me the courage to start, the determination to keep trying, and the childlike spirit to have fun along the way - Run often and run long, but never outrun your Joy of running!

      The bar on the corner has been known to have tractors in it's parking lot.


      Big grin  Love it!


      We have sun, but it's cold and windy.


      Great 10 actual trail miles this a.m.  It reinforced that I need to get back to running in the Community Forest again, not only for the hill climbing, but for the downhill workout, as well.  I've lost a little bit of ability in that regard.


      The Hub and his buddy are smoking tri-tips and cooking up burgers and dogs for the grand opening of a friend's butcher shop tomorrow.  Once the gas stove guy comes and gives me the thumbs up or the thumbs down, I gotta go help get things ready.  Then tomorrow I get to be the money taker.  Keeping fingers crossed it doesn't rain.


      I'm in the midst of a strong desire to guzzle lots of Diet Coke . . . . and I only have one. Boo hoo!Cry


      Enjoy the rest of your Saturday, peeps -

      Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

      Trail Runner Nation

      Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

      Bare Performance


        Hi folks!  Thanks for the warm welcome! Nice to see so many familiar people!


        Tramps...... I'm an avid gardener and just adore daylilies.  Hence the mis-spelled latin for them as my on-line name.  Just call me Heme (heemee)!


        Enke.... I seem to recall you're an expat Canuck!  I usually only race in the local trail series, but my goal race this year will be Sulfur Springs in Dundas Valley, and I'll be doing a little 5K downtown for St Patrick's day with friends.


        I'm in the first week of a 16 week training program, hopefully leading up to my first ever 50K at the end of May, if I can stay healthy, and that's a HUGE "if".  Have never ran more than 27K.  Not interested in marathons, unless someone offers a trail marathon in my area....... these old feet can't take quite that much pounding on pavement.


        12 hilly miles with the first half thru Durham forest trails, with very iffy footing.  Intended to return by the same route, but my training partner had had enough slipping and sliding by this time, so we took the dirt roads back and I made up the extra few miles on my own.  It was only -4°C, but the windchill on the road for the last two miles made me feel I was with Erika.


        Have a lovely day everyone!

        .....Nancy The road to hell is paved....... run trails!

          ...oh heme// are Such An Inspiration///////






          nice 'ta see ya over here.

          ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....

          i'm lovin' it... MM#1949

            Wow Tim, nice run!  Where did all this speed come from suddenly? Pretty cool! Bet Slo's shaking in his boots Wink

            Perch's Profile "I don't know if running adds years to your life, but it definitely adds life to your years." - Jim Fixx "The secret is to make in your mind possible what was not possible before. The secret is to make easy what was difficult, instead to make difficult what really is easy." - Coach Renato Canova


              Heme, I never knew that you are an avid gardener. Welcome to the pack.. Yeah heme, we don't have pie here, but we sure get twocat's muffin's weekly report...and they are delicioutastic!...and besides..we have Avenger dog and the two favorite poster in here.


              Erika, have fun today. I am glad you had a good trip. I was thinking of you.

              Carolyn, I hope your hip heals soon.


              A spring like weather around here. I started at 34, but ended up at 52. I know that Tramps and perchcreek would have worn shorts for their run, but no me, no sir, not me.Joking 18 fabutastic miles for my wings. I think this was the strongest 18 miles I have run ever. I think I am getting stronger. Not a single walk break in the run, except stopping for potty breaks. There were a few times that my legs wanted to walk, but wings (which are feeling stronger with the gym visits)  told my way...just stop whine and just run...or we are not going to make it on tselbs's ata girl list.Cool. Feeling good, it must be the magnificent Western air!


              Off to nap, then I must copy Erika and do some homecaring.

              "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard

                Tramps...... I'm an avid gardener and just adore daylilies.  Hence the mis-spelled latin for them as my on-line name.  Just call me Heme (heemee)!

                Got it!  Sorry for calling you the "new guy" at first (which you may not have seen).  Blush I blame it on post-long-run fatigue.  Wink

                And you're Canadian!  Cool.  (All four of my grandparents were from Quebec.)  I miss our Canadian friends...Sans Souci...Tallrunner (who pops in from time to time).  I hope you're not a hockey fan; Maple Leafs, ouch...though they've had some life in them lately.

                Erika and Karin--Oops.  Thanks for correcting my gender blunder.

                Tim--you are crazy.  And very fast.

                Tom--I love the image of tractors at the local bar, too.

                Leslie--diet soda? Yuck.  I assume you saw that health report this week.  Incentive to stay away from it.

                Mari--nice long run!  (And, yes, that's definitely shorts weather!)


                Welcome any KR refugees. I haven't been there for a long while, no clue they were changing formats.


                Same here. I just went and poked around. Wow. What happened? And more importantly, where did everybody go?

                Be safe. Be kind.

                   Sulfur Springs in Dundas Valley,  


                  Hey Heme, I lived in Dundas for 10 years.  Always assumed I would live there forever.  Best little town in S. Ontario I think.  I wasn't a runner then, but did some mountain biking through the Dundas Valley Conservation Area.  I am sure you have lots of beautiful places to run along the escarpment!


                  Timmy - whoa boy!  talk about running on alcohol fumes!  Looking forward to seeing your next marathon performance.


                  Mariposai - congratulations on a great run for you!  I will think arms arms arms next time my legs are dragging.

                  "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."



                    Thinking of Slo, as he thinks he is going to beat me in the last 5K at the Green Bay Mary  My last 3 miles was in 20:56, which is the fastest I have ran a 5K in a few years now, and that was at the end of a LR Smile




                    18 miles is usually my warm up for a 5k and my last one was hills.

                      Hey Heme, I lived in Dundas for 10 years.  Always assumed I would live there forever.  Best little town in S. Ontario I think.  I wasn't a runner then, but did some mountain biking through the Dundas Valley Conservation Area.  I am sure you have lots of beautiful places to run along the escarpment!


                      Good grief...... I grew up in Dundas.......lived on York Rd...... went to HS at Parkside (class of 74)!!  Was back there last summer for the HS reunion!  the Sulfur Springs course is very much a flashback to HS cross-country for me.


                      Small world!

                      .....Nancy The road to hell is paved....... run trails!



                        I can't wait for the Slo_Hand/Timbo smackdown marathon!  When is the race?  When should we start placing bets?


                        Welcome, Heme!  Sorry to hear KR has ads and is falling apart.  You're all welcome here!  In your brief bio, you didn't mention if you're a cat person or a dog person, or both, or neither.  And any kids?


                        Some awesome long runs today for Mariposai, Timbo, Tramps, Leslie, and Heme!


                        I took Tazzie and Ladybug out for 4.5 miles in yaktrax. My hip feels mostly better - thanks for asking, Mari!  It was in the mid 30's and sunny, but kinda windy.  I also did lots of shoveling drifts and splitting and stacking firewood for cross training. 

                        I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.

                          Good grief...... I grew up in Dundas.......lived on York Rd...... went to HS at Parkside (class of 74)!!


                          No shit!!  I lived on York Rd too!!  199 - the co-op condominiums.  I used to jog around the driving park and see the HS kids out smoking on their breaks.  Used to ride my bike up Valley Rd to Rock Chapel, then almost puke, well I did puke once but stayed on the bike.  I went to McMaster for grad school, which was both a ton of fun yet horrible too (terrible supervisor and project).

                          "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."

                            I lived at 181 York Rd, just around the corner. I remember when that subdivision your coop was in was just a field and went tobogganing there every winter as a kid. Hunter's Field we called it. Our track team used to run the Driving Park regularly.... and that's where I learned to loath intervals.  Went back a few years ago when I was in town to do 3 miles there for old time sake.  I also graduated from McMaster....biochemistry in '78.  We have a lot of Mac grads at work these days.... love to discuss Dr Davidson from the biology department, who apparently just retired.... the misogynous SOB!

                            .....Nancy The road to hell is paved....... run trails!

                              Welcome Heme,



                               Glad the hips feeling better


                              Tim and Slo,

                               who is going to put the odds down for this race? I need to know the spread. Right now, based on past performance, I would have to go with Slo on the otherhand Tim is running from something and I have a feeling it may be the motivation that could make him A winner. This should be good at any rate. Good luck to both of you .


                              New shoes day !!!!!!!!!!!

                               I love new shoes , the smell , the feel, the brightness, That is until I ran 3 miles in the mud and melting snow today. GA pace 8:30 average . I am not complaining though 32 degrees felt  like spring out. I hope my long run tomorrow is just as nice.



                              Chumbawamba: I get knocked down But I get up again You're never going to keep me down

                              MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

                                there is no spread 'cause Tim's tights are too tight but even if they weren't,

                                I'd bet on me before I'd bet on someone who wears tights that tight. Go Slo!


                                ps- I always thought McHeme was from some beach.

                                I'd love to see a heme/enki reunion.

                                "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)
