Masters Running


Wednesday Dec 30 Runs and Rests (Read 481 times)


    Nono—wonderful picture yesterday.

    Tim—good luck on working out a deal for the new job.

    Erika—minus 11F.  Brrrrrrr!  You are tough.


    Movies: “Bucket List”?  Really?  The preview looked awful; I’ll have to reconsider.  Here are my recent recommendations: “The Lives of Others”, excellent drama from a first-time director about state scrutiny set in Communist East Germany, and “Divine Intervention,” a quirky, funny take on the Palestinian/Israeli standoff (if you can imagine such a thing) that sometimes evokes classic Chaplin (no kidding).  I love Netflix.


    5.38 @ 8:07.  19F, chilliest morning so far this season for us, but no wind so it felt fine.  Supposed to be an easy pace but somehow turned faster.

    Be safe. Be kind.


      I liked the Bucket List......Pretty tough to go wrong with Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman.


      Started the day with my final swim of the year......I hadn't looked but if I didn't log 100 miles of swimming I have to be pretty close......Now I'll have to go check!


      BTW....Mornin Tramps !


      Aw, I'm breaking corporate policy so I best be going.


      Oh, I spied an animal today that had as many legs as there are days in the year.



      Marathon Iowa 2014

        Mornin Tramps and Slo


        No run this morning - fizzy lifting, half hour stepperfication, and monster interval spinnerooni.


        Last night I saw an unbelievable commercial.  It was for Taco Bell (you know, the creators of the fourth meal).  They have a new spokesmodel who lost 50 pounds eating drive through tacos.  They really are thinking outside the bun...  They need a slogan.  Perhaps "taco sludge - less cals than fudge."

          Good Morning Tramps, SLO, PBJ, and all who follow

          Even though it was 8º when I headed out for 8 miles with hill repeats at 7:00 am-----taking a breath---it was so much better without that wind. Lots of power outages as a result of yesterday's blustery stuff.

          Good day to all....still laughing after reading PBJs post and need to dab my eyes. Taco Bell diet....yowsa.


            Good morning good people. I love it when there's lots of posts early in the day - did you all have tacos for breakfast as part of your New Year's diet plans?


            Nono - great picture of your daughter yesterday. I love pictures of kids at Christmas (or any other time) when you can just see sheer joy in their expressions. She's a beautiful little girl.


            Welcome back Twocat! Sorry about your blast of cold weather - being out of it for a while must make it feel even more cold.


            Karin - hope your DS has a blast and gets some good pictures - and memories. Nice run in some pretty cold temps this morning.


            Hi Slo! That's a lot of swimming miles for the year. What kind of animal has that many legs? Never mind, I don't want to know (or see it)


            7 mile progression run this morning, starting out at a 9:50 pace and ending at 8:27. Then 5 minutes jumping rope and some lunges and core work. I'm tired of treadmills, but it's 12° here with a stiff wind and icy roads - just wasn't in the mood for layering up and putting on Yaxtrax this morning.


            Tim - gotta add my two cents worth. Insurance is a big deal! My DH turns 65 next year and will be going on Medicare. I'm 7 years younger and now have to figure out a deal with my employer to get insurance as a part-time worker. I'll probably owe my entire paycheck and have to pay extra just to get decent coverage. He's lucky to have you - keep negotiating with him.




              I could do the Taco diet.  Maybe that'll be my 2010 New Year's Resolution.  (Not!)


              We watched the latest Star Trek movie last night.  It's no cinematic masterpiece for sure.  But if you're a Trekkie or even if you only watched the old original Star Trek TV show back in the day, you'll like it.  This movie is set before the beginning of the original TV show, so you can see how the characters and crew come together.


              It was interesting to see who played whom.  Skyler (from "Heroes") played Spock.  The original Spock was in it too.


              5 GA miles this morning in continuing chilly weather.  My right hamstring talks to me every now and again.  This may be my "new normal".  I need 6.2 miles tomorrow for 1900 miles for the year.



              "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong

              Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo



                Well, the DD's vehicle is going to cost around $1300 and she won't get it back until next Monday or Tuesday.  Sad     I hope today is a better day.    It has already started out better .... I figured if I don't make it to 1000 miles this year I can at least finish with a double digit run, so I stayed slow and tried to keep my heart rate down as I accomplished 10 miles.    It was about 18° with a fairly brisk wind.   Quite enjoyable actually.     Now I am going to take my mom to lunch (hopefully she'll buy)  Wink  and drive her to the store and bank.

                I also enjoyed the Bucket List.


                Just thinking of eating Taco Bell anything kind of turns my stomach.  Yuck!

                Happy Wednesday!


                "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
                It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."



                Marathon Maniac #957

                  Good Morning!


                  Tramps – that’s why it took me so long to see it.


                  Mary - ouch!


                  Breger - I really liked the Star Trek movie, too.


                  CNYrunner – re your run yesterday – you are amazing to be out running in those temps, and with that wind!  And you STILL manage a kick a$$ pace – you rock!  And I think it’s wonderful that your DS volunteers at that program.  That can’t be easy to fit into his busy schedule during hockey season.  Kudos to him, and I hope he and the kids have a great time at Fenway.


                  Tim – good luck with the job negotiations.  Speaking from the other side of the fence, while it would be easy for me to say, “stand firm for a better deal,” I know that’s not so easy to do when you’ve been out of work for, what, 8-9 months, in a depressed area.  I’d hate to see you lose an otherwise decent opportunity by playing hardball.  Keep in mind that you can always take this job but continue to look for a better position if it’s not ideal.  Seems like it’s easier to find a job when you already have one. 


                  Leslie – I did read your description of your training plan for the 50-miler.  Three times.  With my mouth hanging open.  Wow.      That’s some tough training, sister!


                  Nono – “Whiskey” is adorable!


                  I actually got fully dressed to brave the cold today, and then found my Garmin had gotten knocked off the cradle and was therefore dead.  That was all it took to tip the scales back to the TM.      Doesn't take much, does it?


                  5 recovery miles for me on the TM this morning @ 10:20 watching The Rock in Doom.



                  Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


                    CNYrunner – re your run yesterday – you are amazing to be out running in those temps, and with that wind!  




                    It helped that a good portion of yesterday's route headed away from the wind---like a huge hand pushing me along! 

                    I also had "little hotties" in each mitten and "toastie toes" in each sneaker. Once I get going, it's not bad at all (she says now from the comfort of the couch with some hot tea nearby.

                    I Can Go The Distance

                      Good Morning Runners,


                      Slo: Since there are only two days left in the year, I say you saw another runner (two-legged animal-get it?).


                      Taco Bell diet? Sounds like the kind of diet I was on in college!


                      7 easy miles for me today in 1:06:48 (9:33/mi). 7 miles tomorrow and I will have 2400 for the year.


                      I think I am going to do my LR on Friday this week. It's a great way to start out the year and then I can watch all the football and Twilight Zone Marathon I want without worrying about what I am eating. 


                      Any other Twilight Zone fans out there? My top ten favorites are:


                      1. To Serve Man

                      2. Nice Place to Visit

                      3. A Stop at Willoughby

                      4. Penny for Your Thoughts

                      5. The Obsolete Man

                      6, Time Enough at Last

                      7. The Shelter

                      8. Deaths-Head Revisited

                      9. The Monsters are Due on Maple Street

                      10. The Invaders


                      Have a great day everyone,



                      "Don't give up, don't ever give up." Jim Valvano



                        Slo: Since there are only two days left in the year, I say you saw another runner (two-legged animal-get it?).



                        LOL......I was going to say that it was a Bird I saw   Nice Job!

                          mmm, tacos -- love 'em,  but don't think they'll help anyone lose 50 lbs.

                          Disappointing run this morning -- disappointing because I was lazy and didn't finish the tempo.  Planned 5 but only ran three -- need a sports psychologist, I think.    Or maybe I'm just eating too many tacos this week.  

                          10.1 miles, 1:21:15, 8:02/mi, AHR 162 (79% MHR)

                          2@8:33(150), 3@7:26(169), 5.11@8:11(160)

                          Baby Nate has the hiccups.  Very cute.

                          Lou, (aka Mr. predawnrunner), MD, USA | Lou's Brews |

                          MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

                            to tim - if you have to take the job without benefits, maybe try top arrange for a review of a possible benefits package or benefits assistance after three or six months or whatever the probationary period for the job might be.  Then you can at least have some income, . .. while looking for a better job.

                            ps - no particular reason but what's the longest distance you've cycled at speed without a draft?

                            "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)


                              3 mile run at a sunny 19° around the local reservoir with wind gusts 'biting' at my face for part of the run. But, I completed 1300 miles for the year.  The frozen water sparkle like a winter jewel and the echoes of the water fowl made it feel like a movie set.    

                              Fashion report: thermal underwear, long sleeve T from a 10 mile race early in the decade (2001), Race Ready silver tights, blue 2009 Boston Marathon running jacket, black balcava, red visor, sun glasses, ski gloves, and Mizunos.

                              Happy New Year-bring it on!

                                nono--do you do what my mom did--let me open a package Christmas Eve, and it was always pjs so I'd look good in the photos the next morning?  DD looks pretty stylin' in those jams.  Love it!


                                Holly, we have a person here in SD whose name is Holly--she named her DD Ivy.  <I firmly believe children should have a cause of action against their parents for "cute" and other types of mis-naming.>


                                Karin--gosh, keep your lights on and make your dump runs with trash--at least Mary Clare has given the FD and PD carte blanc to do what needs to be done.  And be careful if you run in the morning--you might see something someone might not be wanting you to see.  OK, I'm a werrier, don't let me be bothersome.  I just care.


                                ----very cool news about DS to Fenway--we've been following that.


                                Tim, you've gotten good advice on the health benefits--twocat (as revised by Erika) is spot on, in my opinion.  Don't be afraid (ha, do you even know what that means? ) to go over some of the material he gave you with your prospective boss.  Is it possible he is making up or at least exaggerating the other candidates to get you to accept a job with no health insurance?


                                Woods Lady --I had the good luck to meet your most wonderful GS when I was in Seattle for the marathon one year and he most impressed me.  Is he still quite the aviation buff?  And do tell what he is doing in China.  I imagine he is much much older than I am remembering him and oh so mature.  Say hello to lovely Econo, please, I do miss her.


                                Here's a question--when you have a tender spot that heals, how much more time do you rest/go easy on it?  I was told that a muscle/tendon/ligament pain is felt only after it is already about 25-35% injured.  So, even if the pain/discomfort/sore feeling abates, shouldn't you continue to rest it and if so, how long? 

                                .........................................signed, lazy slacker non-Erikaish Amy


                                We have Nick and Nora's Infinite Playlist and Vicky Cristina Barcelona ready to watch in the near future.





                                ps: will have to break resolution and slowly jog 2.1 miles tomorrow in order to hit 1800 miles for this year. 

                                Masters 2000 miles