Masters Running


Monday Feb. 9 Master Runs and such ... (Read 485 times)


Half Fanatic #36

    Good morning all! No running for me today yet...hopefully later...started the day with snow on the ground but now the sun is shining.. and the trail is calling. Here's my overdue carbonara recipe.....Amy..not a drop of bacon in it!!!!! bucatini 3 oz, - one egg - zucchini 2 oz - Parmigiano Reggiano 1 oz - one teaspoon extravergin olive oil, salt, pepper. Boil water for pasta. Chop the zucchini in small cubes and saute in frying pan with oil over high heat. Add salt and pepper when done. While the pasta is cooking , beat the egg with the grated Parmesan, salt and pepper. Drain the pasta al dente and toss together with zucchini and egg and serve while hot. Francesca

      I still have snow on my roof. But I also still have a fire in my furnace! (anyway, after yesterday's limpy meltdown, I think I'm taking today off. I watched Tobias walk half a mile on the treadmill and that tired me out)


        A nice relatively easy 3.01 miles for me today - 23:48 (7:55). I didn't have time to post my weekend runs: Saturday - 7.01 miles - 59:14 (8:26) nice and easy in anticiaption of Sunday's long run. Sunday - 15.01 miles - 2:14:31 (8:56) - much slower than I had originally planned but things just went awry so a long slow run it was.

        Trails are hard!

          Here's my overdue carbonara recipe.....Amy..not a drop of bacon in it!!!!! bucatini 3 oz, - one egg - zucchini 2 oz - Parmigiano Reggiano 1 oz - one teaspoon extravergin olive oil, salt, pepper. Boil water for pasta. Chop the zucchini in small cubes and saute in frying pan with oil over high heat. Add salt and pepper when done. While the pasta is cooking , beat the egg with the grated Parmesan, salt and pepper. Drain the pasta al dente and toss together with zucchini and egg and serve while hot. Francesca
          Francesa--that sounds very easy and very good. but it doesn't seem to make a lot--is it for one serving? or two not very hungry people? And on the off chance I might want to add bacon, would I fry it out and then use the drippings to fry the zukes? Just curious. thanks.

          Need a fast half for late fall.  Then I need to actually train for it.



            Sue, thanks. I have been able to keep running this time, trying to keep the pain level below a 3 or 4.. isn't that what they say? You stopped stretching completely? oh SR, that's a hoot. Leslie, I'll be thinking about you tomorrow. (((DW's))) (((Holly gets an extra one))) A round of happy balls, on me. Aamos, thanks. phew. You'd think we could harness it for good, wouldn't you. Wink Twocat, what a relief! Smile. great stuff, isn't it? Just not too riveting. I'm doing all of it! I don't know what might be throwing something else off... so you're getting off easy! I'm going for a free evaluation at a place that does "Physical Development & Sports INjury Management"-- later this week, I hope. Will see what they have to say.

            Half Fanatic #36

              --is it for one serving? or two not very hungry people? And on the off chance I might want to add bacon, would I fry it out and then use the drippings to fry the zukes? Just curious. thanks.
              In my kitchen that would be one for the really depends on how much bacon taste and fat you want .. I would stick to the extravergin olive oil . Francesca
                OK, SR & SR, I can't pass up a reference to that song. Is it fun to sing along with or what? Many years ago, I had a wonderfully fun coworker who also loved the song, and he wrote the lyrics down for me. (Back before Google lyrics!) So I remember him fondly. Shy I have the flu. But I'm at work anyway. I skipped my 21-miler yesterday and am wondering what to do now....try to fit it in this week? Skip it? I dunno.
                  Mmmmm! Food!!!! My stomach is growling so much is reee-diculous. I guess I should clarify - The Clam Beach Run wasn't a trail race. Pavement all the way, except for the last 2.5 miles. And Twocat - I have no idea who came up with those stupid distances. Maybe someone indulging in too much of the greenery that's grown in this area. Smile

                  Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                  Trail Runner Nation

                  Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                  Bare Performance


                    Tom, Glad to see you running so well this year. Looks like the problems from last year are gone. I hope to meet up at a few more races this year. Speaking of that , I wonder how Roch and marathonderrick are doing 2 more of the Michigan wounded. All this talk about hills today got me to thinking .With this thaw we are having my favorite hill route should be clear. I think tomorrow is now a hill day! 3 recovery miles today after my long run yesterday and in antisipation of some hill work tomorrow. Happy Trails everyone Larry

                    Chumbawamba: I get knocked down But I get up again You're never going to keep me down

                      Big grin...can't think of better person I would like to be "busy" with. But you are right about "our" posting together when we say we are sooo busy....think people may start talk'n Wink Smile TimBo
                      Get a room! Big grin Big grin
                      Quit being so damn serious! When we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change. "Ya just gotta let it go." OM

                      Marathon Maniac #957

                        A round of happy balls, on me.
                        Hear, hear! Smile

                        Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


                          It snowed this morning in seattle. So right now, it's hailing. Of course. Pea size. I think. Big peas.



                          Half Fanatic #36

                            Hey Robert ..we got sunshine all afternoon long out here in the Eastside...... 5.5 miles of trail running in a few mud puddles left by the melting snow... Francesca

                            King of PhotoShop

                              Big grin...can't think of better person I would like to be "busy" with. But you are right about "our" posting together when we say we are sooo busy....think people may start talk'n Wink Smile TimBo
                              Something is dreadfully wrong for I feel, a great burning pain in my side. Though I am trying to stay in the saddle, I'm getting weary, unable to ride. Spareribs
                                Spare! Big grin Forgot to say earlier...I vote for Turkeynator!