Low HR Training

"Expose Your Slow Twitchers" Daily Maffetone and/or Low-HR Training Reports (Read 23292 times)


    If I was to do 90 minute runs only I would never be able to run a marathon, since 90 minutes for me is 7-8 miles. :-)


    I ran a 5K on Saturday (15 miles total for the day) and 16 miles yesterday.  I think the knee is back.


    Damaris, nothing can keep the resident Aerobi-goddess down. So glad to hear you're healing up. 


    Well, after a month of achievements in blobhood, I hopped back on the TM today for a 3-mile walk. See how it goes tomorrow.


    Former Bad Ass

      Good luck, Jimmy!




        Damaris, nothing can keep the resident Aerobi-goddess down. So glad to hear you're healing up. 


        Well, after a month of achievements in blobhood, I hopped back on the TM today for a 3-mile walk. See how it goes tomorrow.


        Yay for blobhood!  


          Thanks, Damaris.


          SD, this is me on the treadmill today:



          It'll get better.

          4 miles today. 


            Thanks, Damaris.


            SD, this is me on the treadmill today:



            It'll get better.

            4 miles today. 

            Hahaha nice!  That treadmill must be pretty awesome to bear that weight.  And blood resistant too!


            Former Bad Ass





                Glad you guys laughed.


                5 miles walk today with some hills.


                Former Bad Ass

                  Pilates, OTF (that was hard) and 5 more miles with hubby yesterday (7 miles total, including the ones I ran on the TM at OrangeTheory).


                  I discovered a nice Maffetone Method group in FB, if you are interested:




                  Former Bad Ass

                    Oh, did Pilates today.  Finally convinced my husband to try it and it was our first (of hopefully many) duet class.



                      Pilates, OTF (that was hard) and 5 more miles with hubby yesterday (7 miles total, including the ones I ran on the TM at OrangeTheory).


                      I discovered a nice Maffetone Method group in FB, if you are interested:



                      I'm not on FB, but checked it out on my wife's. Very large group, over 2000. Good to see. I think FB is the reason RA has gotten a lot less activity over the the past 3-4 years. This forum used to have a few dozen at least participating with many lurkers. FB is like the Walmart of glorified message boards. Puts the rest out of business, and all the while gobbling up huge amounts of personal information...



                      Happy Easter (comic)  and Happy Easter (Racing Tip comic)!




                      Former Bad Ass

                        Could be, Jimmy!


                        Ran 6 outside in windy and dusty conditions.  The last 3 miles were hard on the HR as I was running towards the wind, but managed running at 143HR average.



                        Consistently Slow

                          22 miles HR 124 / 164.Long run to test the knee for up coming marathons in May. 18 miles for the month not including today.The real test will be this week to see how the knee responds to the long run.

                          Run until the trail runs out.

                           SCHEDULE 2016--

                           The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff

                          unsolicited chatter



                          Former Bad Ass

                            Nice job, Clay!


                            I ran 19 miles, which included a mile while my husband worked on the TM which was slipping after we fixed the rollers.  And then my 3 X 3 @ MP (18 miles total).  Knee is sore but doing well.  Everything is sore, ha.



                              22 miles HR 124 / 164.Long run to test the knee for up coming marathons in May. 18 miles for the month not including today.The real test will be this week to see how the knee responds to the long run.


                              Holy cow, 22 miles!


                              What does HR 124/164 mean?


                              Good luck in your upcoming races!  Any specific goals?


                              Former Bad Ass

                                Ran 6 outside on Monday, and it was HOT AF.  Ran 5 with hubby last night and it was humid AF.  It is surprising we are still outside in April, trust me.  The last few years, it's been 100F by March, so we're happy.  Ran 9 on the TM today.
