Masters Running


Tuesday 2/15 Daily (Read 469 times)


MM #6177

    I just got back from the mother-of-all-massages, so please forgive me if I'm a bit less lucid than usual.


    OK, tomwhite, you can stop laughing now. Clown


    Again, my condolences to you, Kevin. {{{Kevin}}}


    Tim, listen to Jlynne: don't take drugs to mask your pain just so you can run. Seriously, not a smart thing.


    Slo, loved your rants. I'm proud to be included in your group of idiots. And just because we do run straight through the winter doesn't mean we appreciate spring any less. If anything, we appreciate it more....


    45 minutes elliptical (5 miles) earlier this morning, since my body's still been integrating the work the PT did yesterday. Which is probably why the massage this afternoon feels even more overwhelming. I have a liter sized bottle of water next to me that I'll be draining any minute to flush out those toxins, don't you worry. My calves and quads were the tightest parts of me, as well as my right glute. Nothing I didn't already know, but still, it was tough to keep from making noises when he'd work those ultra tight spots. How'd I ever let myself get so messed up??


    That said, I'm not running tomorrow as well, and I think I'll be grateful. Smile


    Sunday I have a running date with the women that I'm running the More HM with; we're running in Central Park, then going back to one gal's apartment for lunch. I've never run in Central Park before! Considering it's only Tuesday, I expect to be back up to (relative) speed, at least figuratively, by then.


    Off to go prom dress shopping with DD now. I suppose that's a fine enough post-massage activity... Wink


    Have a wonderful day, everyone!

      stumpy, I'm sorry to hear about your mother.  My thoughts are with you and your whole family.  wild, that's a serious truck and plow your husband got.  It looks like, in addition to being a super plowing machine, it would be a great wood hauler.  hopeful, that's a bummer about chasing the dogs in the night but it all turned out well.  holly, good luck to your daughter and her team in their game tonight.  jlynne, listen to your doctor and come back strong.  bike, be careful.  C-R, I hope your father's surgery went well.  Slo, here's one of the idiots who relates to what you said, and not a bit ashamed of it.


      Nice long runs for bike and dg.


      This morning, it was about 9° and calm when I went out and about 16° when I finished.  I was dressed right at the start and overdressed at the end.  It was nice to have clear roads to run on.  I got in 9 miles in about 1:30:45 for a 10:05 pace.


      A good day and good runs for all.




        Sorry to hear of your loss.



         I used to raise Labs and one time my boys who were 6 or 8 got the kennel open and all 12 of my puppies got out. This was a week before they were to be picked up and all were already sold for $700 to $ 850. By time I got home from work I was in a panic. A long story short I found them 3 days later, all still together two farms over from mine. Their teenage son found them and had them penned up. I gave him a 1968 GMC pick up as a reward. He still has the truck!


        I have sciatic issues but never from running mostly only when I have to sit for long periods especially in a car or plane.



         I hope your father is doing well


        A very strong progression run for me today 6 miles 10:00 warm up then 9:30, 9:00, 8:30, 8:00, then 1/2 @7:30, and 1/2 @ 7:00

        The amazing thing for me was my heart rate never got over 145. That is really strange for me if you remember my issues over the last year.

        At 7:00 my heart rate usually would be in the high 170s. Not sure weather its good conditioning kicking in or just good drugs. Joking

        At any rate I felt just warmed up and could have held that pace for a while I think. Promising for the spring racing season.


        Good runs to everyone,


        Chumbawamba: I get knocked down But I get up again You're never going to keep me down

          ...OM//.....I was laughing WITH you......






          I just


          you were Laughing////




          ''You Idiots also include those that run in pools, try to break in orthoetics,''




          I'd like to Thank the Academy.....


          ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....

          Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

            OMG Larry - I'd have had a heart attack!    So glad to see your story had a happy ending.    The "girls" are both in heat right now, so having them out on the loose just added to my stress level....even though they aren't accepting a courting fellow yet - but still!   

            I love that the guy still has the truck too!!    Very nice run for you today!


            "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
            It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."





              Kevin, I'm so sorry for your loss.  Hugs to you and your family.

              Norm, I hope your dad came though his surgery well.

              Slo, interesting reflections on the newspaper picture and story! And I'm glad we're all idiots.

              TomS, I'm not sure the dump truck would be so good for hauling wood - the bed is very high and I'm not sure how we would get the wood up there.  Dumping it out would be easy.

              Larry, what an awesome progression run!  Was this on the TM?  Those paces look too even to have been run outside.

              Hi Deb!  Glad to see you've been getting some good runs in!


              It's 62° in Denver today!  Too nice out not to run, so I ran 4 trail miles at lunchtime.  The trail is mostly free of snow, but it's pretty muddy in places.  I could only muster a glacially slow pace - not sure if it's the warm weather or that I've only been running every other day, and today was the 2nd day in a row. Or just my overall lack of fitness from taking time off to let my hip recover. I'll just have to be patient and work on base building.

              I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.

              Renee the dog

                Idiot checking in Wink from a 3 miler on the sand in just about 30 min.  Making some soup to slurp down before swim team practice in an hour.


                Later folks!!

                GOALS 2012: UNDECIDED

                GOALS 2011: LIVE!!!

                  Stumpy - so very sorry for your sudden loss, Mom's are the best I know I miss mine terribly.


                  Well another idiot posting his run for the day: Big grin


                  8 Miles - 55:15 (6:55) - 2 miles warm up - 6 x 1/2 mile intervals w/ 1/4 mile recoveries - 1.5 mile cool down.


                  7:41 - 7:05 - 3:12 - 1:58 - 3:10 - 1:58 - 3:07 - 1:59 - 3:06 - 1:59 - 3:03 - 1:58 - 2:55 - 1:58 - 3:15 - 6:51

                    Sorry, Kevin.

                    Lou, (aka Mr. predawnrunner), MD, USA | Lou's Brews |

                    MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

                      You know...I don't want anyone to feel left out.  You Idiots also include those that run in pools, try to break in orthoetics, spend hours with foam rollers, skip the 3rd glass of wine so you don't spoil your long run and post here on RA.

                      uhm, is idiotdom okay if you don't run that much either? 


                      - I doubt if you'll ever beat SLO but keep working your long runs up to 26.2 miles and beyond at least to 52.4 miles all as fast as possible. Be sure not to drink either like you said and you might have a chance to see him at the finish before he goes home. 


                      stumps - though so sad to lose a parent but glad you could be together.


                      "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)

                        I took advantage of the only break in the rain today to squeeze in 7 miles.  I picked it up the last 3 miles, which from looking at it raining again outside, was a good idea.

                        "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."


                          Just in from 8 miles. Got caught in the rain, 33 degs...that ought to be worth a picture !

                            This morning, it was about 9° and calm when I went out and about 16° when I finished.  I was dressed right at the start and overdressed at the end. 



                            It's hard for me to comprehend how one can overdress for 16°.


                            OM - Color be jealous green re your massage.  Maybe I need to make a trip back East to get the kind of massage I am so desperately looking for.


                            I was on the web site for Coastal Trail Runs, the organization putting on my run this weekend, and saw they had a 50k option, which wasn't there when I signed up for the marathon.  Since I'm suppose to do a 50k length run and I was going to have to force myself to go back out for an additional 5 miles, I emailed and asked if I could switch.  No problem, AND they're going to waive the extra $5 I would've had to pay.  5  extra supported miles for free!


                            Guess this puts me square in the Idiot Dome! Big grin

                            Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                            Trail Runner Nation

                            Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                            Bare Performance


                            Maniac 505

                              (((Kevin)))   You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers


                              finished my work week,  ran 5 easy miles after I woke up this afternoon.  now I need to transition back to a normal day schedule


                              one of my face book friends posted yesterday that he is starting to serve a 21 month sentence in a federal prison Surprised


                              Charlie Engle, the main character from runnning the sahara.  (a 111 day, 4300 mile adventure)  Begins serving his sentence for mortgage fraud. 


                              His movie had a local showing and a talk by him,  he asked everyone in the audience to friend him,  that is why he shows up as a facebook friend.  


                              I have read a few stories about his *crime*  it sounds like he did some dubious things to finance his adventure,   I don't really know if the sentence is  fair.   I am looking forward to the next movie about him.  That is not something I ever thought I would  say about   a *criminal*



                                You Idiots also include those that run in pools, try to break in orthotics, spend hours with foam rollers, skip the 3rd glass of wine so you don't spoil your long run and post here on RA.


                                I resemble that remark!! Big grin

                                .....Nancy The road to hell is paved....... run trails!
