Masters Running


Friday, March 11 ..... (Read 436 times)

Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

    It is a sad day in Japan and surrounding areas.   Thoughts and prayers to all affected, and a special prayer that our dear Tet is okay!


    Out for a double header dogger this morning.   2 miles with Brinkley .... when we turned around he looked at me as if to say what the heck??   No bunnies, but he remembered exactly where we saw that one yesterday and was looking.   Then I picked up B'Nellie for another 1.5 miles.  She's a great running companion, just ran by my side, and out ahead of me but never pulling.   I think she kept waiting for me to pull her back with the "heel" command.   10 min. avg. pace overall.   It was COLD - 28° with wind that made my eyes water.


    "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
    It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."



    Marathon Iowa 2014

      Hi Mary,


      I read your post as negative 28 degrees - that IS cold - Erika-like cold.


      It's around 50 degrees here - foggy and rainy.  No matter, today is speed spin day at the gym.  Lots of sweaty fun.  It was a full house - all 30 bikes occupied.  You would think it was January.


      Tonight - go Huskies - squeeze the Orange.


      MM #6177

        Hi Mary,


        I read your post as negative 28 degrees - that IS cold - Erika-like cold.


        It's around 50 degrees here - foggy and rainy.  No matter, today is speed spin day at the gym.  Lots of sweaty fun.  It was a full house - all 30 bikes occupied.  You would think it was January.


        Tonight - go Huskies - squeeze the Orange.

        'Scuse me??


        Big grin


        I also thought it was 28 below, but then I said "nahhhhh....."


        Oh we've got flooding here, so I'll be out running the hills of my neighborhood today. Best to stay out of the county park that runs alongside a river, that much I know.


        Continued thoughts and prayers for Japan and those in the tsunami alert zone. Yes, hoping that Tet is OK.


        Here's a photo of a neighbor's backyard that borders on the park where I run. It was taken from her deck:

        Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

          Oops sorry .... no not negative 28° although it did seem to feel that way today for some reason. 


          "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
          It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."


            Sad weather/natural disaster day.


            10.1 MP miles today @ 7:50.

            Be safe. Be kind.

              ...GOOD LORD OM//////............sorry you guys are getting this mess.



              was raining and below freezing here


              supposed to get to 50s today



              ...............poolrun and first Mowing tomorrow......



              .............good running guys



              [[[[[[ japan and westcoasters]]]]]]]]]

              ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....


                Over to the gym this morning for 4 treadmill miles and some of that other workout stuff I don't really like but it is good for me.  The gym had an open house last night and I won one of these:


                KHS Alite 40

                KHS Alite 40 (Mine is actually a nicer blue color)


                Nothing like what you serious bike people drive, but a huge upgrade over my $20 garage sale special.  You had to bring a guest to be eligible for the drawings and I dragged a friend with me, specifically because I was hoping to win one of the 2 bikes. 


                (All the schools are closed over in tselbs neck of the woods.  Strange that they are getting so much snow not that far from here and we are getting nothing.)



                Marathon Maniac #957

                  It is a sad day in Japan and surrounding areas.   Thoughts and prayers to all affected, and a special prayer that our dear Tet is okay!




                  Yes, my thoughts, too.  Sad


                  Orange Mat – that’s pretty scary to be so close to your friend’s house!


                  Dave – I can’t see your picture, but I bet it's nice...


                  What Timbo said about “the toughest time to lose weight is during marathon training” rings true for me.  Those 30-mile weekends give me an excuse to fuel up, and yet, as a middle aged woman with a slow-than-normal metabolism (confirmed by my doctor), it seems that I overestimate my ability to burn off those extra calories.  I’m back up to my “right after the holidays” weight.  Angry


                  On the plus side, while my waistband may be tight, those P90X workouts and dead lifts have noticeably improved the shape of my butt.    Joking


                  55 minutes of P90X Chest, Shoulders and Triceps, followed by 14 minutes of Ab Ripper. 


                  Happy Friday!

                  Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


                    Good morning. Sorry to hear about Japan and hope all is well with Tet and others. I decided to push the long run off to tomorrow; I needed to get into work at a reasonable hour and also was concerned about DD getting herself up and out the door on time. She says she can but her track record is not good.


                    Probably just as well; my legs were a little tired from yesterday's intervals. I ran a pretty easy 9 miles. Mild temps but breezy and damp. Just drippy though, not really raining.  Rained overnight and it is supposed to rain today.


                    Happy Friday!

                    i'm lovin' it... MM#1949

                      lame.. I was thinking the same.. hope Tet's not in Japan now.

                      Crazy bad earthquake, tsunami... like sci-fi


                      DD2 is engaged!  No date set yet, likely next spring.


                      Today was supposed to be easy. I decided to run by feel at an easy or mild GA effort.  That worked out well.

                      5 miles in 40:56 (8:11, AHR 148). Felt good... ahhh taper time!

                      Perch's Profile "I don't know if running adds years to your life, but it definitely adds life to your years." - Jim Fixx "The secret is to make in your mind possible what was not possible before. The secret is to make easy what was difficult, instead to make difficult what really is easy." - Coach Renato Canova

                      Marathon Maniac #3309

                        Good morning,


                        The earthquake in Japan, and the aftermath sure was sobering news on this Friday morning Sad


                        I also reads Mary's post at -28 degrees  Smile


                        Too funny Orangemat  Big grin


                        Boy're fast - well, for an old dude Wink  Your in for a quickie I can see !


                        Yup Holly, you very much are right about weight loss, and Marathon training. When I try and explain this to my "non running" Friends, they look at me like   Confused


                        Steve, I really look forward to your Marathon, especially from where you came from injury wise !


                        I ran an easy 7.3 miles last night - no watch - no Garmin - just me and myself thinkin' about things. Got up this morning and wanted to run early, because I have a 15K trail race I'm going to run Saturday morning in Indianapolis at Eagle Creek Park. Ran 5 miles with 1 mile warm up - 3 tempo miles (7:15  - 7:30 pace, to wake up my fast twitch muscles) - 1 mile cool down. I plan on really going for it on this trail race - - because I had a 10K I was suppose to run instead that got postponed till next Sat. The only problem there could be is, extremely muddy trails because of how much rain and flooding we have had. If not too muddy,  this should be a good guage to where my speed really is, and also help get me ready for either 1 or 2 50K's this spring in Holly's neck of the woods.


                        I was thinking about something during my quicker miles this morning, which I question some people's opinion on. Everyone who runs Marathons runs quite a few miles at MP (right?), to help with speed - getting use to the feel - building aerobic fitness for race day, etc. Well then, what's the difference for a person (me) who runs 1/2 mile repeats at 5K pace (or quicker) to not only prepare for some fast 5K's - 10K, but does also help with Marathons also. I believe if you want to run a certain pace in a 5K - you must run that same pace in training - or faster !


                        Excluding the injury factor - which I am not concerned with what so ever - I don't see the the difference between a Marathon runner running MP miles, or a 5K runner running 5K paced miles. Now I know that there is a time and place for anaerobic conditioning, and it needs to be closer to when a person is going to actually race. In other words, I know a person can't run anaerobically all year round, but everyone needs a break.


                        Plus............I just like to let loose once a week, and let my legs go....


                        Ribs would blister my butt right now  Big grin


                        Boy, after reading me and Slo's exchanges the other day...that was one heck of a first round. So everyone realizes, we were just having fun with each other, and hopefully bringing a smile to you guys too. But make no mistake....we both are serious about the race and beating each other :-)




                        Running has given me the courage to start, the determination to keep trying, and the childlike spirit to have fun along the way - Run often and run long, but never outrun your Joy of running!


                          Hey T - Here is some great 5k advice:


                          5k's are my favorite and as I lose weight, I hope to add some of the advice in this column. 




                            {{{People in Japan}}}}}. FYI, , Mr. Posie and I talked on the phone with Tetsujin just the other night, so we know he is in the USA.


                            Fly by post today. The training called for 6 easy miles and SIX easy *talking* miles is what I did....and it was fun!


                            The sunrise was glorious this morning, 


                            "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard


                              OK, take the smilies away from Timbo!!! Roll eyes


                              if I understand your question Tim, you are aksing if it makes sense to run 5k paced miles as part of marathon training?  I think the answer is yes, as  a form of speed work, provided you have the base to handle it without injury. The training program I am very loosely following, and many others I have seen , includes interval work  ( along with tempo runs and marathon paced work) as part of the training. For most of the interval sessions, 5k or 10k pace is suggested.  The intervals are not supposed to feel "killer " fast but to teach you to run efficiently.    For example, there are suggested workouts of 5 -7 x 1000 at 10k pace, or 8 x 800 at 5k pace etc.  Also some longer intervals and tempo sessions  of course, and MANY EASY RUNS


                              I am always worried about injury, and this is the first time in a very long time that I have been  able to handle regular speed work. I think in my case I needed the base provded by staying in one piece for more than a year continuously. I hope the interval and tempo work will help becuase I am as usual a bit light on the long runs. The story of my winter life.

                              MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

                                arigatou for thinking of me.

                                I need to figure out how to get it that way for running sometime. Smile

                                maybe it's a good thing I had to defer this year's Tokyo Marathon until next year as one of my favorite places in all of Japan is right at the epicenter. I know all the place names in the news like old friends.  I 'm hoping not to see any of their names though but commuications are pretty slim right now.

                                thank you again.

                                "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)
