Masters Running


Cinco de Mayo, 5.5.22 (Read 38 times)




    Anyone watching playoff hockey besides Starr?  Some intense fun already. My Caps looked very good in the first game...and may well get swept now, as Florida adjusts.



    I signed up to watch the AHL Calder Cup games. A few Sabres were moved to Rochester for their playoff run and a few future Sabres I'd like to watch are playing.  I turned the game off when Rochester fell behind 3-0, but woke up to see they scored 3 goals in the 3rd period and won in OT.  


    I have watched some of the NHL playoffs but without a team in the hunt I don't have a lot of interest. I haven't even worked up my full tier of who to cheer against.


    Tier 1 - Hated Teams (this is simple)






    Tier 2 - Disliked Teams



    Tier 3 - Teams I just like to see lose because they were on top of the standings




    And that is as far as I got so far. I won't have a favorite, just a least disliked.



      Buenas dias  Masters! Bienvenidos al cinco de Mayo! It's been a long time folks, and I'm not sure if my almost 2 months of rehab will hold up but here's hopin! I suffered a fairly serious injury in March while running and trying to set a personal best 4 miler and had to jump through hoops of fire to rehab, something I hate doing. After the sports injury doctor told me the extent of the damage I was shattered but I decided I would try to get over it by rehabbing like I've never done before. I didn't post after my first run back (may first) because I wasn't sure if 2 months was sufficient time to start up again but today was my third run of the month and it would appear that I may be on the road to recovery. I am running the slowest times I've ever run and I am happy to be doing it because the pain seems to be abating. I will try to catch up on everything I've missed and get back into the swing of things. I will raise a Dos Equis or 2 in your honor Masters, sitting on my deck  enjoying the sunshine after the longest winter of my life. Cheers all, and may your feet always hit the ground running!

        So good to see you back, Sub7.  We missed you.

        Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth


        Mike E

        MM #5615

          You’re welcome to jump on the Wild bandwagon, Dave.


            Good to have you back aboard, Sub7!!!!


            16K...almost race pace...breathing in for 2 strides and out for 2 strides on hills, flats & downhills...out & back up logging roads to a mountain forest trail...1,056' in elevation gain.


            Half marathon trail race with 3,000' of elevation gain is exactly one month away. Egad. Should be ready by then...not shooting for a podium finish, but want to feel good about my effort.

              sub7 - welcome back

              ((Kate and family and friends))

              ((Jay)) hope your surgery goes well and you recover quickly


              .3 mile walk to wake-up the hips and hamstrings

              4.0 mile run/walk with friends

              Church, prayer group, WholeFoods, now need to do more packing


              Happy Cinco de Mayo friends



                An interesting observation comparing last weeks run on the same route to todays run.


                Last week I ran for the joy of it and it felt amazing good/fun. Today I ran with a racing mindset.


                Last weeks average pace was faster!


                Something to ponder...


                Going off grid for a few days via boat 


                Rose Colored Glasses




                  5 miles running slowly (or as usual)






                  1.07 walking home mile with Pops


                  Really felt yesterday's Frantic pedal kayak to beat the storm  I was in the Hobie and Pops was in the Crescent. We thought we could get some time on Gordon's Creek before the rain.


                  So this morning, we overslept and missed our opportunity to meet our 0530 group downtown. He was out the door before I finished getting ready. I'm so happy he is easing back into running after his 23 February heart attack. He said he walked and ran the first two miles and was able to run the last 3 albeit slowly. Seems right to me.


                  My legs felt like they were working the whole time.


                  Ah, butt yesterday...


                  We thought about running errands and doing chores and then I said, "I really feel like spending some time on Gordon's Creek"

                  I barely finished the sentence and he was gathering the gear!


                  When we go to Powhatan Creek, we take the tandem kayak and I paddle and he fishes. But I wanted to do my own thing yesterday.

                  Before the clouds rolled in, I paddled (pedaled) way far down the creek. I was treated to beautiful views and sounds.

                  At one point, I sat in the middle of the creek, looked skyward, and watched an amazing display of aerial ballet. Two bald eagles soaring above me. And I saw herons and egrets and osprey too.


                  After today's sluggish run and walk?  We did our strength training and then headed out to do the errands and chores we avoided yesterday.



                  Hope you enjoy whatever you do today.

                    I’m so sorry, Leslie.  Even when you know it’s coming, it’s hard.

                    Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth



                    Rose Colored Glasses

                      Would love an update from Jay. Hope all went well and recovery is smooth.


                      Also would appreciate a Tammy update from yesterday's appointment.


                      Trails are hard!

                        An interesting observation comparing last weeks run on the same route to todays run.


                        Last week I ran for the joy of it and it felt amazing good/fun. Today I ran with a racing mindset.


                        Last weeks average pace was faster!


                        Something to ponder...


                        Going off grid for a few days via boat 


                        yep, running is supposed to reduce stress, not add to it.


                        and i'm ready for going off the grid--jealous yet again

                        Need a fast half for late fall.  Then I need to actually train for it.



                          Would love an update from Jay. Hope all went well and recovery is smooth.


                          Also would appreciate a Tammy update from yesterday's appointment.


                          It was a radiation oncology consult - just to let us know some treatment options should my husband decide to pursue tx for his prostate cancer. it's a slow growth, non aggressive type at this point, so with the information at hand of surgical options, radiation options, or active surveillance, we now feel more confident in our decision to actively monitor the cancer. there is no urgency in tx at this time, or until such a time that things change and the cancer becomes more aggressive in its behavior.  thank you for asking.


                          MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

                            Reading through all the posts about CV just reminds me of how dang intelligent so many of you are. 

                            Leslie - me too. Kind of like I still think I could have been a good runner and fast if I'd've bothered to do some training for it, I'm pretty sure I could understand, at least, part of all this sometimes conflicting covid information, research and advice if I really tried but, fortunately, because of all the brainpower herein, I don't have to.


                            ps Dave - nice but don't you have a loser/underdog category you can feel sorry for or has that been pre-empted in perpetuity by the Sabres?  In the meantime I'm rooting for the Caps and hoping that Ovechkin has to take a stand.

                            "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)


                            Rose Colored Glasses

                              Thank you,  Tammy.  I appreciate the follow up and am happy you and the man have sound medical advice and options.

                              I've been reading about this issue. You guys are well educated.

                                sub7--hope you're progress continues.  Don't overdo it too soon.

                                Tammy--best on monitoring that. Sounds like you're on top of it.

                                RCG--good to hear the Rocke...---uh-- Pops is recovering so well.

                                Murray--enjoy the trip.


                                Dave--I just enjoy the game, whoever is playing. I appreciate watching the very different styles of teams, the talent I don't get to see often, the coaching battles, and the unexpected drama (goalies this year! ). I root for the Caps but, really, they have little chance of getting out of the first round, let alone advancing. They effectively used a very uncharacteristic 1-3-1 defense in the first game and seemed to catch Florida flat-footed. But tonight, I'm sure Florida will adjust and the sketchy Caps goaltending is bound to catch up with them. (Funny side-note--TriBee's former long-time PT became the Panther's head performance/rehab guy a several years ago and we occasionally see him behind the bench tending to a player. He's a tall bald guy--Tim  Wittenauer-- so he's easy to spot even with a mask on!)


                                For me, after the Caps it's the Bruins--my childhood team. But they're looking old, slow, and not long for these playoffs, too. And I'm tired of the Marchand antics. I look forward to seeing Swayman get his shot in net next game, though.


                                After those two, I generally root for Canadian teams (it's been too long), teams with the longest drought (Florida's up there, Toronto, too.), and underdogs. And, as Falcon knows, I never root for Sid Crybaby and the Pens.

                                Be safe. Be kind.
