Low HR Training

"Expose Your Slow Twitchers" Daily Maffetone and/or Low-HR Training Reports (Read 23292 times)

    Had a run on the mountains, 3 hours at MAF+5, + 1300 metros incline.  very enjoyable and facing some packs of chamois during the run.


      Had a run on the mountains, 3 hours at MAF+5, + 1300 metros incline.  very enjoyable and facing some packs of chamois during the run.


      Sounds awesome!



      6 hours heavy yardwork. Almost there. Off day from running/walking, but not an off day.


      Former Bad Ass

        Did 18.10 miles today, last 8 on the TM due to the heat, so no surprise the HR was 2 above MAF.  No biggie.  The TM always gives me higher HR than normal.



          Did 18.10 miles today, last 8 on the TM due to the heat, so no surprise the HR was 2 above MAF.  No biggie.  The TM always gives me higher HR than normal.


          Damaris, I'm so happy to see you're back! Awesome.




          still pooped from yesterday.




          Former Bad Ass

            That does not mean I am faster or anything.  I feel slow, though.  But it's nice to be running 50+ miles again.  I don't think I have missed a workout in weeks.



              Lovely run today. Last weekend the 27 miler within MAF which felt absolutely great. Thursday some soeed work outside MAF, today another MAF test with a whopping improvement since the last one. Very happy with this.


              Enjoy your weekend!

              Slow and Steady

                Nice little nearly-5-miler to shake out the soreness from Sunday's marathon. Everything feels okay! Well, except for one toenail which never bothered me before Sunday. I think it was surprised and offended by the amount of time I had shoes on. It may decide to look for greener pastures. Smile

                Eric S.

                Trail Mix ||| dailymile ||| RA log

                Goals: 50km, 50-miler, 100km, 100-miler


                  @offseid: how did the marathon go?

                  Slow and Steady

                    I posted about it in the Race Report thread, but I'll copy it here as well:


                    Just finished the Borneo International Marathon. This was my fifth marathon, but the first (and last!) in a hot tropical climate...and my worst time (somewhere around 5:32, I'll get the official stats later). What a horrible way to spend the morning. Big grin Actually, it didn't start out too bad. Start time was 3:00am so for the first 3 1/2 hours we were running in darkness and it was probably "only" about 80 degrees, with humidity above 90%. Then the sun came out...and the only good thing is that it brought the humidity down! Brutal.


                    Initial reports from the local running club are that very few people bettered their previous times for this race, so maybe today was hotter than normal. Anyway, my family came out (after 7:00am) and visited me several times along the route, which made the race go by much more pleasantly.


                    Not sure how much LHRT helped on this run. I wasn't wearing my HRM but felt like my HR was pretty consistent the entire race - maybe in the 150s (my MAF zone is 121-131). I just went by feel, and I think I nailed it because as I type I feel just the right level of fatigue, pain and soreness. But I hoped for a better time. (But then again, I did not really train for the marathon...I just ran a lot.)


                    Race organization and support were EXCELLENT. It was really only the weather that made me say, "No more!" to running the FM distance in Malaysia. Now I get to go back to the trails! Will still be doing MAF training all days except trail days, where I'll go anaerobic after my warmup.


                    @offseid: how did the marathon go?

                    Eric S.

                    Trail Mix ||| dailymile ||| RA log

                    Goals: 50km, 50-miler, 100km, 100-miler


                      @ offseid: ah thanks :-) That sounds like a warm race indeed!


                      Yesterday I mixed MAF 1000mtrs laps with laps around 150 bpm. I knew what my pace should be and that was about right. However, the last 'fast' lap was done RWR and with the max HR of 150 and I was really faster that last lap doing RWR


                      Tomorrow I will testrun for some miles RWR with a set max HR and a ratio of 2/1 and I wonder where that will bring me!


                      Consistently Slow

                        5 mile walk. BP a bit high.

                        Run until the trail runs out.

                         SCHEDULE 2016--

                         The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff

                        unsolicited chatter



                          2:00:00 walk

                          6.78 miles



                          Good to get such a long workout in!




                          Consistently Slow

                            Garmin upload issuers. 24 miles the hard 6:5 hours.  Club member marathon in 3 weeks. Did 18 wih her after starting.

                            Run until the trail runs out.

                             SCHEDULE 2016--

                             The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff

                            unsolicited chatter



                            Former Bad Ass

                              Great job, everybody!


                              I have had a bad week.  Busy week at work, my twisted ankle has been bothering me and on top of that, I did a 5K yesterday and couldn't even move my legs fast enough to reach my target HR.  It was one of my worse 5Ks and I have been racing them since 2008.  Then, last night, running 8 with hubby, I noticed my breathing was low and it was.  Adjusting the new asthma med for that.  Hoping that works because I have a marathon to run.

                              Still, with so many bad runs this week, this week has been my fastest.  Figures.



                              Consistently Slow

                                Damaris**what marathon are you running?


                                10.7 miles HR115 / 125. Reached my 40 mile week. Just need to not to 35 miles of it on the weekend.

                                Run until the trail runs out.

                                 SCHEDULE 2016--

                                 The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff

                                unsolicited chatter
