3650 Miles in the Hurtlocker

Sucker Punches (Read 1095 times)


    I liked the Bay to Breakers pic, so reposting won't be necessary.  


    Well that makes you and Ilene, then.

      This pattern sucks...run 1 day, take 2 off.  My lower legs suck.  At least it's not the achilles and only seems to be muscular.  Now that we're back from vacation, it should be easier to get on the bike instead.


        Or an episode of Lost



        There's apparently an audience for technical writing fetish porn. I feel like I'm reading the first chapter of a lost Pynchon novel.

        "He conquers who endures" - Persius
        "Every workout should have a purpose. Every purpose should link back to achieving a training objective." - Spaniel


          Would you like me to tell you about my groin?  Angry

          Well then ...


          I ran a fartlek-ish workout back on the Fourth of July -- just some reasonably hard 200m pickups in an otherwise nondescript run.  The last one was downhill, and I'm sure I leaned back as I decelerated after finishing it.  Turned out I slightly tweaked my R adductor, and it was tight for a couple days.  Nothing major AT ALL.


          Couple days later, I donked around, including an impromptu mile off-roading in tall grass and uneven ground.  Again, nothing strenuous, no pain anywhere: an entirely benign outing.  That night, Holy Mother of F***, my groin was killing me.  Centered at the pubic bone, maybe slightly to the right.  Couldn't lift my right leg while lying down.  In fact, I could barely get comfortable enough to sleep.


          I took off 5 of the next 7 days, and it improved but didn't disappear.  And it's been hanging around since.  I don't get much pain during runs (well, there is a small burning pain there, and that right adductor will be tight/sore for the first quarter-mile or so), although it'll be mildly sore here and there -- mostly on downhills and uphills.  On longer runs, soreness increases late in the run, and they also make it hurt more afterward.  And no matter what, it'll be somewhat sore for the rest of the day.


          Did 5.5mi SAT afternoon with no drama.  Damn thing was fairly painful that evening.  Tweaked it WHILE NAPPING Sunday afternoon (I actually woke up and thought I'd dreamed I hurt it ... then I moved my right leg and discovered it was reality).


          I'm not sure what's going on down there, but I'm gonna try having a chiropractor I trust assess for pelvis and leg length issues.  And maybe have him look at my stride, since my feet strike differently ever since the Achilles injury.

          "I want you to pray as if everything depends on it, but I want you to prepare yourself as if everything depends on you."

          -- Dick LeBeau

            Sorry to hear about your issues Clive, looks like the same issue I have been dealing with over a year now, but I don't have it as bad.  Stretching causes numbness in my thigh, and not stretching keeps the groin area tight and causes pain while walking around, got to pick my poison I guess.

              Jeeshh you two. Very painful. I hope you figure out a solution soon. Once upon a time (15 years ago) I had something in my groin go wrong. It forced me to take at least half hour extra to warm-up before practice. Hurt like hell most of the time. The only thing that made it stop hurting was the end of the soccer season.

              And we run because we like it
              Through the broad bright land

                Wow, Clive.  That doesn't sound fun.


                My measly calf issues have me gun shy on when to try and run next. On the bright side, I picked up a new road bike.  I actually haven't minded getting out there.  Triathlon's next year?


                  I haven't been able to run for over a month now, since my marathon on July 14th. Stupid little problem too, started out as a chronic but low-level pain in my peroneal nerve just under the head of the fibula on my left leg. Wasn't anything that bothered me while running or anything else, just a nuisance pain after sitting or sometimes lying down for a while. Didn't ever bother me while running, even in the marathon, but after the marathon it was sore, just like every muscle in my legs were sore. After hobbling around for a few days post-marathon all the muscle aches and pains slowly went away, but this pain outside and below my left knee hung around, and has not gotten any better in 4 weeks. It only hurts when I run now, and completely hobbles my gait - can't swing the left leg forward or backwards properly or without pain. Dammit. I have an appointment to see the local orthopedic doc, but can't get in until the 28th. 


                  The good news is, my nurse-practitioner  who sat in for my GP had my knees x-rayed and there appear to be lots of good cartilage in there, so no worries about that being worn out.



                  The other good news is I can ride my bike with little to no discomfort! I'm reverting back to my life-long status of cyclist, and have ridden 3 measly days in a row now, 20 miles each. Cramped up on the first ride near the end; rode easy the second day, and rode hard this morning for the third day in a row and didn't cramp up at all, and started to remember how much I love cycling and going FAST... A fast long run leaves me with a feeling of accomplishment, but a fast long bike ride is it's own reward. Fast cycling in warm weather is ultimately more fun than running. Heresy perhaps, but for me it's the truth. 

                  Retired &  Loving It


                    I haven't been able to run for over a month now, since my marathon on July 14th marathons on July 4th-7th. ... I have an appointment to see the local orthopedic doc, but can't get in until the 28th had an ortho appt. today, MRI on Thursday. 


                    Good luck. Really no cardio for me at all the past month, just the floor exercises from my PT. I don't even want to bike; I want this thing to heal right this time.

                    Ostrich runner

                      I had a pain in that area that wouldn't subside after a marathon once. I saw an osteopath who said somethingoranother was stuck, and he was able unstick it.


                        And here's the ride I picked up.  My first ever, real road bike.  Got it at the end of the July and have already put almost 300 miles on it.  It's so much better than trying to ride out the miles on a mountain bike and it's fun going fast.  I'm already thinking about what tri's I can try next year.


                        Went swimming Sunday night and, oh my, was that an experience.  It's only been, what, 3 years or so since I've done any kind of lap swimming.



                        Feeling the growl again

                          I used to enjoy cycling....specifically the speed...but too many close catastophies with cars/insane drivers.  It would probably be pretty safe where I live now (that said last year a cyclist shot at a driver who deliberately brake-checked in front of him to try and wreck him just miles away).  But my gear is old and I lent it to someone who proceeded to return it damaged beyond repair, so I just haven't put money into replacing it.  If this year had been as hot as last, given my injury, I probably would have.

                          "If you want to be a bad a$s, then do what a bad a$s does.  There's your pep talk for today.  Go Run." -- Slo_Hand


                          I am spaniel - Crusher of Treadmills



                            Hamstring MRIs are in. So... hamstring tendon partial tear, tendinosis, tendonitis. Been building a long time, evidently. Plus, a bonus cyst in the femoral neck on the *other* side. Back MRIs are next (still likely some sciatic component as well). Looks like a long road back. 


                            After back MRIs, probably prednisone, then tons of work alleviating all the tightness that's putting extra load on the hamstings. And PRP injections if things don't improve then.

                              Hamstring MRIs are in. So... hamstring tendon partial tear, tendinosis, tendonitis. Been building a long time, evidently. Plus, a bonus cyst in the femoral neck on the *other* side. Back MRIs are next (still likely some sciatic component as well). Looks like a long road back. 


                              After back MRIs, probably prednisone, then tons of work alleviating all the tightness that's putting extra load on the hamstings. And PRP injections if things don't improve then.


                              I stand by what I said before.  I see you back to racing in the Spring, or next Fall.

                              "If you have the fire, run..." -John Climacus

                                I would not call this a sucker-punch. I am responsible for this one:


                                Felt severe tightness in my right hip/glute on Saturday. Friday was a very easy jog (and I was already a little concerned). I think I did it to myself Thursday.


                                Not sure what I did, but one of two possibilities


                                1. Ran 12 miles Wed, then 11 on Thursday and ended second run with 3 miles at marathon pace. or

                                2. On second day, I ended up getting derailed from soft trail on Thursday and ended up on a semi-major roadway. It was largely downhill on it and may have come down a little too hard on some steep parts.

                                3. Both.


                                I think I strained it badly. One night a few nights ago, it was grabbing so hard that it woke me from sleep and I was moaning in pain. I guess it is not so bad right now by comparison! Walking around with some palpable but mild soreness.


                                On Monday I got on stationary bike and did an hour with moderate resistance. Got up off and was limping.


                                My instinct is to do nothing for a while, maybe a week or so.


                                I don't think active recovery is a good idea for this one, but I may be wrong.

                                "If you have the fire, run..." -John Climacus