Masters Running


Tuesday July 6 Back-to-Work Runs (Read 557 times)

Marathon Maniac #957

    Good Morning!


    No run yesterday for me.  Instead DD and I went biking along the river trail.  I set my bike to almost lowest gear so I wouldn't have an unfair advantage over her no-gear bike, but I still took her a little bit too far.  Trailer bike for her next time we do that.


    Breger – very nice to hear you and your group sing...and that tall 2nd tenor was indeed quite handsome....


    Erika – congratulations on your new 5k PR – smokin’ fast!


    Stumpy – nice speedy run for you yesterday!




    {{{Dave59}}} – Dave, I usually get blisters under a couple toenails during marathons, and one of them got infected once – extremely painful.  Hope yours clears up quickly.


    SteveP – definitely post some of those photos – we love Noah photos!


    Enke – I’m so glad your inner ear thing has healed up for you to be able to ride the big slides – sounds like a great day!


    Why do Kenyans wear long pants in this hot weather?


    5.65 miles for me today in a humid 75°, including 5 x 800m intervals, with 2 min recoveries.  Not super speedy


    4:03 (8:06)

    4:06 (8:12)

    3:48 (7:36)

    4:00 (8:00)

    4:03 (8:06)


    I was going to do 6 intervals, but my right knee started acting up so I decided not to push it.  Push-ups, bench dips, lunges, bench step-ups and squats afterward.


    I cut my run short so I could go to an early dentist appointment, and after moving heaven and earth I even managed to get there on time, only to have them tell me my appointment is tomorrow and not today. 

    Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


    Trails are hard!

      I'm guessing two things (at least)--First, it's probably not that hot compared to what they normally run in.  Second, they appear to have absolutley no excess insulation,  so they get cold once they slow down.  That's my theory.


      Not as speedy this morning, but just as soggy at the end.  3.1 in 29:00--77ºF and I don't know how high the humidity was.  The sore spot on the outside of my left foot has returned.  There may be more elipitcalling in my future.


      At least it's a short week--enjoy the heatwave (for NE at least)

      Need a fast half for late fall.  Then I need to actually train for it.


        Thanks Holly.  I just love singing.  It is sooo much fun.  (You need to clean your glasses though ...)

        Keep cool all of you.  It sounds like it is going to be a scorcher in many parts.  Run easy, and hydrate often.

        6 on the 6th for me too!  6 fairly sproinky miles today, while keeping the effort level easy.  8:48 overall, the last 4 miles at MP and below.  Encouraging.


        "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong


          Hot Humid and Stormy.


          That's my run report.


          Hope you all had a wonderful weekend. I wasn't able to get in any races.......I've got the itch in a bad way....maybe this weekend.


            I see that Holly and I started the daily almost at the same time.

            Cool new avatar slo-hand.

            {{{kimmie}}} I hope you feel better soon.

            I will just post here my 6 miles in 48F. It supposed to get to 90 today. A good day to visit the pool again...

            My legs and actually my whole body are still pretty tired from our weekend backpacking. I will share the pictures and story when time allows.

            Erika, great so rock sistahh!!!!

            I have yet to take the time to check on how the weekend went around here. I hope each one of you had a great time.

            Eliz, how is your marathon training coming along?

            "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard

            Marathon Maniac #957

              I see that Holly and I started the daily almost at the same time.


              One minute apart!  Great minds think alike!  I'd love to see your pictures, btw. 

              Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

              Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

                Oh dear - I feel so far behind in my reading again.   I hope that every one is doing well and that you all had a nice holiday weekend!


                Yesterday was a rest day and it was so hot and humid outside that after I cleaned the house and shopped, I just laid low with the girls and watched a couple of movies. 

                This morning was a little later than pre-dawn 5 miler as I'm off of work the rest of the week.   72° with 76% humidity -yuck.   Just took it slow and got it done.   My lower back is killing me again, and that worked itself out after the first mile, at least for the rest of the run.   That first mile I probably looked like I was running with a pickle up my butt though.  Big grin



                Has Jlynne checked in?   I hope you are okay girlfriend!

                Happy Tuesday!!


                "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
                It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."




                  Another day, another level of foot pain.  The urgent care doctor told me to give it a couple days but the pain is above my threshold levels.  (Yes I have lived a sheltered life.)  I called my own doctor today.  3 hours for them to get back to me, but he can see me this afternoon at 4:30.  Did you ever hear of a blister turning so dark it looks black?  Maybe there is something bruised/cracked underneath it?


                  If I take some Ibuprofen and keep it elevated I can survive.  Not much sleep though because I end up moving my foot and waking up with a shock. 




                    Pickle up the butt - Good one, Mary!


                    Lousy night of sleep, so stayed in bed and will get my 4 miles in after work.  You guys have heat and humidity (yuck!), we have wind, wind, and more wind. And if we didn't have the wind, we'd have fog, overcast, fog, overcast and cold.  Ah, summer on the old North Coast.  It can be frustrating.

                    Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                    Trail Runner Nation

                    Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                    Bare Performance


                    MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

                      Why do Kenyans wear long pants in this hot weather?


                       I wonder why they wear shoes in hot weather too, or even in any weather.


                      Facing the prospect of running a July marathon in 1990 when it was 97 degrees was all the incentive I needed to see if it would be possible for a regular runner to run 26.2 miles sans shoes.  After one practice run of 12 miles,  I stashed shoes at three places along  the course but, fortunately, didn't need them.  My feet have thanked me ever since. Yours will too if you let them take you for an short outing on  some  smoothly-paved bike paths, new asphalt/concrete  or closely-mowed grass (so you can see holes, ground-level sprinklers, debris and other erratics).


                      In fact, I dare as many boomers and others  as possible to run as far as you like from one block to the 5K I'll be doing in this Sunday's annual Barefoot Fun Run.   thanks.


                      now where is that photo of all the Kenyans jumping?

                      "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)

                        Good afternoon, gang!


                        Mary -  my lower back sends hugs to your lower back.  I haven't had back pain in quite awhile, and I'm not sure what sparked it this time, but I hate it. 


                        Holly - nice intervals in spite of the heat and humidity!


                        {{{{{{Stumpy's and Dave's feet}}}}}}}


                        Mariposai - 48 degrees is pretty sweet!


                        5.5 hilly miles this morning @ 10:13 and 157 AHR. I think I am finally acclimating to the H&H - at least to some extent.  It wasn't a fun run, but it wasn't a killer either. 


                        DH and I discovered The Maine Running store in Portland on our way home from Freeport yesterday.  I tried out the new Nimbus 12's which went home with me.  I thought I had purchased a pair of 12's at the SoundRunner in Old Saybrook, but when I got them home I noticed that they were 11's.  They'll be going back to the store.  I'm not ready for barefoot running yet, but I'm intrigued by the benefits of minimalist running.  I'm giving the Vibram Five Fingers a try - the new Bikila model for runners.  They are more comfortable than I had imagined - should be interesting........


                        Good runs all!

                        Sue Running is a mental sport...and we're all insane! Anonymous

                          ...dave// soak that foot

                           in warm soapy water in case there's something IN there that needs to come OUT...


                          good luck at your doc's......

                          ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....

                            fatozzig and evan, nice 5K races.  kimmie, wishing you speedy recovery from  your surgery.  dave, I hope your doctor can help you with your infected foot this afternoon.  steve, that was a great time you had running with Noah.  stumpy, congrats on the speedy run.


                            Nice long runs for evan (including above 5K race), wannabe, and perch.  Good job on the speedwork for holly.


                            This morning, it was 70° and humid when I went out.  Since it was supposed to warm up fast, I decided to take it easy.  I got in 8 miles in a bit over 1:24 for a 10:31 pace.


                            A good day and good runs for all.




                              Hi all!


                              I've read through yesterday & today :-),  lots I want to comment on but I probably won't get to all of it.


                              TomS, there was no such thing as 'easy' today!   Nice 8 miler.


                              Seal-like tw, good advice to Dave.   nice 4/1 heavy hands yesterday!!!   Smile  Hips ok?   is Claire still with you?    was thinking.... in case you get lonely for Maggie  we could take turns loaning you our dogs.  


                              Erika, wow!!   That was a great 5K.... did you say you weren't even really trained for it? 


                              Enke, I'm so glad your water weekend went well!


                              SteveP I was wondering about you.   ... wish they'd make up their minds at work, huh?    What a wonderful description of your run with Noah.   am still smiling.   Hi to my buddy Tag.


                              Perch, cool you're passing Kenyans.   in either direction   Even cooler no pain.


                              Kevin, foot hugs.   grr.


                              Mary I saw someone on a scooter the other day & thought about you.   I hope you have a good week off.   And especially that your back feels better, that could sure put a damper on your week.


                              Kimmie!  ((( ))).    Please be really really really careful, pay attention to even subtle things, while you're healing from this.... I'm still not all ok from a much simpler surgery in March, and I think it's at least partly because I did too much.     I know how hard it is to be patient, but it's worth it.  


                              Sue I want those vibrams too!   Will be interested to see how they work for you.  Do you know the difference between them & regular vibrams?


                              Bill, that was very nice.  :-).


                              quick post of a couple of runs... Sunday was 8.16 miles, at about a 10:07 pace.  My polar is back from New York but it didn't work right... I had to reset some things.  The run went pretty well, though, & I was surprised because I only had 4 1/2 hrs. of sleep.   Sometimes when you don't expect much from a run they surprise you.    

                               Then today, I was short on time but I had to go to my gym anyway because my checkcard number changed & they couldn't bill me.  Last chance today before they sent out the brute squad.  So I went there & then to the river &  just did 4.8, well, 4.5 & then 3 striders.  It should be a cutback week anyway.      av. pace was weird because I counted 3 min. of walking to start, trying some program on the polar to tell me my ideal heart rate.   did that, & then it just beeped & beeped , fixed it by turning off the sound.  Smile.   max pace was 6:53, I like that better than 10:15 (average).  max hr was 182, & that was with a pit stop & 2 water stops to slow it down.    maybe 65070 deg., 86%H.   I didn't handle it well,  I don't know how you all to it!!!!


                              oopsie.  wasn't quick.   sorry.


                              how much does sleep (or lack of) affect your runs or your HR if you track that?   I was short again the next 2 nights, wonder if I can blame part of this morning on that.   




                                ...thanks dg//........but if I ever get that lonely,


                                just have me shot.




                                very strong running bty.

                                ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....
